Minutes of Annual General Meeting held at 7.30 pm on Tuesday 8th February 2011 at Hoole Community Centre

Present: Frank Auty, Lisa Borghesi, Chris Caroe, Sue Caroe Honoré Gale, Mervyn Gardner, Alan Kift, Paul Phillips, Dave Taylor, Linda Webb, Bridget Zorn and 5 members of the public present

Apologies: Mary Gillie, Christine Wedge

Minutes of the last meeting: Agreed and signed as a true record. Proposed by Alan Kift Seconded by Dave Taylor

Matters Arising:

  • The Chair had received a good response to requests for extra help with work parties and with tenants with specific skills offering to help. The website had helped tremendously with communication.

Secretary’s Report:

  • Nothing to report. Any business and insurance correspondence had been dealt with by the Chair. There had been no correspondence with the Council. Chair thanked Honoré for Minute taking throughout the year

Chairman’s Report:

  • Chair reported that membership had been consolidated and was more active within HAGA by using the shop and involved in activities.
  • Successes had included the Open Day, the creation of a community orchard, the Newsletter and the Apple Day arranged by Lisa.
  • The Chair thanked Chris and Sue for their work in the trading hut and all the members of the committee for making the colony work so successfully.

Hut Manager’s Report:

  • Report previously circulated. Sales were increasing as was the range of products on offer. Prices had increased but we still manage to be competitive. Potatoes, onions, shallots and garlic were selling well as were the Growbags. Taylors compost contained no green waste products.
  • Hut manager thanked all those who helped on delivery days and to all the shop volunteers.

Treasurer’s Report:

  • The Treasurer’s Accounts were circulated and discussed. The Accounts have been presented to the Auditor but due to unforeseen circumstances had not yet been verified. It is hoped that the accounts will have been approved by the next committee meeting.
  • The Treasurer considered the Association had had a successful year with sales increasing by 10%. He thanked Alan Kift for his help during his period of illness. It was agreed that Alan Kift should support the Treasurer with his duties. It was also suggested that Prohelp be approached in case the current Auditor wished to stand down
  • The Chair thanked Frank for his continued hard work with the Association’s accounts
  • The meeting approved the Treasurer’s Accounts. Proposed Dave Taylor Seconded Alan Kift

Colony Spokesperson’s Report:

  • Report attached to Minutes
  • Meeting informed of the progress of the Allotment Forum; vandalism; willow maze, Open Day, Apple Day and the development of community orchard

Resolutions to be considered by the Annual General Meeting

  • To investigate the provision of water butts
  • To consider renting ground cover to new tenants
  • To form a work party to clear the footpath behind plot 107
  • To look to organising a social event in June
  • To ensure that details of HAGA is included in the Welcome Pack for new tenants

Election of Officers:

  • The following people were elected as officers and committee members

Chairman / Linda Webb / Proposed: Chris Caroe
Seconded: Paul Phillips
Vice-Chairman / Dave Taylor / Proposed: Sue Caroe
Seconded: Paul Phillips
Secretary / Not appointed / Proposed:
Secretary / Dave Taylor / Proposed: Linda Webb
Seconded: Paul Phillips
Minutes Secretary / Honoré Gale / Proposed: Paul Phillips
Seconded: Dave Taylor
Treasurer / Frank Auty / Proposed: Alan Kift
Seconded: Lisa Borghesi
Hut Rota Secretary / Sue Caroe / Proposed: Frank Auty
Seconded: Paul Phillips
Hut Manager / Chris Caroe / Proposed: Alan Kift
Seconded: Lisa Borghesi
Auditor / Alan Windhaber / To be decided

Committee Members: Mary Gillie, Lisa Borghesi, Karen Taylor, Mervyn Gardner, Bridget Zorn, Alan Kift, Chris Sullivan, Christine Wedge voted in en bloc. Paul Phillips also co-opted on to the Committee Proposed by Alan Kift and Seconded by Mervyn Gardner

Sue Levy and Melanie Renowden indicated they would like to join the Committee. Proposed by Linda Webb and Seconded by Honoré Gale

Approval to allocate Honoraria for 2011 - 2012:

  • The Chair recommended that the Honoraria remained unchanged for the forthcoming year. Proposed by Linda Webb and Seconded by Paul Phillips

There being no other business meeting closed at 8.55 p.m.


TUESDAY 22nd February 2011

At Hoole Community Centre at 7.30 p.m.

Date of Next Annual General Meeting – 7th February 2012