U Daily Lectionary U
This weekly outline is a devotional reading plan that covers the Sacred Scriptures. Please plan on reading these selected devotions every day. Your daily devotions can be found in the Sunday bulletin insert for the week.
Sun. 14th 9:15 a.m. Bible Study
9:30 a.m. Sunday school
10:30 a.m. Worship Service with Holy Communion
Mon. 15th 1:30 p.m. Concordia Guild at Zion Lutheran, Pawnee City
7 p.m. Adult Bible Study here at St. Paul’s
Wed. 17th 9 a.m. Sew ‘n Sews
10 a.m. Ladies Bible Study
5-6 p.m. Midweek at CLC
6:30-8 p.m. Confirmation at CLC
7:15 p.m. Adult Choir
Thurs. 18th 6:30 a.m. Breakfast Bible Study at CLC
Sun. 21st Mission Sunday
9:15 a.m. Bible Study
9:30 a.m. Sunday school
10:30 a.m. Worship Service
After church Thrivent Choice meeting
0FFICE HOURS 402-245-4643
Pastor Gifford 402-245-4618 or 402-360-4081
Wed. & Thurs. Afternoons at St. Paul’s Lutheran
Kathy Niedfeldt 402-245-5459
Wednesday and Thursday 1-4 p.m.
Orphan Grain Train – Ongoing Project
There is a basket in the Narthex filled with empty film canisters. We would like you to take some home and fill them with quarters. This money will be given to the Orphan Grain Train to help with the costs of shipping. Thanks, LWML
Don’t Throw Away Those Coupons
Your manufacturer’s coupons are needed. Mosaic of Beatrice will accept coupons, Campbell’s Soup labels, and used stamps. Take what you need from your Sunday morning paper and give the rest to Mosaic. They appreciate you helping them!
Receiving Communion at St. Paul's
If you are a member of a Lutheran Church Missouri Synod congregation and wish to commune here for the first time, please see the Pastor or an Elder first. Persons who are baptized members of another denomination that is not in Altar or Pulpit fellowship are invited to come forward for a special blessing. Please, cross your arms over your heart indicating your desire to receive a blessing. Please announce for communion by indicating your intentions on the reverse side of the attendance sheet. (These will be gathered during the opening hymn.)
Food Pantry Needs
The F.C. Food Pantry needs your help. The pantry is dangerously low on supplies and would appreciate community support to resupply the cupboards. The need remains at a high level despite the decline in donations.
Food items needed: canned vegetables, dry pasta, canned fruit, juice, instant potatoes, box dinners, canned tuna, canned chicken, canned pasta meals, peanut butter, cereal and soup. Personal care items needed: diapers, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner and toothpaste.
Cleaning items needed: laundry detergent, dish soap, paper towels, toilet paper, Kleenex and household cleaning supplies.
This list of items that are needed has been posted in the church basement. Please help.
Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost
October 14th, 2012
St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church
65103 712 Road
Falls City NE 68355
Rev. Dan Gifford, Pastor
Dr. Mike and Ann Wade, Missionaries
Dungan Mission of Kyrgyzstan
Our Mission ~ “To serve the needs of all members so as to grow in the true Word and Sacraments, so that we share God's blessings among ourselves and reach out with them to those who need Jesus Christ's love.”
We remember in our prayers, especially our shut-ins:
Evelyn Milburn and Elva Eickhoff
We pray for all members of our congregation remembering especially: Austin and Abby Merz; John and Donna Meyer; and Paul and Nancy Meyer, Nick and Colby Meyer
We remember in our prayers this week: Kathy Bartek, Joe Docker, Donna Meyer and Mark Meyer
We remember all military personnel and their families and especially the military serving overseas and our missionaries serving overseas
We remember in our prayers the family of Joe Docker (Muriel’s husband) who passed away earlier this week
Special Days to remember this week – Oct. 14th-20th
Birthdays Baptism Anniversaries
14th Delaney Godemann 16th Halleigh Fritz 16th Nick and Sonia
15th Kari Kreifels 19th Rita Kreifels Schawang
16th Glenn Godemann 19th Evelyn Milburn
17th Darlene Merz 20th Nick Schawang
The Gospel at Work
Christ’s Servants Today: Our Efforts for our King:
Elder: Gary Niedfeldt Att. For 10/07/12: 76
Organist: Ray Huebner/Connie Rowland Offering: $2768.50
Greeters on October 14th: Joe and Katie Niedfeldt
Greeters on October 21st: Tom and Kathy Niedfeldt
Wades Mission: $895.50 ~ Dist. Mission: $2093.50
October Ushers:
Paul and Nick Schawang, Jeremy Kirkendall and Tyler Di Giacomo
Communion ware – October 14th:
Katy Gifford, Joann Niedfeldt and Jean Niedfeldt
Communion ware – October 28th:
Jan Huebner, Katie Niedfeldt and Kathy Niedfeldt
Concordia Guild
The Concordia Guild will meet on Monday, October 15th at 1:30 p.m. at Zion Lutheran, Pawnee City. Please remember our fun auction.
Dorcas Circle ~ Food Pantry
The Dorcas Circle will be collecting for the Falls City Food Pantry for the next two weeks. Please help them collect grocery items.
Honey Sunday
Honey Sunday will be held next Sunday, October 21st. The suggested price for an 11 ounce squeeze bottle of delicious honey is $7.00. Please fill out the form in your bulletin next week. Kathy will be taking your orders after church next week.
Thrivent Choice
There will be a Thrivent Choice meeting after church next Sunday, October 21st. Please come with ideas!
Circuit Reformation Service
The Circuit Reformation Service will be held on Sunday, October 28th at 3 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church in Auburn.
All members of the Falls City Circuit Congregations are invited to this festive service celebrating and thanking God for the work of Martin Luther to restore the message of the Gospel to the Church.
Rev. Scott Porath, Pastor of Immanuel Lutheran in Eagle, NE and also a new Vice-President of the Nebraska District will be preaching.
The Lord’s Supper will be celebrated at this service.
Trinity Lutheran LLL’s Annual Soup Supper will be held right after this service. Please come and enjoy the service and the fellowship and soup afterwards.
Midweek Classes
Midweek classes have begun and will continue every Wednesday from 5-6 p.m. at Christ Lutheran.
If you feel called to help teach Midweek perhaps every other month from October through April, call Angie Embretson at 245-2149.
Quilts to be Auctioned
The Sew ‘n Sews would like you to know that there are quilts on display in the basement. These quilts will be auctioned off at the Dorcas Circle/LWML Annual Auction – Nov. 11th.
Divine Service I ~ Page 151
Ringing of the Bells
Opening Hymn…………. LSB 829
“Christ the Eternal Lord”
Inv, Conf. & Absolution….. P. 151
Introit……………………… Insert
Kyrie………………………. P.152
Hymn of Praise………… P. 155
Salutation…………………. P. 156
Collect……………………… Insert
O. T. Reading.. Amos 5:6-7, 10-15
Gradual……………………. Insert
Epistle…………. Hebrews 3:12-19
Alleluia……………………. P. 156
Holy Gospel……… Mark 10:17-22
Sermon Hymn……….…. LSB 688
“Come, Follow Me,” the Savior Spake
Nicene Creed…………… P. 158
Offertory…………… LSB 781 v.1
“We Give Thee but Thine Own”
Service of the Sacrament P.160
Distribution Hymns
“Thy Body, Given for…” LSB 619
“What Is This Bread” LSB 629
Post-Communion Canticle P. 164
Benediction P.166
Closing Hymn………….. LSB 575
“My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less”
For the month of October
Lutheran Hour Ministries
Below on next page
Christmas at Concordia
Celebrate the Advent season with Christmas at Concordia on December 7th, 8th and 9th. Christmas at Concordia is a musical celebration featuring concert performances and devotional presentations by student musicians and faculty from the university department of music.
Concerts are scheduled for Friday, December 7th at 7 p.m., Saturday, December 8th at 3 p.m. and 7 p.m., and Sunday, December 9th at 3 p.m. at St. John Lutheran, 919 N. Columbia Ave., Seward, Nebraska. In 2011 all concerts were sold out, so early reservations are important.
A holiday buffet dinner accompanies the Saturday concert and will be held from 4:30-6:30 p.m. in the Janzow Campus Center. Tickets are required for the buffet dinner.
The 18th Annual Scholarship Parade of Homes tour of five Seward homes decked out in Christmas cheer is scheduled for Sunday, 12:30-4:30 p.m. Tickets are required.
Free tickets are required and are available online at www.cune.edu/CaCpayment or by calling 800-535-5494, ext. 7408. See the posters for additional event information during the weekend.
All reservations and tickets may be obtained online beginning November 1st at cune.edu/Christmas or by calling 800-535-5494, ext. 7408.
A Celebration of our Lutheran Heritage
Sunday, November 4th--Seward, Nebraska
2:30 PM – Pre-Service Hymn Sing with Choir and Brass Ensemble
3:00 P.M.—Worship Service
Freedom! That’s the Lutheran Heritage in action for you; something worth celebrating!
Join Pastor Gregory Seltz, speaker of The Lutheran Hour, for a Reformation Rally on Sunday, Nov. 4 at 3 p.m. in the Walz Arena in Seward, NE. Rev. Seltz will be the keynote speaker for this Lutheran Heritage Celebration. Special music will be provided by Concordia University’s A Cappella Choir directed by Dr. Kurt von Kampen and Brass Ensemble directed by Dr. Andrew Schultz. There will be a pre-rally hymn sing beginning at 2:30 p.m. also in the Walz arena.
On Saturday November 3rd from 5-7 p.m. there will be a reception honoring Rev. Seltz in the Harvest Hall at the Seward Fairgrounds.
Notes from your Thrivent Advocates
***Have you allocated your Choice Dollars for 2012? Do you need help? Any advocate can help you with this process. Just ask!
***Have you received your new id from Thrivent? When you do, do not throw it away. You will need this to allocate Choice Dollars online.
***We wish to thank all of you who have directed your Choice Dollars to St. Paul’s. We receive these funds from Thrivent and can directly impact many people and organizations. Thanks!
***We will have a Thrivent Choice meeting after church on October 21st.
*** The Chapter Election for Thrivent will be coming up in November. Voting will take place on November 4th and 11th.
Youth are Ready to Serve
The National Lutheran Youth Gathering will be this coming summer in July. The gathering provides opportunities for our young people to socialize, serve, and study God’s Word with thousands of their peers who share their faith. Often in our small congregations, adults are seen as keeping the church moving along. At this gathering, they will see people their own age excited about using their time and talents to serve their Lord and Savior.
The youth involved in the upcoming National Youth Gathering would like to offer their services to you as a way of raising funds for the trip. If you need someone to wash your car, rake your yard, shovel your snow, or even organize your garage, please call either Tami Di Giacomo at 402-245-3333 or Angie Embretson at 402-245-2149 and set up a time convenient to you. We will accept an offering that you feel is fair and it will go to the group as a whole.
Dorcas Circle/LWML Soup Luncheon and Auction
The Dorcas Circle and LWML will hold their Annual Soup Luncheon and Auction after church on Sunday, November 11th. Please join us for delicious soup and desserts and stay for the fun auction afterwards.
We will have plenty of items on our auction including quilts, crafts, food items (pies, cakes, dinner rolls and cinnamon rolls, cookies and various other calorie-filled yummies), decorative items, and a few veggies left over from our gardens!