US I-BarkerChapter 6- Launching the New nation

Section 1- Washington Heads the New Government

1. Read Section.

2. Vocabulary*/Terms:


Judiciary Act of 1789

to incur*


to secede*

Whiskey Rebellion

3. People:

George Washington

Thomas Jefferson

Alexander Hamilton

Henry Knox

4. Written Work:

  1. Why did the textbook writers include the quote from George Washington’s diary on p. 182?
  2. Why was the establishment of the nation’s capital at WashingtonDC an important decision?
  3. What do you think of George Washington’s opinion (p186) on the two-party system?
  4. Daily Life 1789-1816- (pp188-189) How would you fare as a youth in Early America based on the information provided? Think about work, education and leisure when composing your answer.

Section 2 – Foreign Affairs Trouble the Nation

1. Read Section

2. Vocabulary*/Terms


Treaty of San Lorenzo 1795

Battle of Fallen Timbers

Treaty of Greenville

Jay’s Treaty 1794


Alien and Sedition Acts

to hinder*

3. People

Edmund Genet

Thomas Pinckney

Little Turtle

Anthony Wayne

John Jay

John Adams

4. Written Work

  1. Why did the text writers include the quote from Gouverneur Morris’ journal?
  2. Why was the French Revolution of interest to America? Why do you think Jefferson and Hamilton eventually agreed with Washington that war was not in America’s best interest?
  3. What was Washington’s foreign policy advice in his Farewell Address?
  4. What flaw in the Constitution was exposed in the election of 1796?
  5. What was the XYZ affair? What were the results?
  6. What do you think of the idea of states nullifying laws that they do not agree with? Did the Alien and/or Sedition Acts deserve such a reaction?

Section 3- Jefferson Alters the Nation’s Course

1. Read Section

2. Vocabulary*/Terms:

to hasten*

Marbury vs. Madison

judicial review

Louisiana Purchase

3. People

Thomas Jefferson

Aaron Burr

Alexander Hamilton

John Marshall

Meriwether Lewis

William Clark


4. Written Work

  1. What flaw did the 1800 Election reveal about the Constitution’s elections process?
  2. What were some key steps in the first days of Jefferson’s presidency?
  3. Do Geography Application Worksheet: the Louisiana Purchase

Section 4- The War of 1812

1. Read Section

2. Vocabulary*/Terms:




war hawk*



Battle of New Orleans

Treaty of Ghent

3. People

William Henry Harrison


John Calhoun

Henry Clay

James Madison

Andrew Jackson

Sam Wilson (Uncle Sam)

4. Written Work

  1. Was Jefferson’s embargo an effective combat to impressment?
  2. How does the Battle at Tippecanoe contribute to calls for war against Britain?
  3. Ultimately what was Madison’s argument for going to war against the British again in 1812?
  4. Geography Skillbuilder p. 204/#1&2
  5. The text does not go into much about the fighting of the War of 1812 but what do the text writers want you to take away from this section on the War? (provide details that show what you learned.)