Prototype Report

LEMA Pilot School Integrated Family Accountability System

Teawon Han / Project Manager
Zhen Huang / Feasibility Analyst
Ziming Wei / Operational Concept Engineer
Xiali Ma / Life Cycle Planner
Ian Williams / Requirements Engineer
Kimberly Krause / IIV&V /
System Requirements Engineer


Version History

Date / Author / Version / Changes made / Rationale
09/28/11 / IW / 1.1 /
  • First Version
  • N/A

10/02/11 / IW / 1.2 /
  • Added elements from Easy Grade Pro
  • Added student views of reports
  • Client wants product to mimic the look and feel of Easy Grade Pro

10/03/11 / Teawon /
  • Change format of document
  • Update 2.Navigation flow
  • Student could access booklist by web

Table of Contents

Prototype Report......

Version History......

Table of Contents......


1.1Purpose of the prototype report......

1.2Status of the prototype......

2.Navigation Flow......

3.Critical Issues and Risks......


4.1Grade Reports......

4.2Attendance Reports......

4.3Grade Input......

4.4Attendance Input......

4.5Parent Communication Page......

4.6Book Reservation System......

Prototype Reportfor LEMA Family Accountability SystemVersion 1.3


1.1Purpose of the prototype report

The prototype report is used to mitigate the riskiest aspects of the project. Once all of these aspects are gathered, the prototyper creates prototypes to model proposed solutions for that risk. The client reviews these models and provides feedback about how to improve. This document records the steps in this process.

1.2Status of the prototype


-First version.


-Added new report pages that show what a student would see instead of a teacher.

-Updated Navigation Flow to make it more clear that the grade/attendance reports for teachers and students are similar (teachers can see everything that students can see).

-Mimicked some aspects of Easy Grade pro to make teachers more comfortable with the layout.

2.Navigation Flow

Figure 1: Navigation Flow of Volunteer Tracking System

3.Critical Issues and Risks

Name / Description
UI Look and Feel / Client is unsure how they want the UI to look. They have asked the developers to create a prototype based off of one of their existing systems (EZ Grade) and they will provide feedback.
Cross-project Cooperation / Client wants this system to interface/combine with a system from another project – the class scheduling and registration system. The level of cooperation is unclear.
Page Load Time / One of the current systems takes several minutes to load. Client wants this time to be cut to 5 – 10 seconds. However, it is unclear what the cause of the lag is and they may require a new server to host their own database to speed up the load time.

Since this is the first report, the only risk that we are able to prototype is the UI Look and Feel.

The client did not help with this prototype except for pointing out that they want the UI to look generally like one of their existing products.


The prototype screens were created using Balsamiq, a tool designed to rapidly design realistic UI pages. This tool was chosen because the prototyper has previous experience using it. It is a good choice for low-tech prototypes because it contains many pre-built UI components that can be quickly combined to create simple pages. It is a good choice for test-drivable prototypes because it provides more powerful options such as page templates and page linking that can be used to create realistic pages.

The following screenshots depict the main screens that the client has requested.

4.1Grade Reports
Description / Displays a table of grades as well as a series of graphs that show a student’s grades (or the entire class’ grades).
Related Capability / Win Conditions 64, 65, 72, 109
Pre-condition / User is logged in and requests the “Grade Reports” menu drop-down
Post Condition / Student data is displayed in both tabular and graphical formats.

Figure 1.1. Teacher’s Grade Report for a Single Class

Figure 1.2. Teacher’s Grade Report for All Classes

Figure 1.3. Parent’s/Student’s Grade Report for All Classes

4.2Attendance Reports
Description / Displays a table of grades as well as a series of reports that show a student’s attendance across all classes.
Related Capability / Win conditions 64, 65, 72
Pre-condition / User is logged in and requests the “Attendance Reports” menu drop-down.
Post Condition / Student data is displayed in both tabular and graphical formats.

Figure 2.1. Attendance Report for Teachers

Figure 2.2. Attendance Report for Parents/Students

4.3Grade Input
Description / Displays an interface for each class that the teacher teaches which allows him/her to input student grades whenever they want.
Related Capability / Win conditions 65, 109
Pre-condition / User is logged in and requests the “Grade Input” menu drop-down.
Post Condition / Student data is displayed in both tabular and graphical formats.

Figure 3. Grade Input Page

4.4Attendance Input
Description / Displays an interface for each class that the teacher teaches which allows him/her to input student attendance.
Related Capability / Win conditions 64, 65
Pre-condition / User is logged in and requests the “Attendance Input” menu drop-down.
Post Condition / Student data is displayed in both tabular and graphical formats.

Figure 4. Attendance Input Page

4.5Parent Communication Page
Description / Displays an interface that allows teachers to send messages to parents in the form of emails/texts.
Related Capability / Win conditions 63, 57
Pre-condition / User is logged in and requests the “Parent Notification” tab.
Post Condition / Teacher is presented with a list of predefined messages to send to parents with an option of either text or email.

Figure 5. Parent Notification Page

4.6Book Reservation System
Description / Displays an interface that allows teachers to keep track of the books borrowed by students.
Related Capability / Win condition 113
Pre-condition / User is logged in and requests the “Book Reservation” tab.
Post Condition / Teacher is presented with a list of all books lent out for each of their classes and an easy-to-see indicator of all overdue books (along with the offending student).

Figure 6. Book Reservation Page
The Balsamiq tool proved its utility. The low-tech prototypes in the previous section were created rapidly and ought to elicit valuable feedback from the clients once they review it.


PRO_FCP_F11a_T04_V1.3.docVersion Date: 10/03/2011