1.0 / TRAFFIC & TRANSPORT ARRANGEMENTS1.1 / Details of the following must be made available to the Licensing Authority and Dorset Police at least 21 days prior to the event:-
(a) / Traffic management/arrangements
(b) / Public transport arrangements
(c) / Pedestrian access/egress arrangements
(d) / Car/coach parking arrangements
(e) / “Shuttle Bus” arrangements.
1.2 / The event will only be permitted to take place if these arrangements are deemed to be satisfactory by the above-mentioned authorities.
2.1 / A reputable and competent security company approved by the Head of Consumer Protection services shall be employed to carry out a security survey and risk assessment of the venue. The number of stewards and specialist security teams necessary to control the audience and to deal with any public order situation will be formulated and agreed with the Head of Consumer Protection Services and Dorset Police.
2.2 / The Licensee shall appoint a Chief Steward to be responsible for the effective Stewarding of the event.
2.3 / Stewards duties shall include:
(a) / extraction of injured/distressed persons from the front of stage barrier area or other relevant area of the venue
(b) / ensuring security at entrances or exits
(c) / carrying out fire patrols and extinguishing small fires on the advice of Dorset Fire & Rescue Service
(d) / controlling infrastructure vehicle parking, and marshalling traffic/pedestrians
(e) / investigate immediately any disturbance or incident, and take such action as deemed necessary.
2.4 / Sufficient car parking stewards to be available to supervise on site car/coach parking in order that all access roads are kept clear.
2.5 / All stewards shall not be less that 18 years of age, and shall wear high visibility work cloths, and shall be easily identifiable by a company name and number.
2.6 / The Chief Steward shall appoint Senior Supervisor Stewards to be responsible for key areas and locations at the venue as agreed by the Head of Consumer Protection Services.
2.7 / The Chief Steward shall ensure that a senior supervisor is positioned on the performance stage for the entire duration of any live entertainment with the power to require the performer(s) to stop their performance forthwith. The performer or their representative shall be briefed on this requirement prior to the performance.
2.8 / Radios shall be used to maintain communications, and all operators shall be competent in radio procedure.
2.9 / The Chief Steward shall contribute to the multi agency Safety Advisory Group. Major Incident Contingency Plan 2002, which shall be approved by Dorset Police. All stewards shall be well briefed as to the contents of the relevant part of the document.
2.10 / Stewards shall receive suitable and sufficient training so they ca efficiently and effectively ensure that public order/safety, including fire safety is maintained so far as is reasonably practicable. Stewards designated senior supervisors shall be trained in cardiac pulmonary resuscitation techniques. The personnel engaged in ‘pit’ duties shall be disciplined and are able to respond to volatile situations and be further trained in the extraction of persons from dense crowds; they shall only undertake these duties for a maximum of 4 hours, with a rest break of at least 45 minutes. A suitable number of the ‘pit team’ shall have advanced training in rescue and cardiac pulmonary resuscitation techniques.
2.11 / Each Steward shall be provided in writing with information regarding Canford Park Arena infrastructure and their responsibilities.
2.12 / The Chief Steward shall have access to stewards (security) training records. Such records shall be made available for inspection by the licensing authority. Those stewards whose duties are solely to do with the control of traffic and parking shall be exempt from this requirement.
2.13 / No Steward shall leave their place of duty unless directed by a supervisor.
2.14 / No Steward shall consume alcohol at any time during the period of the open-air entertainment, i.e. from Gates being called to the final ‘sweep’ of the venue.
2.15 / Any dog used to prevent unauthorised access must be kept on a leash at all times and must be kept under the control of an experienced dog handler. Warning signs shall be posted and Dorset Police shall be notified of the company undertaking this role in writing not less that 7 days prior to the open-air entertainment.
2.16 / Any serious disturbance or other emergency within the licensed area, which cannot be dealt with by Stewards shall be reported at once to the Dorset police an any other relevant personnel in the Emergency Liaison Centre.
2.17 / Tour security personnel shall operate under the supervision of the Chief Steward and shall not undertake any role within the ‘pit’ area unless permitted to do so by the Head of Consumer Protection Services.
2.18 / Dorset Police will have the right to (a) position video recording equipment, including an officer on the front of stage lighting/mixing tower(s) (b) the front of the stage structure in the arena area for the duration of the event, and (c) position video monitors in their onsite control centre, and the Emergency Liaison Centre.
2.19 / The Senior Police Officer in attendance at any licensable event shall be able to request that changes be made to the show lighting and/or sound systems following consultation with the licensing authority’s representative and/or the licensee or his representative if deemed necessary in the interest of public order.
2.20 / The representative(s) of person(s) involved in a particular act in any performance whom the Senior Police Officer considers needs to be addressed prior to the performance shall so far as is reasonably practicable make themselves available in order that they can be made aware of the Police role in maintaining public order at the event.
2.21 / The Licensee shall make arrangements not less than 21 days prior to the date of each event for Dorset Police to be in attendance in accordance with the Schedule of Policing deposited with the Head of Consumer Protection Services.
2.22 / The Licensee shall, so far as is reasonably practicable, ensure that performers undertake their performance on the stage at all times.
2.23 / The Licensee shall ensure that a security briefing led by the Chief Steward takes place at an appropriate time prior to the first performance of each event. Those present to include representatives of Dorset Police, Dorset Fire & Rescue Service, Borough of Poole Consumer Protection Services, St John Ambulance, licensee, promoter, and artist management.
2.24 / The Chief steward shall arrange for members of the audience not conforming to the venues ‘acceptable behaviour policy’ to mark their hand with a security ink stamp.
3.1 / The Licensee or his representative shall be available at the premises, at all times during the event and for a period of 2 hours after the end of it or until ‘stand-down’ by Dorset Police.
3.2 / The Licensee shall ensure that those individuals, corporate or non-corporate bodies including contractors/sub-contractors that are involved with the organisation of the outdoor entertainment shall be fully aware of the conditions applied to this Licence. Further, the Licensee shall ensure that those persons etc are aware of the location of the site telephone facility in the Production Office which is suitable for summoning the assistance of the Emergency Services.
3.3 / An Emergency Liaison Centre must be provided at the backstage area, in close proximity to the Licensee Promoters accommodation. The facility should be soundproofed so far as is reasonably practicable and should be manned from such time that the public are admitted to the venue, until Dorset Police ‘stand down’ occurs. The centre is to be manned by representatives from the security company, Dorset Police, Dorset Fire and Rescue Service, The First Aid Organisation, Borough of Poole Consumer Protection Services and the Licensee. The representatives should be in radio contact with their respective headquarters or radio base, and all radios used must have self-cancelling headsets.
3.4 / A copy of the multi agency Major Incident Contingency Plan shall be made available to all relevant persons and a copy shall be available in the Emergency Liaison Centre.
3.5 / The Licensee shall appoint a Safety Co-ordinator to ensure that:
(a) / risk assessments are undertaken, and documented as appropriate. Safe working practices are developed and followed at all times.
(b) / all temporary structures are erected to the detailed specification/arrangements issued by manufacturers/suppliers.
(c) / the safety implications of any work practice to be carried onsite shall be to a satisfactory standard
(d) / the safety aspects of the licence conditions are met so far as is reasonably practicable.
(e) / all necessary consultation/liaison takes place with Borough of Poole under the Health and Safety at Work Etc Act 1974 and associated legislation.
4.1 / The Licensee shall ensure that a suitable organisation is established to provide a first aid, primary medical, nursing and ambulance service at the event, and the advice contained in ‘A Guide to Health, Safety & Welfare at Music Concerts and similar Events (1999)’ – Health and Safety Executive HSG.195 will be referred to.
4.2 / The facilities may be provided by the local Health Authority, a recognised Voluntary Aid Society, or by a private contractor. Whichever organisation is employed, the overall organisation is to be under the operational control of one Appointed Person, whose name shall be made known to the Licensing Authority at least 28 days prior to the event. Notwithstanding this appointment, the organisation is to appoint a registered medical practitioner to be responsible for all aspects of patient care, including the provision of drugs and specialist medical equipment.
4.3 / The facilities shall comprise at least the following elements:
(a) / first aid points, clearly marked as such, in areas to which the public have access
(b) / triage areas backstage (stage left and right) in order to facilitate the resuscitation, first aid treatment and evacuation of those persons removed by the ‘pit crew’
(c) / a Medical Centre and Nursing Area, in a secure area away from normal public access, with facilities for primary medical examination, diagnosis and treatment, and for the nursing care of those requiring time to recover.
(d) / adequate command, control and communication arrangements and ambulance transport to manage first aid, liase with other services at the event and externally.
(e) / To transport persons requiring hospital admission without relying upon the normal resources of the local Health Authority, except in the case of a major incident.
4.4 / First Aid Personnel are to be provided at least to a scale of 1 per 1,000 spectators. First Aid Personnel are ‘qualified’ medical practitioners, ‘qualified’ nurses, NHS ambulance service technicians – standard or extended training (‘paramedic’) [IHCD certificates of proficiency] and other persons with a First Aid Certificate of competency recognised by the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 or issued to adults by a recognised Voluntary aid Society.
4.5 / All First Aid Personnel are to be clearly identified as such either by the wearing of uniform of the Ambulance Service or Voluntary Aid society, or by the wearing of other suitable identification. Persons so identified are to have access to all parts of the venue, as required for the execution of their duty, without further need for pass or ticket.
4.6 / At least one crewed emergency ambulance is to be provided either by the Ambulance service or Voluntary Aid Society at the Medical Centre at all times. Further ambulances may be required for internal transport.
4.7 / The person appointed to be in operational control is to liaise before the event with the appointed officer of Dorset Police, Dorset Fire and Rescue Service and NHS Ambulance Trust on contingency plans for any special risks associated with the event and on arrangements for activation of the Multi Agency Major Incident Contingency Plan 2002.
4.8 / The person appointed to be in operational control is to appoint a liaison officer, equipped with a means of communication to the First Aid Control, to be in attendance at the Emergency Liaison Centre whenever members of the public are admitted to the venue.
4.9 / To enable detailed planning to take place, the Licensee is to provide a detailed site plan for the event, detailing all temporary structures, barriers and gates to the person appointed in para 4.2 – not less that 28 days prior to the event.
4.10 / The person appointed under para 4.2 to be in charge of the first aid operations to prepare a detailed operational plan 14 days prior to the event. This is to include a summary briefing for all first aid staff employed at the event. Copies of the plan are to be provided to the Licensees, Dorset Police, Dorset Fire & Rescue Service, and the Licensing Authority.
4.11 / The first aid and other provisions required under the terms of this Licence is without prejudice to the Licensee’s duty under the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 concerning the whole period of occupation of the site prior to, during, and after the event is open to the public.
4.12 / First Aid staff under 18 years of age must not work unsupervised.
5.1 / Sanitary accommodation shall be provided for use by members of the public attending the function to the following minimum standard for events with a gate opening time to end of show of 6 hours or more:-
Male conveniences / Female conveniences
Water Closets / 1 for up to 500 males / 1 for every 100 persons
Suitable provision shall be made for the proper disposal of used sanitary towels in each female WC compartment.
Urinals / 1 urinal per 150 males
Wash Hand Basins / Wash hand basins shall be provided in the ratio of 1 to every 5 sanitary conveniences.
Disabled Persons:
1 Unisex WC ‘pod’ for each 75 disabled persons known to be in attendance and situated adjacent to the viewing platform. It shall be designed to comply with the provisions of British Standard 5810:1979.
All sanitary accommodation shall:-
(i) / be reasonably accessible from all parts of the premises
(ii) / Be provided with suitable and sufficient artificial lighting to the interior; (100 lux minimum generally, 200 lux to the disabled WC pod)
(iii) / be provided with suitable means of access. Any steps/ramps shall be securely fixed, and provided with satisfactory handrails. Suitable risers must be fitted to all steps
(iv) / be provided with clear conspicuous signs indicating the sex for which they are intended
(v) / be maintained in sound condition at all times and serviced with soap, hand towels and toilet paper
(vi) / be so positioned and screened to ensure sufficient privacy of the user.
5.2 / The aforementioned standards are based in general on a male to female ratio of 50:50, any variation in this ration must be agreed in writing with the Licensing Authority at least 28 days prior to the event.
6.1 / Percussion water taps must be provided to the following standard:- 1 for every 3000 persons present, inclusive of the 4 ‘pit’ area taps. In addition a suitable number of plastic water drums and 5,000 disposable paper cups shall be made available in the ‘pit’ area. A supply of drinking water will be made available to all first-aid points. Suitable and sufficient sighs shall be provided indicating the location of the drinking water taps excluding “pit” area.
7.1 / The Licensee shall appoint a suitably qualified Acoustic Consultant to the approval of the Licensing Authority whose duties will include:
(a) / liaison with the Licensing Authority, the Licensee, the Promoter, the Sound System Supplier, the Sound Engineer etc, prior to, during and after any concert
(b) / advising on techniques to be used to reduce noise disturbance outside the venue arising from the use of amplified sound systems within the venue
(c) / advising the sound Engineer of any breaches in the prescribed noise limits and advising of the action he should take as a result
(d) / provide a representative of the Licensing Authority with all LAeq(15 Min) dB and LCeq(15Min)dB noise measurements made during the concert within 48 hours of the concert
(e) / providing the Licensing Authority with a written noise control report within two weeks of the concert.
7.2 / (a) / The music noise level measured at the agreed boundary position at a height of 1.2 m from the ground shall not exceed a LAeq of 92 dB for any 15-minute period of the concert. The assessment of each 15-minute result shall be made by monitoring both the LAeq over 1 and 15 minute periods for the duration of the concert.
(b) / The music noise level at the agreed boundary position shall over-ride the music noise limit at the mixer position even if the mixer music noise limit has been varied by virtue of Condition 7.4.
7.3 / The music noise level shall also be continuously measured at the mixer position at a height of 1.75m from the ground. Subject to the requirements of 7.4 below the music noise level shall not exceed a LAeq of 97 dB over any 15-minute period of the concert.
7.4 / a) / The music noise level detailed in Condition 7.3 above may be varied for an individual concert by the Licensing Authority if, prior to the concert, a sound propagation test, approved by the Licensing Authority, is carried out, using the sound system set up for the concert and to be used for the concert.