Greetings Parents/Guardians:
My name is Karen Knight, and I am excited to have your student in the student store class this year. I am entering my 31st year in teaching as a CTE/Business teacher and I have seen many changes over the years. These changes are exciting and have motivated me to be a life-long learner. In this class, your student will learn important skills needed to obtain an entry-level job in retail/sales/food while developing leadership and work habits which will help him or her have a thriving career one day.
Please read the attached course syllabus for details about this class and information about Future Business Leaders of America. FBLA is a student leadership organization that builds upon the skills we are learning in the student store class as well as showcasing personal talents and interests.
If you have any questions throughout the year, please contact me at:
Ms. Karen Knight, CTE Teacher
Tumwater High School, 700 Israel Road SW, Tumwater, WA 98501
I encourage you to view your student's class progress from your home computer through Skyward. If you don't have family access to Skyward, contact Jana Tyrrell at 360-709-7616 (THS Career Center). Skyward tips are included on the following pages. I appreciate your involvement!
Please fill in the blanks below to make it easy for me to contact you with kudos, concerns, or info about your student. (Printing would be appreciated, especially for email address.)
"Please cut on the dotted line and return the portion below to your teacher. Keep the rest for your information.
Student Store 4th Period
Student Name: ______
Name of parent/guardian living with student: ______
Daytime phone number of parent/guardian: ______
Parent/guardian e-mail address: ______
Please sign, detach this portion and ask your student to return this to show that you have read and are familiar with the attached information.
Parent/Guardian Signature / DateLength of Class: One Year. Occupational or elective credit towards graduation.
About this Class
You will need to think of me as more than your teacher. I will be your employer for the year and I am excited. As a Career and Technical Education teacher, I will be teaching employability skills—“hard” and “soft” skills from the perspective of a business owner. At times this will require me to be very direct with you, especially when policies are being violated. However, use this class as an opportunity to learn what employers expect from you in entry level employment. The Student Store Handbook is designed to help you as you develop workplace skills. Having the student store on your résumé is a great way to get your first job. Your grade in this class is determined by two aspects: Working in the Store (lab) and completing assignments (traditional classroom activities).
Supplies (Student Provides)
· Notebook Paper
· Pencil/Pen (Black or blue ink are easier for me to read.)
· Valid Food Handler’s Permit (No later than 9/25/12)
Food Handler’s Permit
Because our student store has an operational permit issued by Thurston County, a copy of a valid food handler’s permit must be on file with Ms. Knight prior to the student store opening (no later than 9/25/12). If you have a valid permit, bring it in and I will make a copy for my file. If you don’t have a permit, see
for information about on-line or classroom testing dates and times. In addition, there is a complete Thurston County Environmental Health Food Handler’s Manual at the same location on their web site that you should read before taking the test either on-line or at the courthouse.
General Behavior Expectations
· No food or drink at your desks or behind the counters in the store
· Enter the room quietly and look at the overhead for the daily lesson.
· Sit in your assigned seat and clean up your workspace
· Never leave the room without my permission and without the hall pass
· Say and do only appropriate things for the classroom and store lab—See Leadership/Work Habits
· Respect substitutes and do as you know I would expect
· No cell phones, IPods, etc. to be seen or heard while working in the store. At times you may listen to your music while completing projects in the classroom.
· No on-line games or personal Internet use (ex. Craig's list, Pinterest, You Tube, etc.)—see Internet/Technology Use Section.
When Do You Eat Lunch? Rotations!
Until the store opens for business and lunch assignments are made, everyone will eat 2nd lunch. To ensure that you are getting the required training, the lunch you eat will switch each month the day following inventory. This means that for one month you will eat 1st lunch; then for another month you will eat 2nd lunch; and so the rotation goes. I know that this is not desirable, however, it is the only way to meet the needs of this curriculum. Refer to the Store Handbook and listen up in class for more about this.
ACT Friday—Everyone eats 2nd lunch
The store will be closed on Friday's due to the "behind the scenes" needs of opening and closing the store with a shorter school day. However, you will report to 4th period immediately following 3rd period. All of us will eat 2nd lunch on Friday's.
Student Store Handbook
When operating a business, written policies, operational procedures, and job duties are needed to maintain an organized and high performance business; as well as to minimize confusion. After we review this handbook in class, you are expected to take responsibility for what is included in the handbook. Continue to review the handbook throughout the school year to avoid mistakes. Much of what is included in this handbook will affect your weekly performance assessment points (Working in the Store—Lab).
Store Policies
This document is similar to what an employer would provide you upon being hired. In an actual paid position, violation of these policies could result in losing your job. Of course, that will not happen in this class because the purpose of the class is to provide training in a low risk environment. However, because you need to be accountable for your actions while in school, consequences may be necessary.
Job Descriptions
Included in the Student Store Handbook are complete descriptions and tasks for each job position available in the student store. Employers typically provide these to new employees and then follow up with on-the-job training. I attempt to follow this model; however, I am the only trainer available and it is impossible for me to help everyone at the same time, therefore, I rely heavily upon you following the job duties/tasks posted at work stations in the store and listed in the handbook.
Cash Register Operations (InTouch© System)
You will receive training on using the cash register system at the beginning of the school year. However, everyone won't be working a cash register on the first rotation of job assignments so you may need to review the procedures on your own at a later date. The register software is included on the classroom computers for your practice when reviewing the cash register operations steps that are located in the Store Handbook.
Permission to Shop at Costco© for Store Needs
See Ms. Knight to get a form that you and your parents need to fill out prior to running errands. You must be 18 to go to Costco and you don't need your own Costco© membership.
Employee Discount
· Employee Discount—10% off your total purchase each day of items to be consumed by you (no one else).
· Refer to the Student Store Handbook for rules regarding employee discounts.
Store Security
· There is a monitored security system in the student store and customer and employee actions are being recorded
· Theft (keeping for self or giving to others) of cash or products will result in administrative referral and/or police involvement
· Intentional “over making” of products or giving items away are considered theft
· Provide your own cup/bottle if you plan to drink water. Do not use the cups intended for our products.
Internet Use
Review and sign a "Internet/Technology Use Guideline" form and return it to your teacher. You will use the Internet in this class for some projects. Note: A loss of Internet privileges occurring outside this class and/or during this class, will affect your entire schedule and prevent you from completing Internet related assignments while at school.
Please know that school technology is not your personal property and that your H Drive and Internet use will be monitored by our technology staff. Please do not modify the desktop settings to meet your individual needs. This includes changing color schemes, themes, adding desktop icons, unplugging components, etc.
The Tumwater School District Electronic Resources Policy and Procedures is located on the
TSD Home Page Ø Departments Ø Technology Ø Policies and Procedures and will be reviewed in class.
Grading Percentages (Use Skyward Family Access to check on your grade)
4 / CTE/Business Education | Tumwater High School | KnightSyllabus/Student Store Syllabus/9-2012
STUDENT STORE / 2012-2013A 93-100
A- 90-92
B+ 88-89
B 83-87
B- 80-82
C+ 78-79
C 73-77
C- 70-72
D+ 68-69 D- 60-64
D 65-67 F 0-59
4 / CTE/Business Education | Tumwater High School | KnightSyllabus/Student Store Syllabus/9-2012
STUDENT STORE / 2012-2013Skyward Tips
· Use Skyward, located on the THS home page, to access your assignments and grades.
· To get student and/or parent/guardian access, contact Jana Tyrrell at 709-7616.
· To conserve paper and help students develop responsibility, students and guardians should access Skyward to stay current on progress.
· Please read comments that may be provided by your teacher for assignment scores.
· A score of zero indicates an assignment has not been completed or has not been turned in. Occasionally, students may have the file saved on their H Drive but may not have printed it or submitted it to our drop box.
· Please note that Skyward uses an asterisk (*) to denote that no grades have been posted yet for an assignment and a message appears indicating that the assignment is missing and past due. However, in Computer Applications an asterisk means that we have entered an assignment description, point value, assigned date and due date but that we have not corrected and/or entered the score into Skyward. In the case of asterisks, please be patient with us.
Performance Assessments (Working in the Store—Lab)
You will turn in a weekly performance assessment (provided by Knight) evaluating your performance and work habits (Leadership/Work Habits Handout) on the last day of each week (usually Friday). Most weeks are worth 50 points—10 points per day that you worked in the store. I will change your points if I don’t agree with your self-assessment and you will see the feedback for what you need to do to show improvement each week.
Missed Store Shifts. How to Make Up.
You may make up lost points for missed shifts by getting Knight's permission to work an extra shift during the opposite lunch that you normally work or by running student store errands after school. You need to check with me to ensure that your help will be needed on the day you want to work or run an errand. If you plan to work two shifts in one day, bring a lunch or plan to buy from the student store so you can eat during the in-between time of the two lunches. If you miss classroom project/assignments while eating between lunches, it is your responsibility to make up the missed activity.
You will be given a variety of assignments to be completed during the down time when you are not working in the store. The assignments are designed to teach the units of study listed on page 1 of this syllabus. These assignments will range in points. You may need to complete some of your assignments at home. See the units of study section for topics to be covered this year.
Late Work/Make up Work
You need to turn weekly performance evaluations and assignments in on time! However, depending on the circumstances of your work being late, points may be deducted. To avoid losing points, use outside of class time prior to due dates. My goal is to help you be successful and I will work with you to allow you to complete your work for this class; however, you need to make an effort in class and outside of class when needed. Remember to talk to me.
Leadership is an integral part of all CTE (Career and Technical Education) courses, and we encourage students to continue building upon the skills learned in class by participating in a CTSO (Career and Technical Student Organization). One such option at Tumwater High School is Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA). Please see the attached letter and contact your teacher if you are interested in joining.
Units of Study (include classroom work and lab work in the store)
5 / CTE/Business Education | Tumwater High School | KnightSyllabus/Student Store Syllabus/9-2012
STUDENT STORE / 2012-2013School Based Enterprise
· Store Policies Handbook
· Thurston County Operations Permit
· Food Handler's Review
· Employee Expectations
· Operating policies
· Combination of all units
Management and Employees
· Positive Working Climate
· Organizational structure, roles and responsibilities
· Receive merchandise
· Monthly physical inventory
· Security and safety procedures
· Performance Evaluations
· Customer Service and Interpersonal Skills
· On-going training
· Daily housekeeping and maintenance
· Cultural diversity