4.  The Committee


The Convenor's responsibilities will include the following:

i.  Chair all planning and committee meetings

ii.  Draw up lists of volunteers, leaders and drivers for all projects

iii.  Liaise with Regional Contact and Group Committee as often as necessary.

iv.  Ensure smooth running of all group activities by acting as main contact and focal point.

v.  Deal with enquiries from prospective members.

vi.  Be responsible for welcoming and monitoring new members.

vii.  Attend planning/committee meetings on a regular basis (where possible) and the bi-annual Joint Committees' Meeting (if required).


The Vice- Convenor will assist the Convenor with the running of the group, he/she will:

i.  Deputise for the Convenor as necessary.

ii.  Chair planning/committee meetings in absence of Convenor.

iii.  Attend planning/committee meetings on a regular bases (where possible) and the bi-annual Joint Committees' Meeting (if required).


The Secretary will:

i.  Take minutes of planning/committee meetings and circulate, in the case of planning meetings, to members, at least 1 week before next meeting and for committee meetings, to the committee at least 1 month before next meeting.

ii.  Draw up agendas for planning/committee meetings in conjunction with the Convenor.

iii.  Keep local records necessary for management of the Group.

iv.  To be the sole focal point for the distribution of all group wide communication (i.e. emails).

v.  Attend planning/committee meetings on a regular basis (where possible) and the bi-annual Joint Committees' Meeting (if required).


The Treasurer will:

i.  Be responsible for administering funds for weekend projects from the Glasgow group float. Expenses, for every project, will be entered on an expenses claim form with all receipts attached and sent to CV Manager at NTS Headquarters on a monthly basis.

ii.  Give an update on group expenditure at the group Annual General Meeting.

iii.  Arrange for the CV Manager to receive monthly bank statements.

iv.  Ensure that monthly work records are sent to NTS Headquarters.

v.  Following the agreed processes and procedures (see Document “Paramo – Conservation Volunteers’ Discount”.), the Treasurer will operate the “Paramo Clothing - Conservation Volunteers' Discount scheme” by:

·  Taking and collating orders from group members.

·  Taking payment for items ordered and forwarding such payment to Paramo.

·  Submitting orders to / taking delivery of orders from Paramo.

·  Distributing orders received from Paramo to the relevant group members.

vi.  Attend planning/committee meetings on a regular basis (where possible) and the bi- annual Joint Committees' Meeting (if required).

Tools Officer

The Tools Officer will be responsible for the Group's tool store and should carry out the following, where possible:

i.  Ensure all tools are serviceable and regularly maintained.

ii.  Ensure the catering kit is serviceable and cleaned regularly.

iii.  Replace or repair any broken tools or catering kit through NTS Headquarters or the Regional Contact (when appointed).

iv.  Update tool/catering kit inventories annually.

v.  Organise a tool maintenance session and tool store tidy for the group, as required.

vi.  Liaise with Training/Health & Safety Officer.

vii.  Attend planning/committee meetings on a regular basis (where possible) and the bi-annual Joint Committees' Meeting (if required).

Health & Safety/Training Officer

The Health & Safety/Training Officer will try to ensure the safe working practices of the group and keep volunteers up-to-date with any safety issues, which may affect them.

The following points are guidelines for this post:

i.  Liaise regularly with the Regional Contact, CV Manager and NTS's Safety Adviser.

ii.  Carry out six-monthly checks on group First Aid kits.

iii.  Liaise regularly with Tools Officer.

iv.  Organise and arrange with NTS Headquarters any training needed by the group.

v.  Attend planning/committee meetings on a regular basis (where possible) and the bi-annual Joint Committees' Meeting (if required).

Website Administrator

The functions of the Website Administrator are as follows:

i.  To keep the group and prospective members informed by means of the group website.

ii.  Where possible to develop the website and update it on a regular basis as requested by the Committee.

  1. To be the point of contact for the Domain Name Registrar for the purpose of domain name renewal.
  2. To be the point of contact for the Web Service provider for the purpose of web space lease renewal.

v.  Attend planning/committee meetings on a regular basis (where possible) and the bi-annual Joint Committees' Meeting (if required).

Social Convenor

The duties of the Social Convenor will be to arrange and promote social events for the group.

This is to help encourage bonding and teamwork and to provide a social aspect for the group members out-with project weekends.

Ordinary Member

The Ordinary Member will generally assist the office bearers with the work of the committee.