Importing References into RefWorks:


  1. Perform a search and select the references you want. To select records click the Add to Folder link under the citation.
  2. View your selected references by clicking Folder View on the right hand side of the page.
  3. Select the references you wish to export to Refworks.
  4. Click the export icon.
  5. Select Direct Export to RefWorks.
  6. Click Save. Refworks will open in a new window.
  7. Login to Refworks. The selected References will be automatically imported.
  8. Click View Last Imported Folder to view your CINAHL references.
  9. Move References to the appropriate folder.


  1. Perform a search and checkmark the references you want to keep.
  2. Send the marked items to the Clipboard. Can skip this step if you like. Go to step 4.
  3. Go to Clipboard.
  4. Click “Send To”
  5. Choose File
  6. Choose Medline under Format
  7. Click Create File
  8. Log in to RefWorks.
  9. From the top toolbar hover over References and then select Import.
  10. Select NLM PubMed as the Import Filter/Data Source. PubMed will be set as the Database.
  11. Browse and add the file you just created.
  12. You can now choose which folder to import the records to. They will also be added to the Last Imported Folder.
  13. Click Import.
  14. Your records will appear in the Last Imported Folder.
  15. Move references to the appropriate folder if you did not choose a folder already.


  1. Ensure you do not have a RefWorks window open. Export will not work if you have RefWorks open.
  2. In EMBASE, check off the records you want to add to RefWorks
  3. Click “Export”
  4. Select ‘RefWorks Direct Export’ and click ‘Export’.
  5. You’ll be prompted to click ‘Submit to RefWorks’.
  6. Loginto RefWorks if not already signed in. Select “View Last imported Folder”
  7. Move references to the appropriate folder.

The Cochrane Library

  1. In The Cochrane Library, check off the records you want to add to RefWorks.
  2. Select “export selected citations”.
  3. Choose desired ‘export type’ and ‘system type’.
  4. Click ‘export citation’.
  5. Save your text file.
  6. Loginto RefWorks if not already signed in.
  7. From the references menu, select ‘Import’.
  8. Select ‘From Text File’.
  9. For the ‘Import Filter/Data Source’ AND ‘Database’, choose ‘WileyInterscience’.
  10. Browse for and upload the file.
  11. Click ‘Import’ and then click “view last imported folder”.
  12. Move references to the appropriate folder.