Nov 2012
USS ______
a) NSTM 470
b) AEL 2-77004253 for Conventional Decontamination Station Equipment
IAW / S/U / S/U / S/U / S/U / S/UStation or Compartment Number
1. Weather Deck to OCUA / Ref (a)
a. Route markers are installed in weather areas to indicate the most direct route to the nearest access opening of the decontamination station?
b. Decontamination station entrance marker is installed at each entrance door?
c. A label plate reading “ACCESS TO DECONTAMINATION STATION” is installed on the weather door access?
d. Door (Weather to OCUA) Operates properly and does not require adjustment
2. Outer Clothing Undressing Area (OCUA) / Ref (a)
a. Deck drain provided and functions properly?
b. Relay lantern provided?
c. 120W overhead lights installed and rig for red light capability?
d. A label plate reading “DO NOT BLOCK DECONTAMINATION STATION” installed on the outboard side of doors leading from the interior of the ship to the OCUA?
e. Door (OCUA to ICUA) has a label plate reading “NO ENTRY EXCEPT AS DIRECTED DURING CONTAMININATION RECOVERY OR EXERCISE” installed on the outboard side of door leading from the OCUA to the ICUA
3. Inner Clothing Undressing Area (ICUA) / Ref (a)
a. A label plate reading “USE HANDS TO SHIELD CANISTER(S) DURING SHOWER OPERATION. CAUTION: DO NOT TOUCH CANISTER(S)” installed in the shower area?
b. A label plate reading “DO NOT OPEN THIS DOOR UNTIL ORDERED TO DO SO BY STATION ATTENDENT” installed on the door leading from the shower to the CPL?
c. Deck drain provided and functions properly?
d. All nozzles function correctly when shower is in operation?
4. Attendants Station (Control Area) / Ref (a)
a. Shower gage is red lined at 35 psi?
b. Shower piping is labeled correctly?
c. Label plate (instruction plate) stating: “SHOWER: 30 SECONDS AT 35 PSI
5. Conventional Decon Station Equipment Inventory / IAW / QTY / S/U / S/U / S/U / S/U / S/U
Station or Compartment Number
Number of items in “QTY” column are per decon station / Ref (a,b)
a. Bag, Disposal, 10 gal (1 box = 250 bags) 100 bags per decon station. / 100 bags
b. Bag, Disposal, 55 gal (1 box = 100 bags) 25 bags per decon station / 25 bags
c. Brush-Chassis and Running / 3
d. Brush, Boot Wash / 2
e. Calcium Hypochlorite (HTH) / 52
f. Can-Ash x Gbg w/o cover (Trash Can 32 Gallon) / 5
g. CP-Kit, M291 Decon / 2
h. General Purpose Detergent (1 Gallon can) / 1
i. Handle, Deck Brush / 3
j. Measure, Liquid,1 pt / 1
k. Pail, Utility, 5gal / 2
l. Pan, Steam Table (for Scissors) / 2
m. Scissors, Bandage / 6
n. Sponge, Cellulose / 3
o. Stool-Stainless Steel / 1
p. Tray,boot Wash. (2’ x2’ 6”) fabricate IAW NAVSEA DWG
804-5959203, PC68, Det 50c / 1
q. Soap Bars (per station for 100 personnel processed) / 10
r. Towels (per station for 100 personnel processed) / 100
s. Tape, Duct (per station) / 1
Explanations for *
*36 per decon station for PC’s**LCS1, LCS2, LCS 3 and above are 2 trashcans per decon
***CVN65 and CVN68 class are required to maintain 25 towels per decon station