Searching forClipmaster
Start-up Quantum Health
We are a start-up looking for a Clipmaster to launchourproject. The initiative we are launchingconcernsa new future medicine. Health (or shallwebettersay «Illness»)iscurrentlymostlytreated by conventionalmedicinebasedon the use of biochemicalsdrugs. Wehave becomeaccustomed to doping ourselvesratherthantreating the real causes of ourhealthproblems – to stop thistrend and the related business, we must actnow.
Wewant to providethe world witha new approach for prevention and treatment of all healthproblemsvia naturalmeans.
Today millions of people die everymonth in the world because ofillnesseswhichwere not properlyanticipated and/ortreated. Countries wereabandoned and we are here to savethem! ifyoufeelyou are equallyconcerned by thisproblem, youcannowtake the opportunity to join us and take the initiative to shareourphilosophyby continuing to workwith us.
To makethisdream come true, weneedyour help,becauseonlytogether are westrongenough!
We are convincedthatwecancreate and change the world together. Yourroleisvery important as itwillallow to develop a network but alsoto gain successfulaccess to new international markets. You are captainaboardourbeautifulship!
To arrive safelyatourplanneddestination, weneedyour leadership.
You film everythingyousee? You are building yourown clips? Snapchat and facebook are yourfriends, youcreate short and long filmswithbreathtakingstaging. We are convincedthatwecanworktogether, we have a place for youwithinourleadingteam! You are good in your area, beevengreaterdoingitwith us. Come join us -it’sherewhereithappens!
-Createsmallvideoswith a greatstaging
-Filmourdailywork and fun
-Publish on videoplatforms, social networks…
Tool kit:
-Camera, perch …
-Reliability, technicalshooting and framing, studioexperience, TV trays,creative, sense of art
-Trainee/Internship: 3-6 months minimum
-Interim mission: 3-6 monthsrenewable
-Fluency in English required, French will be a plus
We are sure thatyouwillgo to the moonwithour team and thatwecan change the world together.Join us quickly,
Please send your CV and cover letter to contact[at] w/ ref. 16-740-IN-R01
Quantum Health – Foundation & Institute
7 rue Chateaubriand, 75008 Paris – France