Teacher Education Coordinators Meeting

Nov. 1, 2013


Attending: Rebecca Chism, Jonathan Sager for Pat Grutzmacher, Linda Hoeptner-Poling; Bette Brooks, Todd Hawley, Bill Kist, Averil McClelland, Steve Mitchell, Angela Backus, Sonya Wisdom; Roberto Uribe Rendon, Robin Dever, Ramona Freeman, Sandra Pech, Joanne Arhar.

Absent: Sarah Rilling; Erin Lasala/Andrea Shearer, Sloane Burgess, Erica Eckert, Cathy Hackney, Janice Kroeger, Pat O’Connor, Drew Tiene, Lori Wilfong.

Guests: Jim Knapp, Kathy Zarges

OAE (Joanne)
Joanne shared the following materials with coordinators via web agenda, as well as some new information related to the OAE test.
OCTEO Conference OAE Material

·  Have results from 18 students; there are no generalizations

·  Joanne asked coordinators to review the OAE webpage with students

·  Sandra Pech shared that she reviewed the pages with her students and they could take a proactive approach to questions.

·  There is a paid practice test available; and in the future there is supposed to be a free practice test

·  A review of OAE tests is available

·  Students could use the practice tests as case studies or for study group practice

·  If edTPA becomes a licensure requirement, students won’t have to take the pedagogy test

edTPA (Joanne)
Lori is away at the edTPA conference. She will report next Thursday at the meeting in 211 WH.

Additional edTPA information.

·  Must be done during student teaching

·  Flexible with resubmission and submissions

·  Ohio page to assist students

·  Passing score is on state page

·  National Technology report from Pearson is coming

·  It is important for students to see alignment between Teachscape and edTPA!

·  Alumni student feedback will be very important

·  37 states are using edTPA, not all for licensure

Clinical Experience Update (Jim)

Placements went out last week for spring 2014 (214). Responses are mixed and follow-up will begin next week. The last trainings for Child Safety and ALICE for Spring and Fall 2014 student teachers is coming up. There has been some complaining from students about Saturday trainings. The last two spring 2014 training dates are next week, 70 students are signed up for Child Safety. With regard to Education Minor students, Jim needs to know which students have completed their requirements.

On-Line Licensure Application (Kathy Zarges)

Online licensure applications begin in January 1, 2014. To prepare, our office has the following:

·  New Pre-application web page to assist students

·  Paper applications will be accepted through Dec. 13th. No paper application may be submitted beyond Dec. 13th.

·  Students needing early requests for licensure should contact her as soon as possible.

NCTQ (Joanne)
Invitation to submit new materials for NCTQ Teacher PRep Review 2014
KSU Response to NCTQ
Graduate Programs Response to NCTQ

NCTQ has requested additional information/response on some items. What should we do? The NCTQ data had lots of errors in their report. We have already passed the Oct. 13th deadline for changes NOT responded to, but we have a Dec. 1 option to resubmit materials. Discussion on this topic included:

·  Has NCTQ report impacted enrollment?

·  Local schools are not reflecting concern about the report

·  Perhaps we should talk with Kathleen Clyde and Vernon Sykes about an advocacy campaign

·  We could just ignore the request and instead plan a positive social media campaign

·  We could send new materials – one last chance for them to get it right

·  We could send a response to the Education Committee in Ohio instead of NCTQ

·  Should we make personal contact with them?

·  US News publicity – how is it perceived?

·  No consensus – should the faculty meet with the Dean?

Pathways for Admission to Teacher Preparation Programs in Ohio
There was a proposal in Ohio legislature that all student teacher candidates have a 3.0 GPA for entrance into teaching programs. A review of our students indicates that our students are not likely to be impacted. The alternative to the proposal was the Pathways for Admission to Teacher Preparation Programs in Ohio. The law currently doesn’t give the Chancellor authority to hold schools accountable. This is likely to change in 2015. We will need to look at our admissions policy and CAEP standards later.

Performance Funding for Educator Preparation Programs in Ohio
There is $1.5M Race to the Top funds to be spent this spring. The Board of Regents opened the money to all teacher preparation programs. Private colleges are also eligible because they are on the Educator Performance Report. Performance funding is based on pass rates, accreditation, value-added data, etc. We are also resending innovation, co-teaching and IB information for consideration. Partnerships also need submitted. Examples are KEEP, IB, possibly co-teaching collaborations. Disposition Assessment

Disposition Assessments
disposition assessments are due. Joanne will be sending reminders next week.

Resident Educator Handbook for the Summative Assessment (Teachscape) http://www.ohioresa.com/?p=8

Tools for Teachers (ODE)

Co-Teaching (ODE) http://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Teaching/Tools-for-Teachers/August-2013/Collaborating-with-student-teachers-can-boost-stud?feed=NewsletterRSS

Tools for Teachers (ODE) http://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Teaching/Tools-for-Teachers

The search for the new Director of Clinical Experience is moving along. We should have someone hired by end of November.