Classified Staff Meeting Minutes - Corrected

September 24, 2004, 11:00-12:00 noon


Elko - Chris Marshall, Penny Ronk, Mary Gilbertson, Rosemary Karr, Becca Bennett, Pam Merkley, Cynthia Vaughn-Giles, Jose Villalpando, Annetta Sharples, Sherri Melton, Bob Dallaire, June Braaten, Annie Ulrich, Keitha Donovan, Janie Moore, Patty Wilson, Dorinda Friez, Chris Mitchell, Judi Housley, Irma Reyes, Steve Ricord, Eliseo Gonzales, Saturnino Flores, Pat Phillips

Ely – Bill Kingston, Bundy Piskovich

Winnemucca – Pat Loper, Karen Smith, Jolina Adams, Susan French, Kevin Hummel, Richard Stepanek

A drawing was held among members present for a free balloon ride at the Elko Balloon Fest this weekend. Janie Moore was the winner of the drawing.

The meeting was called to order by Karen Smith. She and Pat Loper announced that effective after this meeting they are resigning as Co-Chairs. They feel that they may have lost the trust of some members.

Irma was asked to introduce Erik Seastedt, Human Resources Director, and President Killpatrick. They were invited to the Classified meeting to explain Erik Seastedt’s role in President’s Council concerning Classified Staff and in reference to the following statements made in President’s Council minutes; on 8/10 "Classified Council will have representation with Erik Seastedt, Human Resource Director, who will act as Classified Council’s advocate at President’s Council regarding any issues they have." On 8/31 "President’s Council recommended that Erik Seastedt attend the next Classified Council meeting and that he will be acting as classified council’s advocate."

President Killpatrick shared his disappointment at the resignation of our co-chairs. A month and a half ago he invited members of SGA to attend President’s Council to talk directly about student programs. He felt that this could be done with Classified Council in the same way on a once a month basis for direct input. If this group wants an item brought up at another time, then Erik or another member of President’s Council could bring that item at the next meeting if no classified staff were able to be present. Admin Council has been put on hold for one year after meeting previously once a month. This plan for hearing from groups such as ours on campus is being tried and tested for efficiency. Representation is invited once a month directly from Classified Council to share their ideas at President’s Council. Any urgent items needing to be addressed other than the once a month meeting could be brought by Classified Council representatives to President’s Council by request to be placed on the agenda. President Killpatrick urged the use of classified council as elected representatives for that purpose.

Erik Seastedt, as HR Director, acts as a neutral voice with no agendas. He explained that without Admin Council there was a gap in communication between groups on campus and President’s Council. He offered to bring issues/act as an advocate to President’s Council if Classified Council was not in attendance. His goal is not to take sides but to bring parties together and to be sure that all groups are heard and that communication improves. He intends to be an advocate for classified staff, not a representative.

June Braaten asked if Erik Seastedt was Classified’s appointed representative.

Pres. Killpatrick said Erik had volunteered, but anyone else in PC that we choose could also. Pres. Killpatrick said he was trying to keep communication open since College Council(previously known as Admin Council) has been put on hiatus for one year after meeting previously once a month and may be discontinued. Representation is invited once a month directly from Classified Council to share their ideas at President’s Council.

Judi Housley asked if Classified needs to be put on the agenda to attend PC other than the once a month.

Pres. Killpatrick said, any urgent items needing to be addressed other than the once a month meeting could be brought by Classified Council or by representative to President’s Council by request to be placed on the agenda. Chris Mitchell asked if that was true.

Pres. Killpatrick said it is preferred that Classified use Classified Council and the chain of command in presenting any issues to PC.

Chris Mitchell asked what assurance do we have that Erik Seastedt will bring issues back to Classified?

Pres. Killpatrick said Erik Seastedt is not an official arm of Classified.

Chris Mitchell agreed that Erik is not and if an issue comes up and there is a tendency to institute policy, it would need to be established in PC that this information would need to be brought to Classified Council and Staff first.

June Braaten said we should not need an advocate for Classified. Anything that needs to be discussed regarding Classified would need to be discussed by Classified first before any decisions would be made and with 2 Co-Chairs, a Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer any one of our 5 Classified Council members would be able to attend the PC meeting once a month or set an agenda item to present an issue for Classified. As a separate group/entity we need to have our own Classified representation. She also asked that the President’s Council minutes be distributed in a timely manner so that a response in question of those minutes can be generated.

Irma Reyes suggested that Classified Staff should discuss any issues with Classified Council first and the Council will then present issues at PC. She said Erik Seastedt is always good about letting Classified know if there was a pressing issue and that he would come to us about it. Classified understands the need for advisement on HR policy issues.

Pres. Killpatrick said he was only looking at Erik Seastedt to be an additional resource for Classified representation.

Chris Mitchell said that Classified had a permanent seat on College Council and PC has gone back to the same structure used before College Council had changed it.

Sherri Melton said she appreciated the e-mails sent out to keep us informed. She asked if Classified is not attending PC every meeting as we did for College Council and now that College Council is on hiatus for a year, how will that effect our accreditation, if GBC is not currently following accreditation recommendations.

Pres. Killpatrick said this was a good point and we will have to review our accreditation requirements.

Bill Kingston asked that the co-chairs reconsider their decision to resign and said that they have the support of classified staff. He suggested this issue could have been avoided and solved if we had met earlier and discussed the issues.

Irma Reyes asked that Pat and Karen reconsider their decisions to resign, but if they do not, that anyone with an interest to represent the group should volunteer for co-chair, and an e-mail for volunteers will go out. Irma added that in the future, any concerns should be brought to Classified Council or Classified Staff meetings rather than involve the campus with a “gbcall” e-mail. No co-chair volunteers came forward at this meeting. The request for volunteers will be put out by e-mail to general classified staff.

Sherri Melton inquired if by dropping Admin Council meetings, GBC was not following accreditation recommendations.

The minutes of the June 30th meeting have been distributed and were approved.

Chris Marshall gave the treasurer’s report with a total balance of $3343.91.

New employees were introduced and welcomed.

Sarah Hinton-Ingraham - Battle Mountain, Mary Gilbertson - Admissions & Records, Renae Jim- Controller’s Office and Lenore Martin- Buildings & Grounds.

Committee Reports

Events/Fundraisers – Money from the Chili/Soup Feed goes directly to the scholarship fund. That amount is not included in the treasurer’s reports. If prizes and items are donated, there should be few expenditures taken from proceeds. There will be raffle prizes again open to all who come to the event. There will be 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes for soup and chili cooks. Irma will need more volunteers for this committee. She will notify the members of the first meeting and the exact date of the event. Jolina and Susan in Winnemucca will help. $750 was raised at this event last year. The motion was made and seconded to support spending $150 toward prizes, which the Foundation will match. The group agreed; motion was carried. Irma asked that power strips be purchased. Chris Marshall made a motion to purchase 10 power strips. It was seconded, and the motion carried.

Bylaws – No Report.

Facilities/Webpage – June needs to meet with Sean Thompson about the webpage.

Grant-in-Aid – No Report. Needs new chair.

Scholarship – No Report

Hospitality/Awards – Needs new chair.

PIE – Committee has disbanded.

College Council – Disbanded for one year. President’s Council will meet in its place.

Old Business

Classified Break Room – This room will be shared with adjunct faculty. Carl is encouraging feedback ideas on what we would like to see added to the room that was formerly the Writing Center in the center of McMullen Hall. Patty reported that 2 couches, coffee table, computers for adjunct faculty, a small refrigerator and a microwave will be added to the room.

Summer Hours – Feedback from Cynthia included a hardship with only a half hour for lunch. Bill Kingston said Ely dislikes not having staff in the evenings when classes are held. Jolina in Winnemucca felt that being open from 7 – 8 am, but closed at 3:30 pm, was not providing service to our students. A 4-10hr schedule would work better for them by allowing them to adjust their personnel scheduling to provide service to students when it is needed. Pat asked that these suggestions be given to the co-chairs to bring to the next President’s Council.

New Business

Community College Conference 2005 – Eric Holcombe from WNCC has asked for ideas for workshops next year. They are open to suggestions.

Classified Retreat – WNCC has a retreat paid for by their Vice-President of Academic Affairs. This was suggested by Pat Loper for open discussion. Irma Reyes suggested possibly using the picnic area in Lamoille for an event like this.

Necessity To Elect New Co-Chairs – Support was shown for our two co-chairs, and Jolina expressed thanks that the outlying campuses have felt more a part of the group than they have in the past. Thoughts were expressed that future co-chairs will expect members to take complaints to them for resolution, using the planned chain of command and trust in their elected officers to act for the good of everyone. June asked that the President’s Council minutes be distributed in a timely manner so that a response in question of those minutes can be generated. Irma added that in the future, responses to those minutes should be brought to the group and classified council rather than involve the campus with a “gbcall” e-mail.

No co-chair volunteers came forward at this meeting. The request for volunteers will be put out by e-mail to general classified staff.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:00 noon.

Minutes submitted by Penny Ronk, Secretary