Programme Specification

This Programme Specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the programme and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes full advantage of the learning opportunities that are provided.

Sources of information on the programme can be found in Section 17

  1. Awarding Institution / Body
/ University of Central Lancashire
  1. Teaching Institution and Location of Delivery
/ University of Central Lancashire
  1. University School/Centre
/ School of Journalism, Language and communication
  1. External Accreditation
/ Not Applicable
  1. Title of Final Award
/ BA (Hons) in Modern Languages (Arabic and French)
(Arabic and German)
(Arabic and Spanish)
(Arabic and Japanese)
(French and German)
(French and Spanish)
(French and Italian)
(French and Korean)
(French and Russian)
(Japanese and German)
(Japanese and Spanish)
(Japanese and French)
(Japanese and Chinese) / (Japanese and Korean)
(Japanese and Italian)
(Japanese and Russian)
(Chinese and German)
(Chinese and Spanish)
(Chinese and French)
(Spanish and German)
(Spanish and Italian)
(Spanish and Korean)
(Spanish and Russian)
(German and Italian)
(German and Korean)
(German and Russian)
  1. Modes of Attendance offered
/ Full Time
3 or 4 year
  1. UCAS Code
/ BA (Hons) in Modern Languages
Arabic and French (TR61)
Arabic and German (T6R2)
Arabic and Spanish (T6R4)
Arabic and Japanese (TT62)
French and German (R1R2)
French and Spanish (R1R4)
French and Italian (R1R3)
French and Korean (R1T9)
French and Russian (R1R7)
Japanese and German (T2R2)
Japanese and Spanish (T2R4)
Japanese and French (R1T2)
Japanese and Chinese (TT12) / Japanese and Korean (T2T4)
Japanese and Italian (TR31)
Japanese and Russian (TR72)
Chinese and German (T1R2)
Chinese and Spanish (T1R4)
Chinese and French (R1T1)
Spanish and German (R4R2)
Spanish and Italian (R4R3)
Spanish and Korean (R4T4)
Spanish and Russian (R4R7)
German and Italian (R2R3)
German and Korean (R2T9)
German and Russian (R2R7)
  1. Relevant Subject Benchmarking Group(s)
/ Languages and Related Studies and Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (
  1. Other external influences
/ Framework for Higher Education Qualifications

  1. Date of production/revision of this form
/ July 2015
  1. Aims of the Programme

  • to provide, within the academic framework of the programme, an opportunity for intellectual and personal development to a level appropriate to the award of an Honours Degree (and, in the case of students taking the ab initio language option, developing such skills to a level commensurate with the study of a Subsidiary Language route);

  • to realise the full potential of students from a range of language backgrounds, both individually and collectively;

  • to present a subject balance of languages and area studies which will stimulate an enquiring, analytical and creative approach within students, thus enabling them to develop their linguistic skills together with an in-depth understanding of other cultures;

  • to enable students to develop expertise in relation to the socio-political history and culture of the target language’s society, or societies, and to equip students with high-order linguistic skills such as the theory and practice of translation and interpreting;

  • to develop students’ interpersonal and transferable skills, critical self-awareness and problem-solving capabilities so that they can contribute meaningfully to a changing international environment;

  • to enhance students’ employment and career opportunities both in the UK and abroad;

  • to promote curiosity, a love of scholarship and a positive attitude to lifelong learning.

  1. Learning Outcomes, Teaching, Learning and Assessment Methods

A.Knowledge and Understanding
A1. to communicate knowledge, arguments and ideas clearly and with near-native competence in a variety of verbal and written forms in the Main target language;
A2. to communicate knowledge, arguments and ideas with confidence and accuracy in a variety of verbal and written forms in the Subsidiary target language;
A3. to analyse and evaluate critically key issues associated with the culture, history and socio-political environment of both the Main and Subsidiary target languages;
A4. to demonstrate in-depth knowledge of a specific topic relating to the culture, history or socio-political environment of the Main target language.
Teaching and Learning Methods
lectures; seminars; supervision (of projects and dissertations); role-play; group-work simulation; listening comprehension; portfolio-based learning; written exercises (e.g. translation; prose; reading comprehensions etc.);
Assessment methods
oral presentations; essays; reports; written tests; oral & written exams (for Final Year Main/Joint Languages); portfolios; dissertations; oral examinations.
B.Subject-specific skills
B1. to demonstrate high-order linguistic skills in all four language areas (speaking, listening, reading and writing) at a level consonant with a graduate in Modern Languages and for a range of purposes and audiences;
B2. to communicate and act in a wide range of capacities in the Main target language, both orally and in writing, with a near-native fluency and a level of competence reflecting a thorough understanding of the foreign country and its people;
B3. to communicate and act in a range of capacities in the Subsidiary target language, both orally and in writing, with a general degree of fluency and a level of competence reflecting a good understanding of the foreign country and its people;
B4. to evaluate concepts associated with the culture, history and socio-political environment of the countries of the both the Main and Subsidiary target languages;
B5. to appreciate and evaluate cultural practices at both a regional and global level;
Teaching and Learning Methods
lectures; seminars; supervision (of projects & dissertations); role-play; group-work simulation; listening comprehension; portfolio-based learning; written exercises (e.g. translation; prose; reading comprehensions etc.);
Assessment methods
oral presentations; essays; reports; written tests; oral and written examinations (for Final Year Main/Joint Languages); portfolios; dissertations.
C.Thinking Skills
C1. to extract and synthesise key information from written and spoken sources;
C2. to organise and present ideas within the framework of a structured and reasoned argument;
C3. to engage with and interpret layers of meaning within texts and other cultural products;
C4. to demonstrate a capacity for critical reflection and judgment in the light of evidence and argument;
C5. to engage in analytical and evaluative thinking for in-depth research projects;
C6. to apply analytical, problem-solving and interpersonal skills to a range of situations.
Teaching and Learning Methods
project and dissertation supervision; seminars; lectures;
Assessment methods
oral presentations; essays; reports; dissertations; oral and written examinations; projects.
D.Other skills relevant to employability and personal development
D1. to be able to work both independently and collaboratively;
D2. to make appropriate use of electronic communication, word-processing and accessing electronic information sources;
D3. to demonstrate an awareness of different learning styles and needs;
D4. to apply skills of teamwork and autonomous learning and problem-solving strategies to a wide range of situations and contexts.
Teaching and Learning Methods
project and dissertation supervision; seminars; lectures; simulations; independent research and guided learning in the Worldwise Learning Centre and Library; supported use of the internet.
Assessment methods
dissertations; projects; oral presentations; essays.
13.Awards and Credits Arabic Ab Initio / 14.Awards and Credits*
Level / Module Code / Module Title / Credit rating
Level 6 / Compulsory modules:
Optional modules:
VO3002 / Arabic Language 3A
Arabic Language 3B
Dissertation or
Double Dissertation or
Translation Project in a Modern Language
Arabic Literature in English
Arabic/English Translation
Student Initiated Module
French and Arabic Influences in Thought and Literature
Leading a Community Project
Plus compulsory and optional modules for the second language (see relevant language section) / 20
20 / BA (Hons) in Modern Languages (Arabic & French)
BA (Hons) in Modern Languages (Arabic & German)
BA (Hons) in Modern Languages (Arabic & Spanish)
BA (Hons) in Modern Languages (Arabic & Japanese)
Requires 360 credits including a minimum of 220 at Level 5 or above and 100 at Level 6.
In addition ML2882 must be passed (for students following the four-year programme).
BA (Hons) Modern Language Studies
Will be awarded where the student has
•completed 360 credits, including a minimum of 220 at level 5 or above and 100 at level 6
•not completed 1 or more core or compulsory modules at level 6 in one of his/her chosen languages
•completed (an) additional language module(s) as a substitute for the core or compulsory module(s) not completed
Level 5 / ML2882
ML2883 / Assessed Year abroad
Assessed Semester One Abroad &
Assessed Semester Two Abroad / 120 notional credits
notional credits
Level 5 / Compulsory modules:
Optional modules:
VO2003 / Arabic Language 2A
Arabic Language 2B
Colloquial Arabic of the Levant
Research Skills for Language Students
Student Initiated Module
Arabic and the Written Word
Contemporary Female Arab and Muslim Writers
Arabic Thought Through Music and Film
Intercultural Communication in French and Arabic Cinema
Community Leadership
Plus compulsory and optional modules for the second language (see relevant language section) / 20
20 / Diploma HE in Modern Languages (Arabic & French)
Diploma HE in Modern Languages (Arabic & German)
Diploma HE in Modern Languages (Arabic & Spanish)
Diploma HE in Modern Languages (Arabic & Japanese)
Requires 240 credits including a minimum of 100 at Level 5 or above.
Level 4 / Compulsory modules:
AK1002 / Arabic Language 1
Arabic History & Contemporary Society
Plus compulsory and optional modules for the second language (see relevant language section) / 40
20 / Certificate HE in Modern Languages (Arabic & French)
Certificate HE in Modern Languages (Arabic & German)
Certificate HE in Modern Languages (Arabic & Spanish)
Certificate HE in Modern Languages (Arabic & Japanese
Requires 120 credits at Level 4 or above
13.Awards and Credits Chinese Ab Initio / 14.Awards and Credits*
Level / Module Code / Module Title / Credit rating
Level 6 / Compulsory modules:
Optional modules:
VO3002 / Chinese Language 3
Understanding Chinese Economy and Society
Dissertation or
Double Dissertation or
Translation Project in a Modern Language
Techniques and Practice of Translation
Theory and Practice of Translation Leading a Community Project
Plus compulsory and optional modules for the second language (see relevant language section) / 20
20 / BA (Hons) in Modern Languages (Chinese & French)
BA (Hons) in Modern Languages (Chinese & German)
BA (Hons) in Modern Languages (Chinese & Spanish)
BA (Hons) in Modern Languages (Japanese & Chinese)
Requires 360 credits including a minimum of 220 at Level 5 or above and 100 at Level 6.
In addition ML2882 must be passed (for students following the four-year programme).
BA (Hons) Modern Language Studies
Will be awarded where the student has
•completed 360 credits, including a minimum of 220 at level 5 or above and 100 at level 6
•not completed 1 or more core or compulsory modules at level 6 in one of his/her chosen languages
•completed (an) additional language module(s) as a substitute for the core or compulsory module(s) not completed
Level 5 / Compulsory modules:
Optional modules:
VO2003 / Chinese Language 2A
Chinese Language 2B
Aspects of Chinese Society
Assessed Year abroad
Intermediate Business Chinese Conversation
Cultural Transformations and cross-cultural encounters in the Asia Pacific
Research Skills for Language Students
Student Initiated Module
Community Leadership
Plus compulsory and optional modules for the second language (see relevant language section) / 20
120 notional credits
20 / HE Diploma in Modern Languages (Chinese & French)
HE Diploma in Modern Languages (Chinese & German)
HE Diploma in Modern Languages (Chinese & Spanish)
HE Diploma in Modern Languages (Japanese & Chinese)
Requires 240 credits including a minimum of 100 at Level 5 or above.
Level 4 / Compulsory modules:
CL1001 / Chinese Language 1
Background to China
Plus compulsory and optional modules for the second language (see relevant language section) / 40
20 / HE Certificate in Modern Languages (Chinese & French)
HE Certificate in Modern Languages (Chinese & German)
HE Certificate in Modern Languages (Chinese & Spanish)
HE Certificate in Modern Languages (Japanese & Chinese)
Requires 120 credits at Level 4 or above
13.Programme Structures Italian Ab Initio / 14.Awards and Credits*
Level / Module Code / Module Title / Credit rating
Level 6 / Compulsory modules
Optional modules
VO3002 / Italian Language 3 (Subsidiary Language)
Student Initiated Module
Leading a Community Project
Plus compulsory and optional modules for the second language (see relevant language section) / 20
20 / BA (Hons) in Modern Languages (French & Italian)
BA (Hons) in Modern Languages (German & Italian)
BA (Hons) in Modern Languages (Japanese & Italian)
BA (Hons) in Modern Languages (Spanish & Italian)
Requires 360 credits including a minimum of 220 at Level 5 or above and 100 at Level 6.
In addition ML2882 must be passed (for students following the four-year programme).
BA (Hons) Modern Language Studies
Will be awarded where the student has
•completed 360 credits, including a minimum of 220 at level 5 or above and 100 at level 6
•not completed 1 or more core or compulsory modules at level 6 in one of his/her chosen languages
•completed (an) additional language module(s) as a substitute for the core or compulsory module(s) not completed
Level 5 / Compulsory Modules
Optional Modules
VO2003 / Italian Language 2
Contemporary Italian Studies
Intercultural Representations in Italian Cinema
Research Skills for Language Students
Student Initiated Module
Community Leadership
Plus compulsory and optional modules for the second language (see relevant language section) / 20
20 / HE Diploma in Modern Languages (French & Italian)
HE Diploma in Modern Languages (German & Italian)
HE Diploma in Modern Languages (Japanese & Italian)
HE Diploma in Modern Languages (Spanish & Italian)
Requires 240 credits including a minimum of 100 at Level 5 or above.
Level 4 / Compulsory modules
IA1001 / Ab Initio Italian
Background to Italian Studies
Plus compulsory and optional modules for the second language (see relevant language section) / 40
20 / HE Certificate in Modern Languages (French & Italian)
HE Certificate in Modern Languages (German & Italian)
HE Certificate in Modern Languages (Japanese & Italian)
HE Certificate in Modern Languages (Spanish & Italian)
Requires 120 credits at Level 4 or above
13.Programme Structures Korean Ab Initio / 14.Awards and Credits*
Level / Module Code / Module Title / Credit rating
Level 6 / Compulsory modules
or KO3002
Optional modules
VO3002 / Korean Language 3 or
Advanced Korean Language (for students following three-year route)
Cultural Traditions in Korea
Korean Language for Academic Purpose
Student Initiated Module
Option/Elective providing
Work Experience:
Leading a Community Project / 20
20 / BA (Hons) in Modern Languages (French & Korean)
BA (Hons) in Modern Languages (German & Korean)
BA (Hons) in Modern Languages (Japanese & Korean)
BA (Hons) in Modern Languages (Spanish & Korean)
Requires 360 credits including a minimum of 220 at Level 5 or above and 100 at Level 6.
In addition ML2882 must be passed (for students following the four-year programme).
BA (Hons) Modern Language Studies
Will be awarded where the student has
•completed 360 credits, including a minimum of 220 at level 5 or above and 100 at level 6
•not completed 1 or more core or compulsory modules at level 6 in one of his/her chosen languages
•completed (an) additional language module(s) as a substitute for the core or compulsory module(s) not completed
ML2883 / Assessed Year abroad
Assessed Semester One Abroad &
Assessed Semester Two Abroad / 120 notional credits
notional credits
Level 5 / Compulsory Modules
Optional Modules
VO2003 / Korean Language 2
Structure, Variation and Change in the Korean Language
Contemporary Korean Society and Culture
Cultural Transformations and cross-cultural encounters in the Asia Pacific
Research Skills for Language Students
Student Initiated Module
Community Leadership
Plus compulsory and optional modules for the second language (see relevant language section) / 20
20 / HE Diploma in Modern Languages (French & Korean)
HE Diploma in Modern Languages (German & Korean)
HE Diploma in Modern Languages (Japanese & Korean)
HE Diploma in Modern Languages (Spanish & Korean)
Requires 240 credits including a minimum of 100 at Level 5 or above.
Level 4 / Compulsory modules
KO1000 / Ab Initio Korean
Background to Korea
Plus compulsory and optional modules for the second language (see relevant language section) / 40
20 / HE Certificate in Modern Languages (French & Korean)
HE Certificate in Modern Languages (German & Korean)
HE Certificate in Modern Languages (Japanese & Korean)
HE Certificate in Modern Languages (Spanish & Korean)
Requires 120 credits at Level 4 or above
13.Programme Structures Japanese Ab Initio / 14.Awards and Credits*
Level / Module Code / Module Title / Credit rating
Level 6 / Compulsory Modules
Optional Modules
VO3002 / Japanese Language 3 OR
Japanese Studies Language 3
Dissertation or
Double Dissertation or
Translation Project in a Modern Language
Exploring Japan through Media
Interpreting Japan through
Literature and Cultural Readings
Student Initiated Module
Leading a Community Project
Plus compulsory and optional modules for the second language (see relevant language section) / 40
20 / BA (Hons) in Modern Languages (Arabic & Japanese)
BA (Hons) in Modern Languages (Japanese & Korean)
BA (Hons) in Modern Languages (Japanese & Italian)
BA (Hons) in Modern Languages (Japanese & Russian)
BA (Hons) in Modern Languages (Japanese & Spanish)
BA (Hons) in Modern Languages (Japanese & French)
BA (Hons) in Modern Languages (Japanese & German)
BA (Hons) in Modern Languages (Japanese & Chinese)
Requires 360 credits including a minimum of 220 at Level 5 or above and 100 at Level 6.
In addition ML2882 must be passed (for students following the four-year programme).
BA (Hons) Modern Language Studies
Will be awarded where the student has
•completed 360 credits, including a minimum of 220 at level 5 or above and 100 at level 6
•not completed 1 or more core or compulsory modules at level 6 in one of his/her chosen languages
•completed (an) additional language module(s) as a substitute for the core or compulsory module(s) not completed
ML2883 / Assessed Year abroad
Assessed Semester One Abroad &
Assessed Semester Two Abroad / 120 notional credits
notional credits
Level 5 / Compulsory Modules
Optional Modules
VO2003 / Japanese Studies Language 2A
Japanese Studies Language 2B
Japanese Language 2A
Japanese Language 2B
Investigating Japan Project OR
Aspects of Japanese Society
Cultural Transformations and cross-cultural encounters in the Asia Pacific
Research Skills for Language Students
Student Initiated Module
Community Leadership
Plus compulsory and optional modules for the second language (see relevant language section) / 20
20 / HE Diploma in Modern Languages (Arabic & Japanese)
HE Diploma in Modern Languages (Japanese & Korean)
HE Diploma in Modern Languages (Japanese & Italian)
HE Diploma in Modern Languages (Japanese & Russian)
HE Diploma in Modern Languages (Japanese & Spanish)
HE Diploma in Modern Languages (Japanese & French)
HE Diploma in Modern Languages (Japanese & German)
HE Diploma in Modern Languages (Japanese & Chinese)
Requires 240 credits including a minimum of 100 at Level 5 or above.
Level 4 / JS1059
JS1106 / Background to Japan
Japanese Language 1
Plus compulsory and optional modules for the second language (see relevant language section) / 20
40 / HE Certificate
Requires 120 credits at Level 4 or above
BA (Hons) Modern Language Studies
Will be awarded where the student has
•completed 360 credits, including a minimum of 220 at level 5 or above and 100 at level 6