Biochemistry of Sudarshan Kriya
Ever wondered, what causes us to age, resulting in
Death of our body cells over the years, develop Heartdisease leading to plaque in the artery, or suffer fromCancer causing cells to mutate and grow erratically?
The answer may be simpler than we think.
Some researchers say the common denominator in allthese conditions is the antioxidant status — the level ofchemical process that takes place in our cells andgenes. Like we measure our cholesterol level,researchers argue, we can measure our antioxidantstatus and determine how vulnerable we are todiseases.
In a pilot study, biochemists at All India Institute ofMedical Sciences (AIIMS) studied the effect ofSudarshan Kriya on the antioxidant status ofindividuals. Sudarshan Kriya is a well known rhythmicbreathing technique promoted by the Art of Livingworkshops.It is preceded by Ujjayi Pranayam or longand deep breaths with constriction at the base of throatand Bhastrika or fast and forceful breaths through thenose along with arm movements.
Before we talk about their findings, let’s step back intoour biochemistry class and understand what antioxidantstatus means. According to the free-radical theory, thecells in our body are being constantly damaged anddestroyed by oxygen radicals, similar to what dirt andrust do to our cars. Oxygen radicals are different fromoxygen gas in that they are molecules that are highlycharged and detrimental by-products of cell reactions.
Our body has an antioxidant defence system thatconstantly searches and destroys these oxygenradicals, much like our immune system, which policesour body for foreign agents such as bacteria and virusesand eliminates them. If the antioxidant defense systemof our body is weak, then the number of oxygen radicalsincreases, causing our cells to die quickly. This resultsin inflammation and plaque within our heart vessels orprompts the cells to mutate into cancer cells. If wereduce the number of oxygen radicals, we improve theantioxidant status in our body, and we live longer andlead a disease free life.
It is important that we try to reduce the level of oxygenradicals and strengthen our defense system. We canincrease our antioxidant levels through our diet. Ahealthy diet of vegetable and fruit increases our intakeof important antioxidants such as Vitamins A, C, E, andbeta caroten
- As published in The Times Of India, Delhi paper datedFeb 24, 2008 [Dr Manoj Jain is an infectious disease physician working in Memphis (US) and Indore (MP)]
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