This issue of Pegasus Post was originally put together in September however for various reasons was never completed or issued! As some kind people had taken the time to complete reports - thought you might enjoy reading them! Please remember that our web page will be up and running very shortly so please send me any interesting results/achievements/stories and photographs you might like to see on the web page – don’t be shy! Lets celebrate the successes of East Cornwall Pony Club members.

On the web page there will also be a “for Sale” and “wanted” section – so get sorting and make some money!

Happy Christmas

Jacquie Bennison email:

SUPER PONY 2007 RESULTS submitted by Darrin Richards

The Super Pony went ahead on the 21 August by kind permission of Mr and Mrs A Jope at Keason Farm. The day was well supported with 24 entries and for once the weather was kind to us! Many thanks to Tracey Chudleigh for making the day run smoothly and to the parents who helped with stop watches, potatoes on posts and apples in buckets. Everyone had a fun day despite it being a little windy for the washing line! The barrel racing was entertaining as some of the lines that were taken around them were rather unconventional! Everyone went home with a rosette and a smile.


Class 1 – 11 years and under

1st – Emma Melhuish, 2nd Georgia O’Brien, 3rd Lucy Gubbin, 4th Jemima Barrie, 5th Amy Bennallick, 6th Nicole Harding

Specials: Pheobe Ham, Annabell Forham, Bethany Richards, Danielle Bunt, Machaela O’Brien, Martha Scott.

Class 2 – 12 – 14 years

1st Amelia Barry, 2nd Anna Harding, 3rd Erin Beswetherick, 4th Charlotte Bondy, 5th Amy Foster, 6th Sarah Ham

Specials: Jack Stockdale, Helen Taylor

Lead Rein Group

1st Amy Bunt, 2nd Bella O’Brien, 3rd Grace Bennallick, 4th Laura Bunt

SENIOR PONY CLUB CAMP submitted by Lauren Nicholson & Sophie Bennison

Pontispool camp started on Saturday 1st September. All 5 of us arrived at half past five, followed shortly by Mandy Basire. We settle the horses, then had tea

(which was delicious!!!) Afterwards we all sat down and watched the X Factor.

On Sunday we were awoken by Mandy at 7.30 am. We then fed the horses and had a very yummy breakfast! Then we tacked up for our first ride of the camp. The horses were very excitable and the riders ecstatic. We jumped a few small fences shortly followed by the first fall of the day – Lauren and Pingu flew the tiers a little too much!! We mished it around the course and jumped a couple of fences to calm the horses. Then we had a scrummy lunch and the horses relaxed with a haynet. Following lunch we had a flatwork session followed by showjumping. Mandy started to strut her stuff on Branston and afterwards we all got to ride him – amazing **. We then had to get back to jumping our own horses! After that great lesson we came back and had a yummy tea and watched the videos that our mums had taken of us all throughout the day!

Monday was a fully fledged cross country day. We started by going around the course again, jumping simple fences, then moved onto combination fences which was really fun!! After yet again another scrummy lunch, we started the last lesson of the camp. We started to jump courses and moved our way around the course. Then we came to the top owl hole where Sophie and Hector had a tremendous fall – fortunately neither of them were injured, just a few scrapes and bruises. Then onto the new water jump were all the horses had a play!!

Pingu loved it. We then made our way back for afternoon tea and biscuits.

Afterwards we all said a big “thank you” to Mandy with a card and four packets of jelly babies!!!! Then she gave us all a big hug – awww!!! End of pony club summer camp 2007 – it was fantastic!


Natalie Moore for qualifying Mary and Holly for the BHS’s Cross Country Championships to be held 30th September in Derby (all that great xcountry tuition and practice at Pontispool definitely paid off Nat!)

Sophie Bennison on Holcombes Hector came 4th and Ellie Wright on Megra Mystique came 11th overall 2’9 pony Junior SJ Championships of GB @ David Broom Centre end August.

Sooz Kellagher was 6th at Area Intermediate SJ and got a late call to go the Championships – where she did very well for a first attempt!