Academic Lab Syllabus

Completing and returning this form earns a 100 point grade.

Dear Parents/Guardians:

Welcome to our class! I am excited to be working with you and your child this trimester. Together, we form a powerful team that will help your student grow and learn. Please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with our class rules, procedures, and behavior expectations. Then, please sign and return this paper.

I love to contact you with news of the good things your student has done, and I often do this through email. For that reason, please provide an email address if at all possible. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me. I look forward to working with you.


Kimberly L. Medley

School phone: 839-5118

Email address:

Student Name ______

I have read and understand what is expected of my child.


Guardian/parent signatureDate

Home phone number

Work phone number

Cell phone number

Email address

Behavioral Syllabus

Welcome to our class! You can expect a semester complete with new ideas, different thoughts, and fun. Be prepared to learn every day. In order for class to flow smoothly, we have to agree on how things happen in this room.

What to Expect In This Class…

A daily plan for each person.

  • A chance to learn and grow as a person
  • Fair treatment
  • My job is to teach. Your job is to learn. We are all going to do our jobs to the best of our abilities!

Behavioral Expectations

My behavioral expectations are posted above the light switch, near the door. All school policies shall be followed.

  1. Follow directions.

This statement includes all of the school policies.

  1. Respect everyone, including you.

Treat people like you want to be treated. Put your trash in the trash can, books back on the shelf, and clean up your work area. Have pride in yourself.

  1. Use appropriate language.

Don’t use hateful words, sexual or racist remarks, or profanity.

  1. Bring all materials with you.

Have a positive attitude and open your mind. Take notes and ask questions. Be an active participant in class.

  1. Stay put.

Learning happens when you’re in class and participate. You, as my student, should plan on staying in class and being engaged in our instruction.

  1. Sleep some where other than my class.

The best place to accomplish this is at your house. We don’t have time for naps; we have too much to accomplish.

Phone Policy

Our school does not allow students to use their cell phones other than in designated times before school, after school, and during lunch OR with teacher permission. We teachers are instructed to take cell phones when we see them, and I will adhere to that policy in situations where the student is being non-compliant with expectations. During class, I may ask students to put their phones face down on their desks.

Homework, Class work, and Tests

  • Daily work is a part of our class.
  • Keep a notebook of your papers.


Please make every possible attempt to be at school unless missing is absolutely necessary due to sickness or some sort of emergency. When you return, check the class folder located on the black book case in front of my desk. If we have hand outs, I will place those in the folder for you. Ask questions if you’re uncertain about what we did and what you need to make up. Complete any assignments and turn them in the next day unless you make arrangements with me.


The computers in my room are for educational purposes. We will use them for reading, writing, and math skills. We are not going to listen to music, find songs, or look at social media type pages unless done so as a part of a specific behavioral reward. At no time are the computers to be used to play violent games.

Cool Down Time

We all have bad days. If you are having a bad day, let me know quietly. Take time to cool off and then join us. If you need to talk, let me know. We can arrange a time to talk or I can make arrangements for you to talk to the school counselors, psychologist, or drop out prevention coordinator.

Cheating and Plagiarism

Cheating comes in many forms and isn’t tolerated. The most common examples include copying from someone or getting another person to do your work for you. Plagiarism also includes copying from published works such as poetry, songs, and parts of stories, movies, or TV shows. Either of these will earn a failing grade for the assignment and possibly for the class. Don’t take an unnecessary chance.

Free Time

Because we have so much to accomplish, a limited amount of free time can be earned. During each grading period, students will have one class period to complete missing assignments (that aren’t over a week late) OR to enjoy free time through computer time or watching a movie. Only during the free time can a student use the computers for random activities such as social media, listening to music, or playing non-violent games.

Discipline Policy

To learn, everyone (students and teachers) must behave. Misbehavior will be handled as follows:

Warning…I will give the student a verbal warning concerning the inappropriate behavior. This warning serves as a reminder for the student to refocus and regain control.

2nd Offense…If the student continues to misbehave, the student and I will have a conference, and the parents will be contacted.

3rd Offense…If the student continues to have behavioral concerns after being warned, having a conference, and parental contact, the student reports to the office.

Severity Clause…Certain behaviors – including but not limited to verbal abuse, cursing, harassment, and physical violence will result in immediate removal from the classroom.

Also, walking out of class is considered to be severe. Once you leave my room, you leave me with no option but to report that you have left, and the office will assume responsibility for you. Do yourself a favor – avoid walking out of class.

Very Important Reminder…Misery is optional!

Welcome to your Academic Lab class. We are going to commit ourselves to improvement in basic reading, writing, spelling, and math skills, and we will work on these goals daily individually, in small groups, and in whole class situations.

All Academic Labs have the same syllabus, same grading policies and procedures, and same set of expectations.

Class Expectations and Grades

Academic Lab is not a study skills class. Retaking tests is not part of our curriculum, nor is finishing homework. Pulling from Academic Labs should not be expected. We have an established class expectation, and we will work to reach personal, individual goals. If time permits, then a student may use a portion of Academic Lab to address class needs, tests, and assignments.

Academic Lab is not a dumping ground for behavioral concerns. As the student, you are expected to complete tasks selected for you based on your skills needs. Your job as the student is to complete tasks to the best of your ability. The teacher’s job is to teach; your job is to learn. Learning is your responsibility, and we expect you to take your responsibility seriously.

Computers are for instructional purposes only. When on the computer, no time can be committed to Facebook or other social media sites; You Tube or similar music sites; game plays unless the game is a part of the academic sites you are assigned. If the site requires sound to be most effective, then the student is expected to wear headphones as to not disturb others. Other than that circumstance, no student will wear headphones, and computers will be muted.

Listening to music on computer or devices such as phones or IPods is not permitted. Please don’t ask, and please don’t argue.

Students will need to demonstrate the ability to work independently. During class, students will work in a cycle. At times, the student will work on paper and pencil tasks; on the computer; and with the teacher. Being mature and responsible is critical. As the teacher works with individuals, each student is expected to focus on their assigned task.

Every class begins with a bell ringer. The bell ringer will involve either a reading skill, a writing skill, or a math skill. Bell ringers are collected every Friday and will receive a grade of 25 points. Every Thursday, the bell ringer will involve an ACT type question on reading, math, grammar, or science.

Every week, each student will receive a grade for the class. This grade is based on on-task behavior (5 points); completed tasks as demonstrated by the performance log (5 points); and work ethic (5 points). The weekly grade total is 75 points, or 15 points per day. Being repeatedly prompted to work doesn’t demonstrate a strong work ethic, and grades will be affected. Each student can earn 1200 points for the trimester.

By the end of the class, each student will complete a resume`. The resume` must be typed, free of mistakes, and visually appealing. This document will carry a 100 point grade and must be completed by the eleventh week of class.

Tests in Academic Lab do not exist. There will be no assessment other than the progress tests each student takes in the individual curriculum. Student work individually and on computer sites will be reported weekly to the student so that the student can be aware of progress made.

The final exam will be a performance event, and students will be evaluated based on the work completed in preparation for the finals in classes.

Week 12 of the class is regarded as a dead week. During the last week before final exams, the class focus will involve preparation for final exams through completing study guides and study exercises.

Homework completion takes last priority. In Academic Lab, students are to work on skills, not assignments from other classes. Finishing with approximately ten minutes left in class is possible, but should not be regarded as a guarantee. Should time permit and planned activities for the student have been completed well, the student may request the final amount of class time to work on assignments or read a book.

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Name ______

Due at the end of class every Friday for 100 points

Student Performance Log

Carefully log all of your activities on the table below for the week. Include activities you do with your teacher, on the computer, and by yourself. If you are absent, be sure to make that note as well.

Date / Reading / Writing / Math
Date ______
Date ______
Date ______
Date ______
Date ______

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