FABA 2015 Strategic Plan


The vision of the Florida Alpaca Breeders Association is to be a regional resource for expertise and mentorship in every aspect of the alpaca industry through camaraderie and teamwork.



  • Encourage an environment for creativity and positive change


  • Maintain a high standard of ethics in all of our endeavors


  • Ensure responsible and accountable planning and management of resources


  • Inspire trust through open and sincere interactions


  • Mentor and educate our fellow alpaca owners and enthusiasts


  • Exhibit respect to the community, our members, and our alpaca charges


The mission of the Florida Alpaca Breeders Association is to provide its members with the tools they need to succeed in their alpaca endeavors, to support public awareness of the alpaca industry, and to promote integrity and ethics within the alpaca community. The Florida Alpaca Breeders Associationprovides opportunities for education, support and promotion by accomplishing the following overarching goals:

Education & Training:

  • Establish an Education Committee charged with planning three opportunities each year for the membership, at least one of which will focus on fiber
  • Maintain a library of articles and information available on the Website
  • Provide hands on training in animal husbandry and herd health
  • Provide the information to successfully set up and maintain an alpaca farm


  • Establish a Marketing Committee by the end of July 2015.
  • Primary focus is a plan of action addressing the following with recommendations to the board:
  • FABA logo
  • Advertising and promotion
  • Website
  • Social media

Support public awareness of the alpaca industry

  • Promote at least one event each year for Florida farms

Internal Support

  • Conduct a minimum of two face to face meetings each year
  • Conduct a minimum of one meeting each quarter

Promote integrity and ethics

  • Conduct an annual review of the FABA code of ethics
  • Conduct an annual discussion of business ethics and the impact on Florida alpaca farms