Know Your Creek

Wynnum CreekCatchment

Catchment characteristics

Wynnum Creek is a small coastal waterway forming an integral part of the bayside suburbs of Wynnum West, Wynnum and Manly West. Wynnum Creek catchment is best known for its proximity to Moreton Bay and its open spaces along the bay foreshore.

Natural assets

Significant natural assets in the Wynnum Creekcatchment include:

  • The Wynnum foreshore includes Greene, Drevesen and George Clayton Parks that cater for family and group picnics and community events, and include the Wynnum Wading Pool – a much-loved playground for a family day out by the bay.
  • The open spaces of Whyte Island and Elanora Park are largely tidal, with a broad fringe of mangroves backing onto salt claypans.

Did you know?

About 15% of the Wynnum Creek catchment ispublic open space, rural residential and a golf course.

Land Uses

The Wynnum Creek catchment is characterised by open parklands and an urban nature park. About 15% of the Wynnum Creek catchment is public open space, rural residential and a golf course. The rest of the catchment contains industrial, residential and commercial developments.


Shorebirds, waterbirds and some open-forest birds have been recorded in the Wynnum catchment. Animals of significance in the catchment include the white-bellied sea eagle (Haliaeetus leucogaster), osprey (Pandion haliaetus), caspian tern (Hydroprogne caspia), and the eastern curlew (Numenius madagascariensis). The bird hide at the Wynnum North Reserve, at the end of Wynnum North Road, caters to bird watchers.


The remnant vegetation along Wynnum Creek reflects the coastal nature of the catchment and provides links between the adjacent Lota Creek catchment and the Moreton Bay wetland areas. Typical tree species found in the remaining open spaces within the catchment are broad-leaved paperbark (Melaleuca quinquenervia), Queensland blue gum (Eucalyptus teraticornis) and swamp mahogany (Lophostemon suaveolens).

Most of Wynnum Creek has been modified or channelised, leaving few areas of natural vegetation. The estuarine and tidal areas of the catchment support mangroves, including the grey mangrove.

Restoring Pullen Pullen Creek Catchment

The aim of the Bayside Creek Catchment Group (BCCG) is to protect and enhance the health and natural processes of Wynnum, Lota and Lower Tingalpa Creeks and their catchments. BCCG is a community-based organisation that aims to rehabilitate, restore and maintain its waterways by supporting and encouraging community participation and partnership.

The Lytton Ecological Corridor acts as a locally-significant wildlife corridor that runs between the Brisbane Rive and the Wynnum Creek Estuary/RAMSAR-listed wetlands of Moreton Bay.

Restoration Project:

  • Wynnum Creek Restoration project at Wynnum Municipal Reserve on Tingal Road.

Council’s community conservation partnerships program helps community groups restore natural habitats in parks, remnant bushland and wetlands along waterways.

The program also supports the community to protect and restore Brisbane’s waterways and bays in partnership with groups, businesses, schools and individual property owners.

For more information on Council’s community conservation partnerships program and environment centres phone Council on (07) 3403 8888.


Brisbane City Council:

Bayside Creek Catchment Group:

Brisbane Catchment Network:

Healthy Waterways:

SEQ Catchments: