July 10th or 11th or something, 2012

Eggplant seedlings are very delicate. When we plant them in May, we have to cover them with a gossamer sheet of spun nylon, otherwise the plants get completely destroyed by flea beetles-- a little insect so named because it resembles a flea in all respects, except for that it is a vegetarian. When I took the cover off a few weeks ago, oh no! There weren't any flea beetles, but a tribe of Colorado potato beetles had moved in, and the plants were covered with aphids. I considered using an organically approved, naturally derived insecticide, but decided against it for various reasons. So I squished the beetles between my thumb and forefinger-- several thousand of them-- and, since I didn't know what to do about the aphids, went to bed. I still didn't know what to do the next day, so I went to bed then, too, and the following evening as well. The next day I decided I really had to do something, so I went up to the eggplant patch to assess the situation, where I observed numerous ladybugs, happy as could be, eating the aphids. So I did nothing. Now the aphids are completely gone. Never has my father's wise advice rang more true: “Son,” he would say, “Never do today what you can push off to tomorrow, because tomorrow you might not have to do it.” Words to live by.

In your boxes:




Little Cabbages

Summer Squash

The Last of the Peas

Cucumbers come in many shapes, sizes, and colors. The little green ones have thicker skins than the others, I usually peel those ones, but not the others.

The cabbages aren't baby. Just little.

Nice looking garlic, huh?

These are the last of the peas.

Well, that does it for the vegetable descriptions. Important! We are still having trouble with a la carte orders not coming through. Please check for a confirmation email. If there is no confirmation email we did not receive your order! You can send it again or email me or call. Also, if anyone did get a confirmation, but no box, please let us know right away, so our internet commerce provider person thingie person can fix the problem.

Final installments are due more or less now for those who haven't paid them yet, so, if those of you who can afford to do so could more or less pay us, we can more or less continue providing you with vegetables. Thanks!