Memo To: The Faculty of Arts and Science Academic Regulations and Curriculum Committee (ARCC)

Memo From: Dr. Murat Tuncali, AVP Research and Graduate Studies

Re: Motions from the Mathematics and Computer Science Department

Date: March 4, 2013

Motion 1:

That ARCC recommend to the Arts and Science Executive the addition of the Engineering Technology stream to the Science and Technology four-year Specialization program as outlined in the attached document.

Motion 2:

That ARCC recommend to the Arts and Science Executive that graduates of a three year Engineering Technology program, such as, but not limited to: Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering etc., from an Ontario College of Applied Arts and Technology are eligible for the following 60 transfer credits when completing a BSc four-year Specialization in Science and Technology – Engineering Technology stream.

STEC 9205 (27 credits)

ACAD 1501 (3 credits)

HUMA 9101 (3 credits)

SOSC 9100 (6 credits)

TRAN 9100 (6 credits)

TRAN 9200 (6 credits)

TRAN 9200 (6 credits)

TRAN 9201 (3 credits)

APPENDIX A – New Stream Rationale


Please refer to Appendix B.

Program Identification: (Faculty, School, Department) / Computer Science and Mathematics, Faculty of Arts and Science
Proposed start date: / September 2013
Program description: / The new Engineering Technology stream, as part of the four-year Specialization in Science and Technology, will provide graduates of three year Engineering Technology college programs a pathway to complete a Bachelor of Science degree in a related Technology field.

1.  How will the stream fit with the Faculty’s plans and priorities?

The new stream will build on the program’s philosophy of partnering practical skills in technology with theoretical knowledge in science. Students in Engineering Technology programs demonstrate a variety of practical skills in areas related to computer science, chemistry, physics and mathematics. This practical focus however, often prevents direct equivalency with university courses and thereby limits a student’s degree options should he/she decide to pursue university studies. A such, this new stream will create a streamlined way in which graduates can maximize their prior learning and use it in the most effective way possible to gain a university degree.

2.  How does the stream fit with the university’s vision, mission, and goals?

The new stream serves to greatly enhance the number of pathways available to college students at Nipissing University. It provides a way to both increase enrollments in the Science and Technology program, as well as to meet Ministry goals of enhancing the program options for college graduates. Finally it serves to meet the needs of the local community which has made known their demand for students with a strong background in engineering related fields.

3.  How might the resources required be made available?

No new resources are required.

4.  Current and proposed faculty?

The current Computer Science and Mathematics faculty will administer the new stream in the same way that other streams are currently administered.

5.  Current and proposed teaching and research resources

Choose an item.: The current Computer Science and Mathematics faculty will administer the new stream in the same way that other streams are currently administered.

6.  Library resources

The new stream will not require additional library resources.

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Specialization in Science and Technology – Engineering Technology Stream

Program Requirements

Students must complete 120 credits including 54 credits in the Specialization as follows:

Course Code and Title / Credit Amount
Core Courses
MATH 1036 Calculus I
MATH 1037 Calculus II
MATH 1046 Introductory Linear Algebra
MATH 1056 Discrete Mathematics I
MATH 2076 Probability and Statistics I
COSC 1557 Introduction to Computer Science
COSC 1567 Programming in C++
COSC 1666 Engineering Graphics
COSC 3997 Senior Practicum or STEC 3997 Practicum I
Stream-specific courses
STEC 9205 / 3
Other Program Requirements
ACAD 1601
Physics, Chemistry, Biology, or Physical/Technique Geography courses
Science Electives (including 18cr. From upper year courses)
Social Sciences or Professional Studies
Electives / 3

APPENDIX B – Transfer Credit Rationale

In the case of graduates from 3 year diploma programs, students who apply and are accepted to a program which is deemed to have high affinity with their college program, will be granted a potential 60 credits comprising no more than 50% of the student’s subject area.

A program will be deemed to have high affinity when 24 credits of non-elective and non-breadth, excluding the additional science requirements in a Bachelor of Science degree, can be found in the diploma program.

Based on the above, and after review of the courses offered in the Engineering Technology programs at Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology, it is proposed that Engineering graduates are eligible for the following 60 transfer credits when completing a BSc four-year Specialization in Science and Technology – Engineering Technology stream.

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STEC 9205 (27 credits)

ACAD 1501 (3 credits)

HUMA 9101 (3 credits)

SOSC 9100 (6 credits)

TRAN 9100 (6 credits)

TRAN 9200 (6 credits)

TRAN 9200 (6 credits)

TRAN 9201 (3 credits)

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The above credits fulfill program requirements as follows:

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COURSE / Transfer
MATH 1036
MATH 1037
MATH 1046
MATH 1056
MATH 2076
COSC 1557
COSC 1567
COSC 1666
COSC 3997
Other Program Requirements
ACAD 1601
3 Credits of Humanities
HUMA 9101 / X
6 Credits Social Science/Professional Studies
SOSC 9100 / X
9 cr. PHYS, CHEM, BIOL, Phys/Tech GEOG
Engineering Technology Stream Requirements
STEC 9205 / X
21 Credits of Science Electives
24 Credits of Electives
ACAD 1501 / X
TRAN 9100 / X
TRAN 9200 / X
TRAN 9200 / X
TRAN 9201 / X

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APPENDIX A – New Stream Rationale

As a result, when the student attends Nipissing, he/she will be required to complete a total of 60 credits as follows:

1.  27 credits of Core Courses as outlined above

2.  ACAD 1601

3.  9 credits in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and/or Physical/Technical Geography

4.  21 credits of Science Electives

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