Columbia County Conservation District

Room 102-G, Donald W. Reynolds

Campus and Community Center

P.O. Box 9432

Magnolia, Arkansas71754-9432

Application for Grant

Telephone: (870)235-5270

FAX: (870)235-4043




The District is governed by a board of five local citizens who are familiar with problems in the County. Three of the directors are elected by landowners and two are appointed by the Arkansas Natural Resources Commission. The Board has approved a Conservation Project Grant Program to assist landowners with projects on their land. These grants may be used to supplement other sources of funding the landowner receives if these funds are insufficient.

The Board of Directors is here to place all of its facilities at your disposal to help you conserve the natural resources that determine your economy now and that will determine the heritage you and the rest of us leave for future generations.


(1)focus attention on land, water and related resources problems,

(2)develop programs to solve these problems, and

(3) coordinate the efforts of individuals, agencies, organizations andinstitutions with conservation interests so that they may effectively work together to solve local soil and water conservation problems.

This service is available to all persons regardless of race, color, national origin, sex or handicap.The District is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Eligible Projects:

Projects for grants must carry out resource enhancement, restoration or protection, and may be new or supplemental to those currently existing. County landowners, private or non-private organizations or individuals may make application for assistance.

Possible projects include:

-Developing streams or pond buffers

-Establishing vegetation or improving native vegetation

-Improvements for wildlife habitat

-Timber stand improvement

-Rural fire department improvements

-Providing seed for erosion control or wildlife benefit

-Providing pine and/or hardwood seedlings to small landowners

-Projects benefiting the Sparta Sand Aquifer or Beech Creek drainage area

-Education, equipment, road improvements and other conservation practices or needs that will benefit lands of ColumbiaCounty.


Application Process:

The Board of Directors shall review all applications received.The Board will rank the applications anddecide as to full-funding or cost-sharing. If approved, a district representative will visit the site and determine the specifications and conditions for that project if needed. An applicant or representative of the project may be asked to meet with the Board of Directors before approval.


-Priority will be given to conservation and watershed projects in the Beech Creek Drainage and Sparta Sand Aquifer.

-Funding will be for materials only. No labor costs will be approved.

-Must be designed for an effective life of not less than 10 years.

-Evaluation will be based upon project’sown merit and may be denied funding even if it is available.

Evaluation of Projects:

  1. Consistency with the mission/goals of the Columbia County Conservation District.
  2. Merits of the project, adequacy of documentation submitted, technical adequacy, expected effectiveness, and capability of applicant to complete project.
  3. Dollar value. Applications for cost-sharing projects will be considered before requests for full-funding.
  4. Participation. (Does the project involve or have an effect on a large number of individuals or entities within the county.)
  5. Uniqueness. (Does the project employ new methods or serve as an example of similar problems or conservation needs.)

Grant Agreement:

Prior to funding, the Conservation District Board of Directors and the applicant shall enter into an agreement establishing the terms and conditions of the grant. After the project is completed, applicant will bring invoices to the district office to be approved by the Board. No funds will be disbursed until the project is completed. Additional accounting for expenses may be requested as deemed necessary.

Applications will be reviewed at the next regularly scheduled board meeting and applicants notified of the board’s decision within 5 days. Application forms are available at the District office.

For additional information, contact the office at:

Columbia County Conservation District

P.O. Box 9432

Magnolia, Arkansas71754-9432

Office (870)235-5270





Project Title: ______

Project Sponsor:______

Contact Name: ______


Phone: ______Fax: ______

Email: ______

Is this a completed project? _____YES _____No

If yes, state the completion date: ______

If no, state the estimated start date: ______

State the estimated completion date:______

Amount requesting: ______Match Amount:______

Total project cost: ______

Project Summary (Attach additional pages if necessary):

Date received by CCCD:______

Approved: ______YES ______NO Date: ______
