I am pleased to report on what has been a very successful year which reflects the ongoing hard work and commitment by the Trustees and our Secretary Mr Merv Paton. I wish to record my appreciation of their contribution and support over the year.
Additionally I am pleased to report that the Foundation had an appointment with our Patron the Hon Alex Chernov AC QC, the Governor of Victoria. The meeting provided an opportunity to expand on the history, role and function of the Foundation and to highlight the contribution that had been made to the industry over our 47 year history. The meeting was positive and the connection will hopefully result in opportunities for the Governor to participate in a more active way.
I must also advise with sadness the untimely passing of one of our Trustees, Mr David Powell. David had been a Trustee since January 2012 and in that short time had made his presence felt with his contribution to the Foundation. David will be missed by not only the Foundation, but his many friends and colleagues and our heartfelt best wishes go out to his family.
The Foundation continues to actively support the needs of local government through the provision of professional and personal development opportunities for public works engineers.
The Trustees continue to work with the Board of IPWEA Vic to ensure the Foundation Fellowship Programs, Awards and Grants are aligned to current trends in local government engineering and management and that they meet the needs of education and training for engineering professionals.
The Foundation supported one study tour during 2013 with five awards made to Public Works Engineers.
The study tour provided the opportunity for five engineers to attend the APWA Congress in Chicago and to undertake a tour of municipalities in the United States of America, Canada and the United Kingdom. The tour was successful and the awardees are completing extensive and informative reports and have been sharing their findings through presentations, seminars, workshops and conferences.
The tour facilitated the engagement and opportunity to meet with over 14 councils and Authorities and to experience the diversity and differences of operations, structure and challenges of our international councils and colleagues. All Victorian councils and public works staff will benefit from the experience and detailed reports of the awardees.
We also supported the attendance of:
- 25engineering students at the IPWEA Vic Public Works Conference;this provided the opportunity to showcase public works engineering and expand the horizon and understanding of the breadth and complexity of local government as an employer.
- Three rural engineers at the IPWEA International Public Works Conference in Darwin.
- Two engineers at the National Works and Engineering Conference in Bendigo.
The Foundation has continued to maintain and enhance our communication and engagement to the industry through our website. The challenge for the future will be to continue to sustain and grow the offerings of the Foundation.
Financially the Foundation finished with a slight operating surplus and the focus is on managing and maintaining ourinvestments, revenues and expenditure in line with our relevant policyto ensure the ongoing financial sustainability of the Foundation.The 2014 Budget was adopted and provides for the ongoing financial sustainability of the Foundation.
The ongoing sustainability of the Foundation is dependent upon the generous support of Victorian Councils and I must recognise and thank thoseCouncils that have responded to our annual request for donations in support of the Foundation educational programs. However I believe that we must continue to promote the work and value of the Foundation more broadly to all Councils. The promotion should demonstrate that financial support of the Foundation is an investment in the ongoing professional development of staff and our next generation of leaders.
The focus for 2014 is to continue the provision of relevant opportunities for the ongoing professional and personal development of public works engineers. This will be achieved through the provision of a study program for up to four public works engineers to attend the APWA Congress in Torontoand to include a study tour of the USA, Canada and the UK. The awardees will study topics that are relevant and current for the industry.
Additionally I am pleased to announce the availability of an additional award, in memory of Mr David Powell, for a young rural engineer to participate in the 2014 Study Tour. This award is jointly sponsored by the City of Boroondara and the Foundation and demonstrates the high regard in which David was held by his former employer and the industry. The preparedness of the City of Boroondara to contribute in such a way is appreciated and I wish to personally acknowledge the Chief Executive Officer Mr Phil Storer for his supportand generosity in making this award possible.
The Foundation should acknowledge the sound foundation provided by former Trustees who have been instrumental in maintaining the original vision and commitment to the professional and personal development of Public Works Engineers. Our history is rich and I believe demonstrates a significant contribution to the sector. The legacy of our awards programs is evident in the career and professional development of the many successful awardees.
The development of a historical record of the Foundation by Mr Robin Nuttallis progressing. It is important to recognise and celebrate the successes along our journey and to ensure that our heritage is documented. The Foundation is also continuously reviewing the website, to improve accessibility of past papers, establishment of an on-line library and details of past awardees or alumni.
To our Secretary Merv Paton, on behalf of the Trustees, you are thanked for your continued commitment, professionalism and contribution to the Foundation administration, accounting and webpage management. Your support and guidance is greatly appreciated.
The Trustees have worked cooperatively and professionally during the year to continue to ensure the aims and objectives of the Foundation have been met. Reviews of the needs of the local government engineering profession have been a constant consideration. Meetings of the Trustees have been held on a regular basis throughout the year.
I also wish to formally welcome MrMark Varmalis,Director Environment and Engineering -Shire of Yarra Ranges,who joined the Trustees of the Foundation in January 2013.
I extend my personal thanks to my fellow Trustees and Secretary for the way in which they have contributed to the continued success of the Foundation.
Warren Roberts