Regional School Leaders Conference 2018

Make sure your Mission Community is represented at the

Regional School Leader’s Conference 2018

For all Senior Leaders and Governors

‘Re-envisioning Deeply Christian - for the Common Good’

09:00 Thursday 22nd to 16:00 Friday 23rd March 2018

Langstone Cliff Hotel, Dawlish EX7 0NA

Day 1 Thursday 22nd March 09:00 – 17:30 Dinner 19:00 – 22:00
Keynote speaker: Professor Chris Williams Medical Doctor and Emeritus Professor at the University of Glasgow and Director of Five Areas Ltd

‘Living Life to the Full – Overcoming Barriers’

  • What does it mean to ‘Live Life to the Full?’
  • How schools and mission communities can sustain themselves and look after the mental health and wellbeing of others?
  • How can schools and mission communities work more effectively together to support their communities?
  • How do we integrate a range of opportunities and embed them into our school/MAT/Federation and mission community Ethos?

Intended outcomes

  • Strategies and easy to use resources for schools and parishes to work together to support the mental health and wellbeing of children and families in partnership
  • Understanding the connectivity between mental health and wellbeing services offered across the region
  • Case studies of best practice and how this links with school ethos – (interactive workshop)
  • Strategies for evaluating impact through pupil voice and the work of the Children’s Society

Day 2 Friday 23rd March 09:00 – 16:00
Keynote speaker: Derek Holloway National School Character and SIAMS Development Manager, The National Church of England Education Office

‘The New Outstanding Under the New SIAMS’

  • A look at the thinking behind the changes to SIAMS (yes there has been some!) and what inspectors will be looking for in a truly leading Church school.
  • This will cover the various pressures on Church School inspection and its changing role in the new educational landscape and some of the changing expectations in the new evaluation schedule. Hopefully this will provide reassurance for headteachers and others as well as clear ways forward

Intended outcomes

  • An appreciation of the rationale behind the new SIAMS Inspection Framework
  • Clarity for stand-alone and schools in a wider grouping of expectations and the hallmarks of exceptional practice
  • Sharing of best practice, new initiatives, resources and networking opportunities – (interactive workshop


School Staff

Residential Places: £200 SLA, £250 Non SLA

Day Delegates: £130 SLA, £180 Non SLA

Governors & Mission Community/Parish Team

Residential Places: £170 SLA, £200 Non SLA

Day delegate £100 SLA, £130 Non SLA

To book please contact:

To book, please contact:

Fran Bradley, Diocesan Education Officer - Training & Traded Services (),

Diocesan Board of Education, The Old Deanery, Exeter EX1 1HS.

Tel: 01392 294921.