
QCA Science Resources - Year 2

QCA Unit / Resources Needed
2a – Health and Growth / l  Collection of pictures of animals and humans at different stages in their life, some where young look different at different stages
l  Variety of basic food types
l  Collection of packaging for medicines
l  Secondary sources showing the needs of young children
l  Visitors: parent and baby
Parent and toddler
School nurse
2b – Plants and Animals in the Local Environment / l  Variety of habitats
l  Secondary sources showing adults and young in a range of animals
l  Pictures of plants in flower and with fruit and seeds
l  Simple reference books
l  Soil, compost, sand, absorbent paper, plant pots
l  Collection of seeds of different shapes and colours
l  Transparent container for growing seed in
l  Seed pods and fruits
l  Prepared recording tables
2c - Variation / l  Pictures which help children understand that humans are of different genders, ages, ethnic origin but are the same inside
l  Pictures and specimens of a range of animal and plants
l  Video showing a variety of animals ( particularly those not found locally)
l  Apparatus for showing length – standard and non standard
2d – Grouping and Changing Materials / l  Secondary sources
l  Collection of natural and man-made materials
l  Objects from naturally occurring materials
l  Shapes for making ice shapes
l  Mouldable materials eg plasticine, clay
l  Access to freezer, oven, kiln
l  Materials which harden on cooling eg butter and chocolate
2e – Forces and Movement / l  Materials such as plasticine and dough
l  Collection of toy cars and other toys that can move
l  Apparatus for measuring length
l  Bean bags &/or soft balls
l  Bricks and pieces of wood/thick card that can make ramps
l  Collections of pictures/video showing moving objects
l  Large moving apparatus
2f – Using Electricity / l  Collection of batteries
l  Batteries, bulbs, bulb holders, buzzers, crocodile clips and insulated wires
l  Range of electrical devices ( or pictures) using mains electricity
l  Torches, electrical devices which use batteries
l  Drawing of simple circuits which do not work
l  Incomplete circuits
l  Video on electrical safety