
Level 4 4N0689

Assessment Technique:Portfolio of Coursework

Weighting: 20% of total marks for module

Title:Research Project


You are required to submit a research project of 1000 -1200 words (word processed) examining the impact of current communications and information technologies on learning activities, social and work life. It should include personal computers, digital, mobile and internet technologies. You should include one or more reference sources and your drafting and redrafting.

Assessment Criteria

Marks will be awarded s follows:

  • Presentation of essay2
  • Clear and well expressed writing5
  • Key issues discussed6
  • Evaluation and recommendations5
  • Research and referencing included2


Issue date: ______

Submission Deadline: ______

I confirm that this is my own original work.

Signed: ______Date: ______


Level 4 4NO689

Assessment Technique:Portfolio of Coursework

Weighting: 10% of total marks for module

Title:Information Technology


A.You are required to produce an essay (word processed) of between 300 – 400 words on the “Impact of Technology on your Personal Life”. When writing your essay, bear in mind the influences that technology has had on your personal, social and/or vocational life.

B.To illustrate your understanding of an application of technology, you are required to submit three copies of any of the following: Fax, e-mail, ATM slip or any other evidence that may be deemed appropriate.


Marks will be awarded as follows:

  • Extensive summary of aspects of communications technology3
  • Clear understanding of impact on private and public life3
  • Evidence of critical thinking applied to subject matter2
  • Well-presented essay1
  • Evidence of use of technology 1


Issue date: ______

Submission Deadline: ______

I confirm that this is my own original work.

Signed:______Date: ______


Level 4 4N0689

Assessment Technique:Portfolio of Coursework

Weighting: 20% of total marks for module

Title:Non-verbal & Visual Communication


You are required to be able to understand communication techniquesand evaluate images relating to different non-verbal communications.

Be able to work in a team researching and evaluating different topics.

Design a poster to advertise a product (visual impact) and

Write a short report on a television programme you watch regularly or on any media area of advertising you are interested in (300-400 words word processed)


Marks will be awarded as follows:

  • Clear and concise understanding of different non-verbal communication techniques 4
  • Poster(visual aid) and evaluation 4
  • Understanding on analyzing of advertising 4
  • Team work and research techniques 4
  • Clear and concise report on Media Awareness (television or media report) 4


Issue date: ______

Submission Deadline: ______

I confirm that this is my own original work

Signed:______Date: ______


Level 4 4N0689

Assessment Technique:Portfolio of Coursework

Weighting: 20% of total marks for module

Title:Effective Interaction


The effective interaction will be divided into four sections.

Each section will be awarded a % of the total mark for this section which is 20%

Three Listening Techniques 3%

Informal Conversation 4%

A Formal Conversation (interview) 6% and

An Oral Presentation 7%


As per individual assessment sheet


Level 4 4N0689

Assessment Technique:Portfolio of Coursework

Weighting: 3% of total marks for module

Title:Effective Interaction (1)

Three Listening Techniques

You are required to be able to understand effective communication in the workplace, as well as social and vocational areas. Undertake 3 different listening techniques to show your understanding of different listening genre.


Marks will be awarded as follows:

High level of attention with good use of positive listening skills1

Appropriate different listening techniques used 1

Neat presentation of all work presented1


Issue date: ______

Submission Deadline: ______

I confirm that this is my own original work.

Signed:______Date: ______


Level 4 4N0689

Assessment Technique:Portfolio of Coursework

Weighting: 4% of total marks for module

Title:Effective Interaction (2)

Informal Conversation

You are required to be able to understand effective communication in the workplace, as well as social and vocational areas through informal conversations. This informal conversation will be taped.


Marks will be awarded as follows:

High level of attention with good use of positive listening skills2

Good verbal skills used1

Good notes taken and neat presentation of all work presented1 4

Issue date: ______

Submission Deadline: ______

I confirm that this is my own original work.

Signed: ______Date: ______

Communications Level 4 4N0689

Assessment Technique:Portfolio of Coursework

Weighting: 6% of total marks for module

Title:Effective Interaction (3)

Formal Interview/ Conversation


You are required to be able to understand effective communication in the workplace, as well as social and vocational areas. Understand and communicate in a formal interview/conversation.This formal conversation will be taped.


Marks will be awarded as follows:

High level of attention with good use of positive listening skills3

Essential answering of interview questions2

Neat presentation of self and all work presented1


Issue date: ______

Submission Deadline: ______

I confirm that this is my own original work.

Signed: ______Date: ______


Level 4 4NO689

Assessment Technique:Portfolio of Coursework

Weighting: 7% of total marks for module

Title:Oral Presentation (4)


Prepare a presentation on any subject of your choice (e.g. book review, short report, hobby, etc.) to be given to your fellow students, bearing in mind the following:

  • Your presentation should be about 3-5 minutes long;
  • Remember to speak clearly and maintain eye contact with your audience;
  • Your presentation should have an introduction (of you and the subject), your main points and a conclusion;
  • Your use of visual aids should be just sufficient to make your points clear.

Using power point is acceptable

This presentation will be recorded.


Marks will be awarded as follows:

Evidence of planning and rehearsal obvious3

Visual aids and props used1

Good eye contact and approach to holding interest of audience1

Good introduction, main body and conclusion obvious2


Issue date: ______

Submission Deadline: ______

I confirm that this is my own original work.

Signed: ______Date: ______


Level 4 4NO689

Assessment Technique:Portfolio of Coursework

Weighting: 15% of total marks for module



Select and evaluate 12 different readings. Understand the different governmental acts in place to protect workers. Understand the techniques of skimming scanning and the difference between fact and fiction.


Marks will be awarded as follows:

Clear understanding of the different governmental acts (1 mark each act) 6

Concise and clear evaluation of all readings (0.5 marks each reading) 6

Understand the use of skimming and scanning 1

Evaluation on the difference between fact and fiction 1

Clear and well written presentation of all information 1


Issue date: ______

Submission Deadline: ______

I confirm that this is my own original work.

Signed: ______Date: ______


Level 4 4NO689

Assessment Technique:Portfolio of Coursework

Weighting: 15% of total marks for module

Title:Writing Section


You are required to submit the following pieces of work:

  • 2 pieces of creative writing (400-500 words and word processed) one for a child and one for an adult audience
  • 2 letters:
  • a personal letter – hand written or word processed
  • a formal letter – word processed
  • A short work related report (2–3 pages), either typed or handwritten, on any work project you were involved in e.g. catering, coffee morning, etc
  • Curriculum Vitae, one page (word processed)
  • 1 application form of at least 2 pages
  • 2 emails of at least 50 words one formal and one informal

The above documents should illustrate your ability to write clearly, confidently and expressively and should also show your competence in punctuation, spelling and structure. Evidence of drafting, proof-reading and editing should be provided.


Marks will be awarded as follows:

2 pieces of creative writing (2 marks each) 4

2 letters – personal, formal (1 marks each) 2 Short work report 3

CV 1

2 emails (1 mark each) 2

3 usages of electronic technology 1

1 form, memo, agenda, minutes (0.5 mark each) 2


Issue date: ______

Submission deadline: ______

I confirm that this is my own original work.

Signed: ______Date: ______



Student Name:

This group has worked very well together during the course of preparing their portfolios of work. They have been very supportive to each other and there is always great interaction with one another during the class. Each student speaks clearly and with confidence.





Student Name:

This student has fully demonstrated an awareness of the various methods of non-verbal communication that may be used by us all from time to time. Along with interpreting and evaluating visual images as displayed in his/her folder, a message was also conveyed to the rest of the group using non-verbal communication. E.g. charades



Team Working Tutor verification


This student has worked very hard within his/her group while completing his/her Level 4 Communications folder.

All students within the group have supported each other in all of their assignments and projects that they have undertaken. The group would not have achieved such good results without each other’s support.

