Department of biological sciences • university of cincinnati • 312 CliftonCourt Rieveschl Room 830 • cincinnati, ohio, usa 45221 • phone 513.556.9708

fax 513.556.5299 • email

Education and training



Assistant Professor in Biological Sciences

2005-2009Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts

Research Fellow in Genetics

2001-2005Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Ph.D., Organismic and Evolutionary Biology

1998-2001University of Denver, Denver, Colorado

M.S. with Distinction, Biology

1991-1995Miami University, Oxford, Ohio

B.A., Psychology

peer-reviewed publications


J.B. Gross, Kerney, R., Hanken, J., C.J. Tabin (2011) Molecular anatomy of the developing limb bud in the coquí frog, Eleutherodactylus coquiEvolution & Development 13:415-426

Kerney, R., J.B. Gross, J. Hanken (2010) Early cranial patterning in the direct-developing frog Eleutherodactylus coqui revealed through gene expression. Evolution & Development 12(4):373-382.

Gross J.B., R. Borowsky, C.J. Tabin (2009) A novel role for Mc1r in the parallel evolution of depigmentation in independent populations of the cavefish, Astyanaxmexicanus. PLoS Genetics 5: e1000326.

Perspective in: Mundy, N.I. (2009) Conservation and convergence of colour genetics: MC1R Mutations in brown cavefish. PLoS Genetics 5: e1000388.

Gross, J.B., M. Protas, M. Conrad, P.E. Scheid, O. Vidal, W.R. Jeffery, R. Borowsky, C.J. Tabin (2008) Synteny and candidate gene prediction using an anchored linkage map of Astyanax mexicanus. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 105:20106-20111.

Gross, J.B. & J. Hanken (2008) Segmentation of the vertebrate skull: neural-crest derivation of adult cartilages in the clawed frog, Xenopus laevis.Integrative and Comparative Biology 48:681-696.

Gross, J.B. & J. Hanken (2008) Review of fate-mapping studies of osteogenic cranial neural crest in vertebrates. Developmental Biology 317:389-400.

Protas, M., I. Tabansky, M. Conrad, J.B. Gross, O. Vidal, C.J. Tabin, R. Borowsky (2008) Multi-trait evolution in a cave fish, Astyanax mexicanus. Evolution and Development 10:196-209

Kerney, R., J.B. Gross, J. Hanken (2007) Runx2 is essential for larval hyobranchial cartilage formation in Xenopus laevis. Developmental Dynamics 236:1650-1662

Protas, M., M. Conrad, J.B. Gross, C. Tabin & R. Borowsky (2007) Regressive evolution in the Mexican Cave Tetra, Astyanax mexicanus.Current Biology 17:1-3

Gross, J.B., J. Hanken, E. Oglesby, and N. Marsh-Armstrong (2006) Use of a ROSA26:GFP transgenic line for long-term Xenopus fate-mapping studies. Journal of Anatomy 209:401-413

Hanken, J. &J.B. Gross(2005) Evolution of cranial development and the role of neural crest: Insights from amphibians. Journal of Anatomy 207:437-446

Gross, J.B. & J. Hanken (2005) Cranial neural crest contributes to the bony skull vault in adult Xenopus laevis: insights from cell labeling studies. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B Mol Dev Evol.,304B:169-176.

Gross, J.B. & J. Hanken (2004) Use of fluorescent dextran conjugates as a long-term marker of the osteogenic neural crest in anurans. Developmental Dynamics, 230(1):100-6.

Gross, J.B., A. A. Gottlieb, and L.A. Barlow (2003) Gustatory neurons derived from epibranchial placodes are attracted to and trophically supported by taste bud-bearing endoderm in vitro.Developmental Biology, 264 (2):467-481.

Peer-Reviewed book chapters


Gross J.B. (2012)Cave Evolution. Invited article - Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (Wiley Press). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0023628

Gross J.B., C.J. Tabin (2010)Evolutionary genetics of pigmentation loss in the blind Mexican cavefish. In: In search of the causes of evolution. From field observations to mechanisms. Eds: Peter R Grant and Rosemary Grant. Princeton Press: Princeton, NJ.

Published abstracts


Gross, J.B., A. Furterer (2012) A de novo transcriptome analysis of the blind Mexican cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus.PAG XX Annual Meeting 2012 Program Abstracts

Gross, J.B., H. Wilkens (2012) Evolution of albinism in a captive population of cavefish. SICB Annual Meeting 2012 Program Abstracts

B.M. Carlson, Gross, J.B. (2012) Sundials in the void: Assessing circadian rhythms in a cave-adapted species. SICB Annual Meeting 2012 Program Abstracts

Gross, J.B., Kerney, R., Hanken, J., C.J. Tabin (2011) Molecular anatomy of the developing limb bud in the coquí frog, Eleutherodactylus coqui.Developmental Biology 356 (1): 248

Stahl, B. & Gross, J.B. (2011). Expression analyses of Mc1r in the blind Mexican cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus. Developmental Biology 356 (1): 253

Hanken, J. & Gross, J.B. (2009). Embryonic derivation and segmentation of the bony skull are not conserved among vertebrates: data from amphibians. The FASEB Journal, 419:2

Gross, J.B. & J. Hanken (2007). Neural-crest derivation of the bony skull is not conserved among vertebrates: Data from amphibians. Journal of Morphology, 268(12), 1080-1081.

Gross, J.B., & Hanken J (2007). Evolution of cranial development and the role of neural crest: insights from amphibians. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 437.

Gross, J.B., & Hanken, J. (2006). Embryonic origin of adult cranial cartilages in Xenopus: A view from the crest. Journal of Anatomy.

Hanken, J., & Gross, J.B. (2006). Fate maps evolve, too: Neural crest derivation of the bony skull in frogs, revealed by transgenic labeling. Journal of Anatomy, 207(5), 1008-1008.

Gross, J.B., N. Marsh-Armstrong & J. Hanken (2005) Use of a transgenic line of Xenopus laevis in the development of a fate map of the osteogenic cranial neural crest in amphibians. Journal of Anatomy, 206:508

Gross, J.B. & J. Hanken (2004) Neural crest derivation of the osteocranium in recent anurans. Journal of Morphology 260: 295

Gross, J.B., R. Kerney & J. Hanken (2003) Assessing the expression of major bone extracellular matrix proteins in the anuran skull vault. Developmental Biology 2003 Annual Meeting Program & Abstracts

Gross, J.B. & J. Hanken (2003) Assessing the long-term contributions of neural crest cells to the postmetamorphic anuran skull. The Neural Crest: New Perspectives on Lineage and Morphogenesis Abstract Prospectus

Gross, J.B. & L.A. Barlow (2001) In vitro co-culture reveals two phases of target-derived neurite growth by placodally derived sensory neurons. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting Abstracts, 2001

Gross, J.B. & L.A. Barlow (2001) Placodally derived sensory neurites grow preferentially, but not exclusively, towards the oropharyngeal endoderm. Chemical Senses Annual Meeting Program & Abstracts (2001)

Gross, J.B. & L.A. Barlow (2000) Development of epibranchial placodes in Ambystoma mexicanum. Developmental Biology 222: 193

Gross, J.B. & L.A. Barlow (2000) Development of placodal neurons in vitro. Chemical Senses Annual Meeting Program & Abstracts (2000)

extramural academic support and fellowships


National Institutes of Health (NIDCR), NIDCR Small Grant Program for New Investigators (R03), Funded February 2012. Title: “Identification of Genetic Loci Governing Craniofacial Abnormalities Using a Natural Model System”. Proposal Number 1R03DE022403-01

NSF – Collaborative Research – Postdoctoral Fellowship, NSF; Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School. Award Number NSF – IOS-0821982. October 2008 to October 2012. Project title: Evolutionary Genetics and Genomics of Cave Adaptation. 2008 - 2012

Kirschstein – NRSA Individual Fellowship, NIH; Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School. Award Number 1F32 GM081439-01. March 2007 to October 2008. Project title: Genetic analysis of morphological traits in the Mexican cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus. 2007 - 2008

NRSA Postdoctoral Training Fellowship, NIH; Cancer Genetics Postdoctoral Training Fellowship; Dana Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School. Award Number T32 CA09361. 2005 - 2007

NRSA Predoctoral Training Fellowship, NIH; Genetics and Genomics Training Fellowship, Molecular and Cellular & Organismic and Evolutionary Biology Departments; Harvard University, 2001 – 2002, 2002 – 2003

Grant-in-Aid-of-Research, Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society, Harvard University, February, 2003

intramural academic support and fellowships


University Research Council (URC) Fellowship, Project title: “The genetic and molecular basis for sleep in the tetra, Astyanaxmexicanus.” University of Cincinnati, University Research Council, Faculty Support Program.

Goelet Summer Research Fellowship, Project title: “Proposal to study the developmental origin of the anuran skull: cell labeling studies utilizing a line of constitutive GFP-expressing transgenic Xenopuslaevis.” Harvard University, Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology.

The William F. Milton Foundation Award, Project title: The role of the cranial neural crest in anuran skull development, Harvard University, Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology.

Richmond Fellowship, Harvard University, 2003-2004, 2004-2005

academic awards and honors


Alfred P. Sloan Foundations Research Fellowship Nominee, University of Cincinnati, August 2011. University of Cincinnati nominee for the 2012 national competition.

Pew Scholars Nominee, University of Cincinnati, 2010 and 2011. University of Cincinnati campus-wide nominee for the 2011 and 2012 national competitions.

Sigma Xi, Full Member, University of Cincinnati Chapter. University of Cincinnati, September 2010

2004 Young Anatomist’s Publication Award, American Association of Anatomists

Excellence in Undergraduate Education Award (3), Derek Bok Teaching Center, Harvard University, May 2003, June 2004, May 2005

Outstanding Graduate Research Award, Graduate Student Association (GSA), University of Denver, May 2001

First Class Honors, Second Year Medical Course, University of Dublin, Trinity College Medical School, June 1997 (Class ranking: 002/145)

Tribe Miami Scholar, Miami University Scholar-Athlete Association, Miami University 1991-1995

Academic All-Conference Scholar, Mid-American Conference/NCAA Division I, Miami University; 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995

Ronald G. Hillebrand Alumni Scholarship, Miami University 1994-1995

Student fellowship Applications


2011 - Brian Carlson (Doctoral Student), National Science Foundation. 2011 Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) Application. Title: “Understanding the Fate and Function of Circadian Systems in a Cave-Adapted Species”

2011 – Bethany Stahl (Doctoral Student), University of Cincinnati, University Research (URC) Fellowship Application. Title: “Genetic Evidence of Parallel Evolution of Depigmentation in Independent Populations of Cavefish Astyanaxmexicanus”

scientific lectures


Invited seminar speaker. May 2012. Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Research Center Seminar Series

Invited seminar speaker. May 2012. University of Kentucky Biology Seminar Series

“A de novo transcriptome analysis of the blind Mexican cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus.” Invited Workshop Speaker; Plant and Animal Genomes (PAG) Meeting, San Diego, CA; January 16, 2012

“Evolution of albinism in a captive population of cavefish” Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB) International Meeting, Charleston, SC; January 6, 2012

“Towards an understanding of pigmentation reduction in cave forms of Astyanaxmexicanus.” Astyanax International Meeting, Cuidad Valles, Mexico; March 13-18, 2011.

“Genetic basis for regressive evolution in the blind Mexican cavefish” Duquesne University, October 15, 2010

“The origin and evolution of regressive phenotypes in the blind Mexican cavefish” Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, Developmental Biology Research Group, October 11, 2010

“Genetic basis for morphological evolution in the blind Mexican cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus.” University of Dayton, September 30, 2010

“Genetic insights into the evolution of the blind Mexican cavefish, Astyanaxmexicanus.” Queens College - CCNY, February 23, 2009

“Genetic insights into the evolution of the blind Mexican cavefish, Astyanaxmexicanus.” University of Virginia, February 18, 2009

“Genetic insights into the evolution of the blind Mexican cavefish, Astyanaxmexicanus.” University of Michigan, January 19, 2009

“Genetic insights into the evolution of the blind Mexican cavefish, Astyanaxmexicanus.” University of Cincinnati, January 12, 2009

“Coding mutations in the gene Mc1r and the evolution of reduced pigmentation in the blind Mexican cavefish, Astyanaxmexicanus” Northeast Regional Meeting of The Society for Developmental Biology, April 26, 2008

“Evolution of pigment reduction in Mexican cavefish” Harvard Medical School, Genetics Department Retreat, Salve Regina College, Newport, RI. May 31, 2007

“Evolution of cranial development and the role of neural crest: insights from amphibians” Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Evolution and Development Graduate Seminar Guest Lecture, February 7, 2007

“Towards an understanding of the embryonic origin of adult cranial bones and cartilages in Xenopus laevis” Northeast Regional Meeting of The Society for Developmental Biology, April 28-30, 2006

“Embryonic origin of adult cranial cartilages in Xenopus: A view from the crest.” Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, January 7, 2006

“Understanding the development and evolution of the osteogenic cranial neural crest in amphibians” Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology G4 Symposium, Harvard University, May 9, 2005

“Neural crest derivation of the anuran skull vault.” Northeast Regional Meeting of The Society for Developmental Biology, April 23-25, 2004

“How to make a skull: osteogenic neural crest in Xenopus laevis” Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University, November 3, 2003

“Understanding the osteogenic derivatives of the cranial neural crest in amphibians” Genetics and Genomics Fellowship Seminar, Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Harvard University, November 11, 2003

“Development of the taste system: How the nerves find their way” Department of Biology, Davidson College Department of Biology, Developmental Neuroscience Guest Lecture, December 2, 2002

Mentoring activities

Undergraduate Research Advisor, Allison Furterer, University of Cincinnati WISE/REWU Fellow. Project title: Next-generation sequencing analyses in the blind Mexican cavefish. Summer, 2011 - present

Undergraduate Research Advisor, Daniel Berning, University of Cincinnati. Project title: Morphological analysis of Astyanax mexicanus raised in variable photic environments. Fall term, 2011 - present

Graduate Dissertation Advisor, Brian Carlson. September 2010 – present.

Graduate Dissertation Advisor, Bethany Stahl. September 2010 – present.

Mentor, McNair/Stars Program, University of Cincinnati. June 2010 - present.

Undergraduate Research Advisor, Ryan Sadaawi, University of Cincinnati. Project title: Investigating the mechanisms of circadian rhythm in blind Mexican cavefish. Spring quarter, 2010.

Graduate Student Rotation Advisor, Peter Yang, Harvard Medical School; Graduate Program in Biological and Biomedical Sciences (BBS). 2007

Undergraduate Student Honors Project Advisor, Christopher Searcy, Harvard University; Graduated with High Honors, 2005. Currently an NSF-funded doctoral student in the laboratory of H. Bradley Schaffer; University of California, Davis.

National Service

Panelist, 2012 National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) - Genetics & Evolutionary Biology Panelist; Washinton D.C.

Panelist, 2011 National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) - Genetics & Evolutionary Biology Panelist; Washinton D.C.

Participating PI & Laboratory, Evo-Devo-Eco Network, An NSF Research Coordination Network

InterNational Service

Letter of Support, Ernesto Maldonado, Ph.D.; Instituto de Fisiología Celular, UNAM. "Cavefish Evolution Development and Behavior. Astyanax International Meeting (Evolución, Desarrollo y Comportamiento de Peces de Cueva. Congreso Internacional de Astyanax)". Submitted to: Convocatoria 2011-01 Cooperación Bilateral Científica y tecnológica (CONACYT).

Letter of Support, Vitória Santos. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, NUPEM/UFRJ. Advisor: Rodrigo Nunes da Fonseca, Ph.D. Application to Ciência sem Fronteiras (Science Without Borders) Undergraduate Program through the Brazilian Government. Collaborative application with Yoshi Tomoyasu, Miami University, Oxford Ohio.


Research Advisory Committee Member

Elizabeth Brown, Ph.D. Student, University of Cincinnati (Advisor: Stephanie Rollmann), 2011 - present

Jianyoung Choi, Ph.D. Student, University of Cincinnati (Advisor: Daniel Buchholz), 2011 - present

Colleen Metzger, M.S. Student, University of Cincinnati (Advisor: Ken Petren), 2010 - present

Miao Sun, M.S. Student, University of Cincinnati (Advisor: Regina Baucom), 2010-2011.

Department & University service

Judge, Undergraduate Research Forum, UC Department of Biology, April 2010

C-1 Form revision for Human Genetics Course, 2010

Sophomore Course Reformation Committee, 2010

Biology seminar host for Dr. Michael Shapiro, University of Utah. 2010

Biology seminar host for Dr. Hazel Barton, Northern Kentucky University. 2010

Biology seminar host for Dr. Thomas Williams, University of Dayton. 2011

Biology seminar host for Dr. Craig Albertson, Syracuse University. 2011

Biology seminar host for Dr. Arkhat Abzhanov, Harvard University. 2011

Biology seminar host for Dr. Samantha Brugmann, Cincinnati Childrens Hospital. 2011

Participating lab, March of Dimes Transdisciplinary Research Center, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. PI: Louis Muglia, M.D., Ph.D.

teaching experience


university of cincinnati

Genetics (15BIOL302) Fall term, 2011

Seminars in Integrative Biology (15BIOL901001) Fall term 2010; Winter, Spring, Fall

terms 2011; Winter, Spring terms 2012

Genes & Adaptation (15BIOL800001) Winter term 2011

Graduate Research Progress in Biology (15BIOL955001) Spring term, 2010

Simmons college

Lecturer; Cellular Biology (Biol 225), Spring 2009

Harvard University

Biology of the Human Organism (Sci-B23), Spring 2004

Integrative and Comparative Biology (BS 51), Fall 2002, Fall 2004

Invertebrate Zoology (Bio 110), Fall 2002

Genetics and Genomics (BS50), Spring 2001

Biology Teaching Consultant, Derek C. Bok Undergraduate Teaching Center and Department of Biology, Harvard University. 2002 – 2005

University of Denver

Concepts in Biology, Spring 2000, Fall 1999, Spring 1999, Fall 1998

Human and Comparative Anatomy, Winter 2000, Winter 1999

The Origin and Evolution of Life, Fall 1998

Faculty Development & Workshops

Grant Writers’ Seminars and Workshops, “Write Winning Grants Workshop”, University of Cincinnati, February 8, 2010

Grant Writers’ Seminars and Workshops, Intensive Grant Writing Workshop, University of Cincinnati, June-October 2010

Review board Member

Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE)

Ad Hoc Reviewer


PLoS One

WIREs Developmental Biology

Evolution (2)



Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Evolution and Development

Nature Methods

Developmental Biology

Journal of Anatomy

BMC Developmental Biology

Zoological Science

Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE)


National Science Foundation

poster presentations at scientific conferences


January, 2012 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB) International Meeting,. “Sundials in the void: .”.Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB) International Meeting, Charleston, SC; January 6, 2012

July, 2011. Society for Developmental Biology. “Molecular anatomy of the developing limb bud in the coquí frog, Eleutherodactylus coqui.”.

July, 2011. Society for Developmental Biology. “Expression analyses of Mc1r in the blind Mexican cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus.”.

April, 2005. Experimental Biology and XXXV International Congress of Physiological Science. “Towards a fate map of the osteogenic cranial neural crest in Xenopus laevis.”

January 2005. Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland Annual Meeting. “Use of a transgenic line of Xenopus laevis in the development of a fate map of the osteogenic cranial neural crest in amphibians.”

April 2004. International Society of Vertebrate Morphologists 7th International Congress. “Neural crest derivation of the osteocranium in recent anurans.” Invited Symposium poster

July 2003. SDB Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts. “Assessing the expression of major bone extracellular matrix proteins in the anuran skull vault.”

June 2003. The Neural Crest: New Perspectives on Lineage and Morphogenesis Meeting, Mt. Hood, Oregon. “Assessing the long-term contributions of neural crest cells to the postmetamorphic anuran skull.”

April 2001. AChemS Annual Meeting, Sarasota, Florida. “Placodally derived sensory neurites grow preferentially, but not exclusively, towards the oropharyngeal endoderm.”

April 2000. AChemS Annual Meeting, Sarasota, Florida. “Development of placodal neurons in vitro.”

March 2000. Sigma Xi Annual Regional Meeting, University of Denver, Denver, Colorado. “In vitro analysis of placodal fiber growth in relation to target tissue.”

February 2000. RMRNG Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado. “Quantitative analysis of placodal fiber growth.”

June 2000. SDB Annual Meeting, Boulder, Colorado. “Development of epibranchial placodes in Ambystoma mexicanum.”