Twinwoods Model Aircraft Club

Christmas 2013 Newsletter


Your Committee:
·  Chairman Mick Jamieson 210666
·  Secretary Mark Everett 07982560942
·  Treasurer Alison Brasted 359289
·  Newsletter Harry Purser 824943
·  Indoor Anne &
Harry Purser 824943
·  Events Tony Long
·  Member Andy Brasted 359289
·  Member Ian Woodcock
/ What’s in this Issue?
General ramblings from the secretary ( he must get out more!)

Hi everyone.

It is that time of the year when everyone can buy themselves that special Christmas present, their annual TMAC membership!Replicated below are details of 2014 membership fees and


Fees for 2014

At the recent TMAC AGM It was agreed that TMAC fees for 2014 should remain unchanged at:

New members joining fee £25 Adults – (NO joining fee for juniors)

Members Annual subscription

Adults £35

Junior £20

Fees for BMFA for 2014 are as follows: (THE SAME AS LAST YEAR)

Seniors £32

Junior £17

Family Partner £21

Family Junior £13

As always, the major admin task carried out by any of the committee was that of sorting out the membership. Alison continued to complete all of the BMFA membership paperwork on behalf of club members at the time of renewal. This is a somewhat onerous and thankless task further complicated by the fact that members tend to renew in dribs & drabs from January through to April.

The BMFA require membership fees for a proportion of club members to be received at BMFA headquarters by the 16th January in order to confirm and maintain the clubs affiliation for the year.

Accordingly, similar to the case last year, all existing members are to renew by the 10th of January.

This is to enable all BMFA membership paperwork to be processed in one batch and submitted before the 16th Deadline. Failure to do so will mean membership lapsing and a ‘new’ joining fee being incurred in addition to the annual membership fee

Membership renewal to the Treasurer/membership secretary please. If possible, please renew with internet banking and transfer the money directly to the TMAC account:

Account Name: Twinwoods Mac

Bank: Nat West

Account # 70277443

Sort code: 60-02-42

Please ensure that you email the treasurer and let her know that you have done this!

The Website

Those observant ones amongst you may have noticed a few minor changes to the TMAC website and you should all now be able to view the picture gallery.

Further changes will be forthcoming once I remember which buttons to press!

Changes to the flying field

You may have noticed some changes to the landing strip. A suggestion was made that we change the layout of the runway to give a different and slightly extended runway which gives a much clearer approach avoiding all of those nasty tall trees which seem to leap out and catch my planes!

What do you all think? Is it a good idea? Are there any other changes that would be useful?

Anyone for flying?

Some changes in people’s lifestyle, semi or full retirement, changing jobs, moving house, have all impacted on the amount of time spent flying. The weather has also not helped much. I remember a hot summer but recently it seems to have been nothing but wet and windy.

This year seems to have been different in some respects. The number of regulars flying at the weekend appears to have dropped off with more visits being made by individuals during the week. Mick has started texting when he is intending to go up the field as a way of at least letting people know there will be a bit of company at the field.

New flyer, Nathan has joined us during the year and is very keen. Has already been signed off for solo flights and is looking forward to Christmas in the hope of an aeroplane themed present!

Update contact details

It is apparent having e-mailed calling notices for the AGM that my list of contact details is hopelessly out of date.

I am sending out a hard copy of the newsletter to those e-mails which have bounced back as a way of reminding people to renew their subs but also check contact details. I would appreciate e-mail and or mobile contact details in order that we can try to update you all more regularly of any planned activities.

Things to ponder next time you play with your planes

Murphy's laws of Aeromodelling

Murphy’s Law: If Murphy’s Law can go wrong it will

Murphy’s law of "take off’s"

·  The only rabbit hole on the runway will get in your way….Splat

·  An engine that ran perfectly for months will splutter & die as you lift off.

Murphy’s law of Landings

·  If you missed the rabbit hole on take-off it will get you on landing ….Splat

·  If it's not a tail dragger, it soon will be.

Murphy’s law of fuel

·  The fuel mix you have to use is always the most expensive.

·  If your engine seized it was the "other" blend you should have run

Murphy’s law of Glo Plugs

·  The plug you just threw in the bush was "OK" the glo battery was flat.

·  The new plug in your box is not the one you need for your engine.

·  A new glow plug will last forever if you have spares, but only about a half-an-hour if you don't.

Murphy’s law of Engines :

·  You will always purchases the "New model" a week before another "New New" model goes on sale.

·  The engine on sale is always one size to small, or too big for the model you just built.

·  After hours of setting, changing pipe lengths, New fuel mixes, and Volumes of "Colourful adjectives" you bring the settings back to where they were in the first place, everything works

·  The probability of an engine stopping is directly proportional to the distance the airplane is from the landing area

Murphy’s law Transmitters

·  The one function your computer radio does not have is the one you desperately need

Murphy’s law of Weather

·  On flying days the wind will blow

·  On Non flying days, no wind

·  On Public holidays the wind blows

·  On public holidays you promised to take the wife out, No wind

·  On perfect days, the mist refuses to lift.

·  On perfect public holidays, the mist is situated ONLY over the flying field

·  It never rains at the flying field unless it’s a flying day.

Murphy’s law of Frequency

·  When things go wrong, that cannot possibly to go wrong, it’s usually impossible to repair.

Murphy’s law of Covering

·  The right way to cover a certain shape is always found out the day after you just covered it the wrong way.

Murphy’s law. In general

·  The 50-50-90 rule: Anytime you have a 50-50 chance of getting something right, there's a 90% probability you'll get it wrong.

·  If your battery can fall out it will,

If you do a great landing

·  Nobody’s watching

·  The runways moved

·  Your undercarriage collapses

·  If there is an immovable object near, that is where you will land.

·  No one has ever collided with the sky.

·  The probability of model survival is equal to the angle of arrival.

·  Weather forecasts are horoscopes with numbers.

·  When a flight is proceeding incredibly well, something was forgotten.

·  Only on perfect flying days will you forget your TX at home

·  If you use a wing joiner, you would have left it at home the week after you left your TX at home

·  If you can't go flying tomorrow, the weather will be perfect.

·  If you need a new prop you will have one either side of the size you need

·  If your fuel tank leaks, the size of the leak is inversely proportional to how difficult it is to get to the tank

·  A smooth landing is mostly luck; two in a row is all luck; three in a row is prevarication.

·  Airspeed, altitude or brains: two are always needed to successfully complete the flight.

·  An airplane flies because of a principle discovered by Bernoulli, not Marconi. .

·  Basic Flying Rules: 1. Try to stay in the middle of the air. 2. Do not go near the edges of it. 3. The edges of the air can be recognized by the appearance of ground, buildings, sea, trees and interstellar space. It is much more difficult to fly there.

·  Flying is the second greatest thrill known to man; landing is the first!

Murphy’s law of Helicopters:

(Actually this is a trick question. Anyone who has tried to fly a model helicopter for the first time knows full well that helicopters are a law unto themselves!!)


RC Helicopter pilot: A person capable of inputting 4 simultaneous inputs to the helicopter.
RC Helicopter: A machine requiring "5" simultaneous inputs!

·  When flying inverted, remember that Down is Up, and Up is Expensive.

·  A helicopter is a collection of rotating parts going round and round and reciprocating parts going up and down -- all of them trying to become random in motion.

·  Helicopters can't really fly -- they're just so ugly that the earth repels them.

·  If something hasn't broken on your helicopter, it's about to.

·  It is noise that keeps a helicopter in the air. If the noise is turned off the helicopter will fall to the ground.