Rubberband Projectile Lab

In this lab, you will work in groups to determine how the degree of stretch of a rubber band determines how far it travels horizontally.

You have access to the following supplies: rulers, measuring tape, masking tape, rubber bands

Your first task, as a group, is to determine

  • Your independent and dependent variables
  • Your controlled variables and how you are going to control them
  • Exactly how you are going to shoot the rubber band
  • The levels of your independent variable (there must be at least 5)
  • How many replicates will you do (there must be at least 5)
  • Jobs of everyone in your group


Lab Report

You will write the lab report individually. The lab report must be typed, but the graph should be done on graph paper, by hand.

If the report is not typed or if the graph is not done on graph paper, the report will NOT be graded and it WILL be counted as late.

The basic components of the lab report are listed below. FOR MORE DETAIL, READ THE RUBRIC ON THE BACK OF THIS PAGE.

  1. Descriptive title
  2. Objective
  3. Methods
  4. Raw & Processed Data table
  5. Graph
  6. Discussion

Criteria / Pts / Comments
Title / Headings /Objective – A descriptive title is given. Headings are used throughout the report. A testable objective is clearly stated. / 5
Methods - Simply and clearly describe how you tested your objective. 1st person, past tense is preferred. Be sure to include:
  • The independent variable and the levels you set it at
  • The dependent variable and exactly how you measured it
  • The controlled variables & how you controlled them
  • The number of replicate trials
/ 20
Data Table – Your data table should have …
  • A descriptive title and headings, with units
  • Raw data with instrument uncertainty for the independent variable
  • Processed data (averages) and measurement uncertainty for the dependent variable
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Graph – Your graph should be neatly drawn on graph paper, and should include
  • a legend that includes a descriptive title, an explanation of your error bars, and the number of replicates
  • axis labels with units
  • error bars showing measurement uncertainty
  • a best fit curve or line
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Discussion – Your discussion should include
  • An answer to your objective, i.e. what did you find? And how confident are you in your results? Reference your data and uncertainties to justify your answer.
  • A discussion of the sources of error in your experiment. DO NOT say ‘human error’ or blame lack of time or poor equipment. Instead, discuss real problems that may have led to poor measurements or poorly controlled variables.
  • Discuss specific, realistic ways you could improve the experiment in the future AND/OR propose a new experiment based on your findings.
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Rubber Band Lab Rubric