Open Disclosure 2011-2012

Exercise Science/Sports Medicine

Misty L. Morrow, MS, ATC, LAT


Course Description

This full-year course is designed to teach students components of exercise science/sports medicine, including exploration of therapeutic careers, medical terminology, anatomy and physiology, first aid, principles of injury prevention, the healing process, rehabilitation techniques, therapeutic modalities, sport nutrition, sport psychology and performance enhancement philosophies. This is a class designed for junior and seniors, only.

Standards and Objectives

  1. Students will explore and be introduced to therapeutic careers, including athletic training, occupational therapy, physical therapy, dietician, exercise physiology, orthopedic surgeon, sport psychology, personal trainer, strength and conditioning coach, chiropractor, and massage therapist. Students will have the knowledge necessary to list the skills necessary for each career, recognize education requirements, and discuss career settings and job descriptions. Students will also be able to identify the legal issues associated with these careers.
  2. Students will apply medical terminology.
  3. Students will review anatomy and physiology as it applies to the above mentioned therapeutic careers.
  4. Students will perform first aid skills as they relate to athletic injuries
  5. Students will analyze injury prevention principles and learn at least three taping procedures for the body.
  6. Students will describe the stages of tissue healing in soft tissue and bone.
  7. Students will execute therapeutic modalities and rehabilitation techniques.
  8. Students will examine various aspects of sport nutrition, including understanding the components of body composition, methods of fluid replacement, requirements for pre- and post-game meals, signs and symptoms of several eating disorders, and contrast several types of ergogenic aids.
  9. Students will analyze principles of sport psychology, including psychological responses of athletes to injury and signs and symptoms of over-training, staleness, and burnout.

10.  Students will differentiate and examine performance enhancement philosophies. They will describe the assessment of strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular endurance, identify the methods of periodization, illustrate proper lifting and spotting techniques, and differentiate training methods between power, speed, and endurance.

Class Outline

1.  Sports Medicine Overview, Therapeutic Careers, Ethics

2.  Medical Terminology

3.  Injury Prevention

4.  Performance Enhancement

5.  Sports Nutrition

6.  Injury and the Healing Process

7.  Injury Management

8.  Specific Sports Injuries

9.  Modalities and Rehabilitation

10.  Sport Psychology

Text/Required Supplies

$20.00 Lab fee (there will be various labs throughout the year – fee waiver must be presented to teacher)

2” 3-ring binder - Students will also be given handouts, lecture notes/outlines book, exams/quizzes, etc. that should be kept and turned in at the end of each quarter.

Text - Introduction to Sports Medicine and Athletic Training by France & Cannell will be used as reference material.


1. Students will have several assignments, projects/presentations, quizzes and tests each quarter. Participation points will also be given each day of class (cannot make up missed participation points).

2. Grades will be calculated on a total points system (and given a percentage). Points will be given for each assignment, project/presentation, quiz and test. A standard grade breakdown will be used.

A 93-100% C+ 76-79% D- 55-59%

A- 90-92% C 70-75% F Below 55%

B+ 86-89% D+ 64-69%

B 80-85% D 60-63%

3. Extra Credit! Each student will have several opportunities to justify his/her grade. There will be minimal opportunities for extra credit throughout the course.

4. No late work will be accepted. Students with school excused absences must turn in work/make prior arrangements before leaving. Any assignments given the day of an excused absence must be turned in/completed within 5 school days of the absence for credit. A missed exam/quiz must be made up as soon as you return to school. After this time, no work will be accepted. Students with an unexcused absence will not be allowed to make up missed work. No make-up will be allowed for any exam/quiz missed due to an unexcused absence; an excused absence is expected to be made up upon the student’s return to class.

Attendance and Citizenship Policies

Attendance: Students should always be in class unless excused by parent or school activity. Remember: this is a concurrent class and attendance is mandatory. It is the responsibility of the student to verify any absence with an official excusal note from the school. Excusal notes must be presented to the teacher within five (5) school days of absence. An absence not verified after 5 days is considered unexcused (truant). 3 unexcused absences = loss of citizenship credit and no make up work.

Tardiness: Students must be in the classroom and in their seats by the time the bell rings. If tardy without a school excusal note, the student must sign in, obtain a tardy slip and turn it into the teacher. If a tardy slip is not turned in by the end of class, the student is considered absent (unexcused). Excessive tardies = loss of citizenship credit. If a student is later than 15 minutes without an excusal, he/she will be considered absent (unexcused).

Citizenship: 4 = Honor; 3 = Good; 2 = Satisfactory; 1 = Poor; 0 = Failure

Classroom behavior should reflect the values of a caring community. Behavior should also be appropriate and consistent with the teacher's expectations. The expectations will be described below.

Classroom Rules

1. Follow directions; be respectful to others; no talking when someone else is talking.

2. No foul/obscene language.

3. Bring book, binder, notebook, lecture notes, pen (cil) to class daily.

4. Water/drink and small, healthy snacks only.

5. Absolutely no CD players, walkmans, cell phones, pagers, IPODs/ MP3 players, hats or bandanas allowed in class. They will be confiscated and given to administration for parental pick-up.

Consequences (citizenship grade will also be affected)

1. Warning/confiscation

2. Call to parents

3. Meeting with parents

4. Administration involvement

*** “It is inappropriate to record images or conversations of staff members without their permission.” ***


Points will be awarded to the class for following classroom rules. It is important to remember that these are class points and will only be given if the entire class follows classroom rules. The class will establish its own specific incentives.

Severe Clause

Fighting, overt behavior, vandalism, or any behavior that stops the class from properly functioning will not be tolerated and will result in direct dismissal from class to administration.

I have read the Open Disclosure and agree to comply with the above guidelines and understand that failure to do so may result in dismissal from the class.

Student Name (Print) Parent/Guardian Name (Print)

Student Signature & Date Parent/Guardian Signature & Date