Fall FaCETConference

Sponsored by FaCET, the School of Graduate Studies, and UMKC Online Learning

August 20, 2015

Kaufmann Conference Center


8:30 – 8:45 Registration

8:45 – 9:00 Opening Remarks – Denis Medeiros, Dean, School of Graduate Studies (Town Square)

9:00 – 11:00Theater Delta – General faculty and Anchor / Discourse Faculty(Town Square)

Theater Delta will conduct: Cultivation: An Interactive Theater performance exploring Faculty Mentorship Skills and Diversity Issues. Topics will include: Active Listening & Communication Skills, Critical Feedback, Guiding Research, Accessibility/Boundaries, and Favoritism/Unconscious Bias.

Time / Brush Creek Room / Paseo Room / Brookside Room / Plaza Room / Troost Room
9:00 – 9:45 / Greer – Mentoring Undergraduate Researchers: Strategies for Success -- Panel / Lacy-Haun – The new Graduate Writing Program at UMKC / Cain – It’s Not Just a Numbers Game: Using Assessment to Enhance Student Achievement / Messina/Ward-Smith – Polishing on-line lectures using Adobe Presenter / GTS Orientation – SGS Staff
10:00 – 10:45 / Wellemeyer/Williams – Six Things You May be Doing Wrong With Your Research Assignments (and how to fix them) / Dickerson/Delaware/Reed/Thompson/Wood – Strategies for Addressing Persistent Issues in Student Writing: How to Stay Sane and Keep Cool
--Panel / Doss – RooWriter 101 / Davis - Connecting with Students in the Online Environment: Personal Experience


11:00 – 12:00 Net Tutor’sWriting Tools (Town Square) Presenter – Peter Pinckey, NetTutor

NetTutor is customized, 24/7/365 online tutoring with multiple modes that include live tutoring and paper reviews.In particular, through the paper center a student can submit a paper for review 24 hours a day every day of the week. The paper center supports writing across the curriculum including graduate and undergraduate writing assignments. Students may submit any type of writing assignment including, but not limited to, English composition papers, lab reports, technical writings, thesis statements, and graduate dissertations. All paper submissions maintain a 48 hour turnaround time.

12:00 – 1:00 Lunch (Town Square)

1:00 – 3:00 Theater Delta – General faculty and GTAs(Main room, repeated from earlier session)

Theater Delta will conduct: Cultivation: An Interactive Theater performance exploring Faculty Mentorship Skills and Diversity Issues. Topics will include: Active Listening & Communication Skills, Critical Feedback, Guiding Research, Accessibility/Boundaries, and Favoritism/Unconscious Bias.


Time / Brush Creek / Paseo Room / Brookside Room / Plaza Room / Troost Room
1:00 – 1:45 / Greer – Undergraduate Researchers: Taking UG Education to New Places / Cain – It’s Not Just a Numbers Game: Using Assessment to Enhance Student Achievement / Murdock – Teaching a Class that has a High DFW rate / Dickerson/Delaware/Reed/Thompson/Wood – Strategies for Addressing Persistent Issues in Student Writing: How to Stay Sane and Keep Cool
--Panel / GTA Orientation – SGS staff
2:00 – 2:45 / Lacy-Haun- The new Graduate Writing Program at UMKC / Messina/ Ward-Smith - Polishing on-line lectures using Adobe Presenter / Wellemeyer/Williams – Six Things You May be Doing Wrong With Your Research Assignments (and how to fix them / Delaware- Using the RooWriter Instructor Detailed Report to guide WI course content

Sessions 9:00 to 9:45

Mentoring Undergraduate Researchers: Strategies for Success

Coordinator– Jane Greer, Director of Undergraduate Research and Associate Professor of English and

Women’s & Gender Studies

Research mentors will share their experience and expertise as they describe how they successfully intertwined their research agendas with their teaching responsibilities.


Dr. Virginia Blanton, Department of English, College of Arts & Sciences

Dr. Megan Hart, Civil & Mechanical Engineering, School of Computing & Engineering

Dr. Saul Honigsberg, School of Biological Sciences

Dr. Seung Lark Lim, Department of Psychology, College of Arts & Sciences

Dr. Nathan Mauck, Department of Finance, Bloch School of Management

The New Graduate Writing Program at UMKC Coordinator – Lora Lacey-Haun, Administrative Consultant II, School of Graduate Studies

The purpose and goals of the graduate writing program will be presented.

It’s Not Just a Numbers Game: Using Assessment to Enhance Student Achievement
Presenter – Ruth Cain, Director of Assessment

While the ultimate purpose of assessment is to make programmatic alterations that result in enhanced student learning, programs frequently struggle to make sense of assessment data and use the results to improve student leaning. This session will provide an overview of analyzing assessment results and examples of how programs use assessment to enhance teaching and learning.

PolishingOn-line Lectures using Adobe Presenter

Presenters – Melissa Messina, Instructional Design Specialist, Online Learning and Peggy Ward-Smith, Director of FaCET and Associate Professor School of Nursing and Health Studies

How can instructors create more polished and accessible audio or video lectures for online teaching? The presenters will speak about their experience of piloting Adobe Presenter 10 software to transition Peggy's voice-over PowerPoints to captioned, searchable lecture packages published in a variety of formats to Blackboard. The pros and cons of using Adobe Presenter will be discussed, including the learning curve necessary to incorporate this modality in your online course.

Sessions 10:00 to 10:45

Six Things You May be Doing Wrong With Your Research Assignments (and how to fix them)

Presenters – Danielle Wellemeyer and Jessica Williams, Information Literacy Librarian

Well-constructed research assignments push students to think ambitiously with their projects and topics, to write better, and to perform information seeking at higher levels. But the speed of technological innovation has changed the way that libraries work and, therefore, the way that students do research. Make sure that your research assignments are up to date and inspiring student success--and not causing frustration and stress. We see around 40 research assignments a semester and have identified the aspects of assignment descriptions that are most troublesome for students. We’ll walk through the 6 most common mistakes and offer simple steps for improvement.

Strategies for Addressing Persistent Issues in Student Writing: How to Stay Sane and Keep Cool

Coordinator – Rhiannon Dickerson, Discourse Coordinator and Lecturer, Communication Studies

Strategies that prevent instructor burn-out and fatigue related to student writing concerns in any course, including WI courses, will be presented. Experiences that have been effective will be discussed.


Dr. Richard Delaware, Associate Teaching Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, College of Arts and Sciences, WI Instructor and UWRB member

Dr. Aaron Reed, Associate Teaching Professor, School of Biological Sciences

Cindy Thompson, Director of Public Services, UMKC Miller Nichol Library

Dr. Henri Wood, Assistant Teaching Professor, Honors College

RooWriter 101

Presenter– Crystal Gorham Doss, Coordinator of Writing Assessment, and Assistant Teaching Professor,Department of English

What is the RooWriter and how does it help UMKC students improve their writing and reading skills? How can RooWriter results enable instructors to enhance their teaching? This session will address these questions and preview the Instructor/Advisor reports. The presenter will lead a discussion about how the RooWriter reports can be used in classrooms and for advising students.

Connecting with Students in the Online Environment: Personal Experience

Presenter – Becky Davis, Assistant Teaching Professor, Department of History, College of Arts and Science

As the instructor for History 102, I will present my experiences in connecting with students in an online environment using strategies such as Tegrity lectures and Turnitin audio feedback for papers.

Sessions 1:00 to 1:45

Undergraduate Researchers: Taking UG Education to New Places

Coordinator– Jane Greer, Director of Undergraduate Research and Associate Professor of English and

Women’s & Gender Studies

Several of UMKC’s Undergraduate Researchers will share their experiences and describe about how working with a faculty mentor and completing a undergraduate research project impacted their educational trajectories. They will offer a student’s perspective on what makes for an effective faculty mentor and how faculty can support student participation in this “high impact” educational practice.

It’s Not Just a Numbers Game: Using Assessment to Enhance Student Achievement

Presenter – Ruth Cain, Director of Assessment

While the ultimate purpose of assessment is to make programmatic alterations that result in enhanced student learning, programs frequently struggle to make sense of assessment data and use the results to improve student leaning. This session will provide an overview of analyzing assessment results and examples of how programs use assessment to enhance teaching and learning.

Teaching a Class that has a High Rate of D, F and/or W grades

Coordinator – Tamera Murdock, Professor, Department of Psychology

Sometimes this is a "gateway course" such as College Algebra; other times, it is simply the hardest class in your major. In either case, faculty who teach in these situations face challenges that are different from many other classes. Comelisten, share, and brainstorm ideas with other faculty who are interested in improving student learning in these types of situations.

Strategies for Addressing Persistent Issues in Student Writing: How to Stay Sane and Keep Cool

Coordinator – Rhiannon Dickerson, Discourse Coordinator and Lecturer, Communication Studies

Strategies that prevent instructor burn-out and fatigue related to student writing concerns in any course, including WI courses, will be presented. Experiences that have been effective will be discussed.


Dr. Richard Delaware, Associate Teaching Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, College of Arts and Sciences, WI Instructor and UWRB member

Dr. Aaron Reed, Associate Teaching Professor, School of Biological Sciences

Dr. Henri Wood, Assistant Teaching Professor, Honors College

Sessions 2:00 to 2:45

The new Graduate Writing Program at UMKC

Coordinator – Lora Lacey-Haun, Administrative Consultant II, School of Graduate Studies

The purpose and goals of the graduate writing program will be presented.

PolishingOn-line Lectures using Adobe Presenter

Presenters – Melissa Messina, Instructional Design Specialist, Online Learning and Peggy Ward-Smith, Director of FaCET and Associate Professor School of Nursing and Health Studies

How can instructors create more polished and accessible audio or video lectures for online teaching? The presenters will speak about their experience of piloting Adobe Presenter 10 software to transition Peggy's voice-over PowerPoints to captioned, searchable lecture packages published in a variety of formats to Blackboard. The pros and cons of using Adobe Presenter will be discussed, including the learning curve necessary to incorporate this modality in your online course.

Using Librarians to Enhance Learning Experiences

Presenters – Danielle Wellemeyer and Jessica Williams, Information Literacy Librarian

Well-constructed research assignments push students to think ambitiously with their projects and topics, to write better, and to perform information seeking at higher levels. But the speed of technological innovation has changed the way that libraries work and, therefore, the way that students do research. Make sure that your research assignments are up to date and inspiring student success--and not causing frustration and stress. We see around 40 research assignments a semester and have identified the aspects of assignment descriptions that are most troublesome for students. We’ll walk through the 6 most common mistakes and offer simple steps for improvement.

Using the RooWriter Detailed Instructor Report to Guide Writing Intensive Course Content

Presenter – Richard Delaware, Associate Teaching Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, College of Arts and Sciences, WI Instructor and UWRB member

The detailed RooWriter “Instructor” reports provide an initial snapshot detailing how well the students in your WI course write. Using this report, course content and assignments can be tailored to enhance learning and improve the writing ability of your students.