Peer Edit of Literary Analysis
This sheet must accompany your self-edited and final drafts.

Peer evaluator __Anonymous_____ Writer being evaluated __Anonymous___

Read the whole paper FIRST before marking anything!!


1. How effective is the title? Is it catchy?

2. Any suggestions?


4. HOW does the motivator draw you into the paper and prepare the reader for the topic? If it DOESN’T draw you in, make some suggestions for improvement.

5. Are author and title mentioned in intro? Is the book title italicized?

6. Underline the writer’s thesis statement. The thesis must be arguable. What point is the writer going to argue in this paper?

Format—check off each item as you go
7. ____Last name & pg # in upper right of every page (put a circle there to remind writer to put it back!)
8. ____Name, teacher name, class name, date double-spaced in upper left
9. ____Title is centered and not bold-faced
10. ____Paragraphs are indented and margins are 1” all around
11. ____Do a general read through for mechanics: capital letters, end punctuation, commas, semi-colons, colons, spelling.

Style—do a special check for any of the following violations of stylistic writing. Highlight it in the draft.
12. ____ No There is/There are at beginning of sentence.
13. ____ No use of 1st person “I” or 2nd person “You” in paper. Use 3rd person. No “I think…” “I believe…”

14. ____ No It, This, These used as nouns at beginning of sentences (This allows…. This causes….)
15. ____ Avoid “announcing” in any essay. This error occurs primarily in introductions. Don’t write “My paper will discuss…” or “This paper will tell about…”
16. ____Check for the pesky “be” verbs (especially is, was, are when they stand alone)
17. ____No paragraph of less than 3 sentences.

18. ____ Circle the transitions or transitional phrases you find in the paper. ADD where necessary!

19. Make a comment here on the writer’s style.Do the sentences flow well? Is the word choice mature and effective?

20. Check the format of all the quotes! Has the writer indicated where they came from? Has the writer commented on or explained the USE of the quote or is it just a quote for a quote’s sake? Highlight the spots where you see errors or have questions!
Brief quote format
Use the following format if the quote is less than 4 typed, double spaced lines.End punctuation AFTER the page number.
Rosenblum and Williamson point out that "the problem is not too many people.It is too little economic growth
to sustain them" (231).
Long quote format
  • Use when the quote is 4 or more typed, double spaced lines.
  • Indent 10 spaces instead of using quotation marks.Fill to right hand margin
  • Double space.
  • End punctuation BEFORE page number.
Example of Long Quote (double space in your paper) I TOLD YOU WRONG!! MLA changed!!!
Rosenblum and Williamson offer a unique perspective:
The problem is not too many people.It is too little economic growth to sustain them. . . . unless sudden
aalfja;djfladj fa aldjfalfdj a a alfjaljfalfd aljfaljfalk f alfna;klfnladnf asdfl alnfasf alnfalfn aldnfnsad
a;ldjfadlfjaslfjaslfjasfljasfljaljad f a a alfjaldjf asdf asfdljakdf asdkjlfasd f;lskajf a;lfj adf;ljsdf a;dljf
aldfjasfjasf massive strides are made in development, burgeoning populations in Africa translate to
human misery.(231)

21. Discuss any unanswered questions that you have and write ONE suggestion to the writer to improve the paper. (For example, does the writer spend TOO much time summarizing or retelling the story and not ENOUGH time analyzing?)