EUSJA Study Trip Heidelberg 2017 – Draft programme

Organized by:

Tuesday, 09. May 2017

Individual arrival and check-in (ISG Hotel or Hotelo)

18.30 h Bus Shuttle from Hotel to Old Town

19.00 h Optional get-together/ dinner at RestaurantKulturbrauerei (tbc)

Wednesday, 10. May 2017

09.00 h Visit of German Cancer Research Centre (DKFZ)

-  Welcome (Scientific Director DKFZ or deputy)

-  Briefintroductionof the DKFZ

How can modern imaging techniques improve the detection of breast cancer and prostate cancer? (including site visit) (NN)

Cancer Epigenetics: A Cray-active Solution for Cancer Research (part of the DKFZ-ZMBH-Alliance) (NN)

Cancer Stem Cells: The root of all evil? (NN)

-  Lunch at the DKFZ restaurant, time for interviews

-  Stroll across the Life Science Campus “Im Neuenheimer Feld” to the National Center for Tumor diseases (NCT) Heidelberg

-  Brief introduction of the NCT, Site visit

Cancer Immunotherapy: Challenges and Opportunities (NN)

16.00 h Departure: shuttle to town hall

16.30 h Reception by the City of Heidelberg, PalaisPrinz Carl, Spiegelsaal
Welcome note “Science City Heidelberg”:Mayor Prof. Dr. Eckart Würzner

17.00 h Guided walk – Old Town and/orCastle (1,5 – 2 h)

19.00 h Dinner buffet and get together with involved scientists (ca. 30 -50 pers.)

Thursday, 11. May 2017

09.00 h Visit of European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)

-  Welcome and brief introduction to EMBL
An image is worth a thousand words - from seeing to understanding
An overview of new imaging technologies at EMBL - a broad range of state-of-the-art imaging technologies in biological and medical imaging

-  Optional: Guided tour through the Advanced Light Microscopy Facility

Making sense of genes - Big Data, genomics & health
How Big Data is changing our lives and the opportunities and challenges for health care and the potential impact on society

-  Optional: Guided tour through the Genomics Core Facility

-  Lunch in the EMBL canteen

Hands-on Activity
Get first-hand experience of a laboratory environment and get your hands wet by performing a real scientific experiment

Presentation of a joint research project – to be decided

Time for interviews

16.00 h Bus Shuttle from EMBL to Hotel

18.30 h Bus Shuttle from Hotel to Old Town / University

19.00 h Welcome by Heidelberg University, Alte Aula / Bel Etage
President Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Bernhard Eitel

Friday, 12. May 2017

09.00 h Visit of Heidelberg University, Campus Neuenheimer Feld

-  Heidelberg Center for Motion Research:

Welcome and introduction by Prof. Dr Katja Mombaur, center coordinator and head of the Optimization in Robotics and Biomechanics research group.

How are movement, the psyche, cognition and the body connected?What defines motion in the elderly, motion studies at the workplace and in sports, and dance therapy?

Visit of motion laboratory equipped with various measurement and recording systems.

-  Institute of Environmental Physics:

Welcome and short introduction by Prof. Dr Werner Aeschbach, Institute of Environmental Physics, director of the Heidelberg Center for the Environment.

New methods for water dating.

Visit of measuring device prototype for dating of small ice and water samples.

-  Kirchhoff Institute for Physics. Human Brain Project:

Welcome and short introduction by Prof. Dr Karlheinz Meier, Kirchhoff Institute for Physics, head of the Electronic Vision(s) Group, Human Brain Project: Leader of the Subproject 9 “Neuromorphic Computing Platform”.

A novel computing system provides brain-inspired computer architectures and makes them available for applications and experiments in neuroscience and generic computing.

Visit of neuromorphic computer.

-  MarsiliusKolleg:

Welcome and short introduction by Prof. Dr Thomas Rausch and Prof. Dr Bernd Schneidmüller, directors MarsiliusKolleg.
The MarsiliusKolleg is a cornerstone of Heidelberg University’s institutional strategy to promote top-level research in the framework of the Excellence Initiative organised by Germany’s state and federal governments. Its aim is to bring together handpicked researchers from various academic cultures, thereby encouraging a research-related dialogue between the humanities, law and social sciences on the one hand, and the natural and life sciences on the other.

Tour of MarsiliusKolleg.

14.00 h Optional lunch and individualdeparture

Changes are possible. The detailed programme with timetable, topics, names, links and the logistics will be ready to be sent outin March.