Notes of Parish Council Meeting – 23rd October 2017

Present: Councillors Sampson (Chairperson), Caunt, Fane, Greenhalgh, Hughes and Morison. Parish Clerk: Carol Tointon. There were four members of the public present including County Councillor Maughan and District Councillor Sampson.
1. Apologies for Absence – Cllr Buck
2. Chairperson’s remarks: The Chairperson welcomed everyone to the meeting.
3. Declaration of interest: Cllr Morison declared an interest in agenda item 7b as the Litter Picker is his wife and Cllr Hughes declared an interest in agenda item 7b as he is the recipient of a cheque for reimbursement of the fireworks and the collection of a cheque on behalf of the Village Hall and Playing Field Committee.
4. Approval of the notes of the last meeting of the Parish Council. The notes of the last meeting had been circulated to all Councillors. It was proposed by Cllr Hughes and seconded by Cllr Morison that these notes be accepted as a true record of the Parish Council meeting held on the 18th September 2017.
5. Adjournment of business for public questions.
6. Reports on matters outstanding:
a) Lime Tree Close – There was nothing further to report. Cllr Greenhalgh asked if this item could be removed from the agenda until such time as there was something substantive to report. There was unanimous agreement.
b) Trees – North End – It was noted that Cllr Morison had spoken to his contact who had said he would undertake the necessary work in the Spring at a cost of £50. It was proposed by Cllr Morison and seconded by Cllr Hughes that this be accepted.
c) Overhanging branches – Scotts Hill – it was noted that the Chairperson had sent an e-mail to the owners of the property and the necessary work had been undertaken. It was agreed that the situation required monitoring.
7. Financial Matters
a) Financial Report – The Clerk reported that the balance is currently is £19,870.55 including in the General Account £13,837.10, £5188.40 in the Playing Field Account, £245.05 in the Defibrillator account, £400 in the Election Fund and £200 in the Playing Field Reserve.
b) Accounts for Payment – there were five invoices for payment:
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Iris Morison / Litter Picking September / £ 65.03
BDG Mowing Contractors / Grass Cutting September / £140.00
Fulbeck PCC / Grant for grass cutting / £400.00
P. Hughes (VH & PF) / Reimburse for fireworks £379.98 + £76 VAT / £455.98
P. Hughes (VH & PF / Grant less fireworks / £620.02
It was proposed by Cllr Fane and seconded by Cllr Greenhalgh that the invoices be paid. All were in agreement.
c) Payments Made: The Clerk reported that the following payments had been made since the previous meeting.
Clerk’s Salary September / Standing Order / £111.60
Cllr Morison reported that at a meeting of the VETO Core Committee it was decided to wind up the group and dispose of the remaining funds. As part of this it was decided to distribute a major proportion of the money to those eight Parish Councils who supported the group’s campaign. As a consequence Fulbeck Parish Council would be receiving £300. Cllr Morison proposed that this money be ring-fenced so that it could be used for a specific project in the village. There was unanimous agreement.
8) Planning Matters
a) Planning Applications Received
·  S17/1667 – reduction in height of 2 x Willow trees at Dale House, Washdyke Lane
b) Planning Applications Determined
·  S17/1230 – Removal of 2 x branches at Lambs Cottage, Rectory Lane – work allowed.
·  S17/1523 – Tree work at Beck House, 35 Washdyke Lane – work allowed
·  S17/1628 – Internal alterations and replacement external windows and doors at Lambs Cottage, Rectory Lane – consent has been granted
·  S17/1774 – Fell Sycamore Tree at The Old Farm House, Washdyke Lane – work allowed
·  S17/1552 – For the retention of fixed plant for the processing of waste wood and proposed formation of materials open storage compound for the processing of waste glass at Mid UK Recycling Ltd – permission has been granted
·  S17/1509 – repair/alteration works to a listed building at The Hare & Hounds – consent has been granted.
9. Highway Matters
a) Temporary Road Closure at Lincoln Road (Closed at Northern junction with A607) from
30/10/2017 to 1/11/2017.
Details of this road closure had been circulated.
b) Closure of Washdyke Lane – with the present permanent closure of this Lane it was causing difficulties for the residents for access purposes and also for the emptying of the dustbins. There was also a query as to what was going to happen to the street lighting. CC Maughan stated he would mention these concerns at his next meeting with the Highways Authority.
c) Speed Limit Reactor Sign – The Councillors and members of the public thanked CC Maughan for his endeavours in getting the sign erected.
d) Salt Bins – DC Sampson pointed out that he had put the salt into two big builders’ bags and that this was available for the villagers. Agreed to put details in the Fulbeck News.
e) Dip in the Road at South Heath Lane – There is a dip in the road, probably due to subsidence, which means that people go down in the dip and you can see where they scrape the road with the bottom of their cars. The Chairperson had reported this but as nothing appeared to have happened CC Maughan agreed to chase the matter.
10. Community Collaboration Project – this had been circulated and the contents noted.
11. Frequency of Parish Council Meetings – The Chairperson sought the Cllrs’ views on the frequency of meetings. After discussion it was proposed by the Chairperson and seconded by Cllr Hughes that the meetings should be held bi-monthly on the second Monday in the month for a trial period of six months. There was unanimous agreement. It was also agreed that if an urgent item was required to be discussed and extraordinary meeting could be called.
12. Correspondence – the Clerk notified the members that the following had been received:
·  Letter from LALC regarding future funding (already circulated)
·  E-mail from SKDC re the Council’s draft housing strategy 2017-2021 (already circulated)
·  South Kesteven Neighbourhood Plan Workshop – 22nd November 2017
·  Brochure from Glasdon
·  Newsletter from Came & Co (circulated via Drop Box)
With regard to the Neighbourhood Plan Workshop it was considered that it would be advantageous for two people to attend. Cllr Caunt and DC Sampson volunteered. Cllr Fane considered it would be beneficial for younger people to be involved if the Plan progressed. DC Sampson pointed out that grants are available to facilitate the preparation of a Plan.
13. District Councillor’s Report – matters raised included:
i) Sir William Robertson Academy has now become a multi-academy trust with Bassingham Primary School.
ii) It was noted that the District Council car park had been closed in order building work could commence.
iii) DC Sampson gave an up-date on the road improvements and details of the bid for an outlet at Spitalgate and another bid from Oldrid & Co. Ltd.
14. County Councillor’s Report
CC Maughan stated that as a result of the highways services having gone through some fundamental changes earlier this year there are a number of parish cluster meetings being held through October/November 2017 so that the changes could be explained. It was noted the Chairperson and the Clerk will be attending such a meeting on the 24th October 2017 at Sleaford.
As a result of the ‘Fairer Funding for Lincolnshire’ campaign it was hoped that the County would receive some more money and that there would be a change in the funding formula. However, CC Maughan pointed out that any change would be controversial as some other Counties might lose out.
The latest details about Grantham Hospital were noted.
An Executive Councillor had been to China and it was hoped that some good news arising from that visit would be announced shortly.
15. Village Organisations Report – Village Hall and Playing Field Committee
Cllr Hughes reported that he had handed a cheque for £203.09 to the Clerk. This was to go into the funds for the Playing Field Play Equipment.
The firework display is to be held on Sunday 5th November.
Work is progressing on the alterations to the Village Hall and once again thanked Mrs Morison for all her hard work in securing grants.
16. Clean – up Campaign – As a result of a query from Cllr Greenhalgh, DC Sampson explained that a number of teams had been formed and they would be kept gainfully engaged in keeping villages tidy. It was hoped to let the relevant villages know when the team was coming in order that volunteers can be sought to enhance the workforce.
17. Public Comments – the meeting was adjourned to give members of the public an opportunity to make comments.
Date of next meeting: MONDAY 4TH DECEMBER 2017 at 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall.
NB Please note change of date.
The meeting concluded at 9 p.m.
Signed ______Date ______/ Clerk
Cllr Morison
Clerk/Cllrs with signature authority
CC Maughan
Chairperson/CC Maughan
Cllr Caunt/DC Sampson