BLUE MOUNDS, WI 53517-0189

TELEPHONE (608) 437-5197

FAX (608) 437-4198


Regular Village Board Meeting

Wednesday, August 10, 2011 7:00 p.m.

Public Notice is hereby given that the Blue Mounds Village Board will hold their Regular Board Meeting on Wednesday, August 10, 2011 at the Village Hall located at 11011 Brigham Avenue, at 7:00 p.m.

The agenda follows:

  1. Call to Order Board of Trustees by Village President.Confirmation of compliance with Open Meetings Law.

Roll Call.

  1. Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Public Forum (limited to 15 minutes total or 3 minutes per individual)
  3. Keith Johnson, MHAJFD representative, to discuss fines for violations, potential action
  4. Tim Wickman of US Cellular request to speak to the Board regarding US Cellular Antenna Upgrade, potential action
  5. Correction and approval of minutes:

a. Regular Board Meeting Minutes 07/13/2011

b. Regular Board Closed Meeting Minutes07/13/2011

c. Emergency Board Meeting Minutes of 07/29/2011

7. Committee Reports:

  1. Park & Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes 07/19/2011
  2. Personnel Committee Meeting Minutes of 07/20/2011
  3. Personnel Committee Closed Meeting Minutes of 07/20/2011
  4. Plan Commission Meeting Minutes 07/26/2011
  5. Economic Development Commission Meeting Minutes 08/02/2011

8. Reports: Police, Public Works, Clerk/Treasurer, Building Inspector, Court, Fire District Representative

9. Approval of bills presented for payment, potential action

10. UnfinishedBusiness:

a. Centurion Cycle Event 2011update, potential action

b.Midwest Sports, Wisconsin Grand Fondo Event update, potential action

c. Crops in Commercial Park, potential action

d. Mt. Horeb Fires Department request for Village Ordinance to allow immediate finesfor inspection violations, potential action

e. Concealed Weapons Law, potential action

f.State Recycling Grant Changes, potential action

g.Electronic Assessment Requirement for 2012, potential action

h.Eagle Scout Project, potential action

11. New Business:

a.Healthy Homes, potential action

b. US Cellular, request for antenna upgrade, potential action

c. Charter Cable TV Contract, potential action

d. Request from Phyllis Jicinsky for refund of $100.00 for returned water meter, potential action

e.Pricing of water sampling, potential action

f. Request for computer software for Public Works, potential action

g. Request to purchase new snowplow for recently purchased Public Works truck, potential action

h. Request for approval of possible joint water main saw purchase with the Villages of Ridgeway and Barneveld, potential action

i. Request for new flushing hydrant for dead end at 1105 Brigham Avenue, potential action

j. Street Use Permit # 11-06 “Wright Stuff Century”, potential action

k. 1st & 2nd Quarter Budget Reports, potential action

l. Request for fee to be waived for Festival of the Mounds Park Shelter Rental , potential action

m. Dane County Supervisory District change, informational

n. Letter to Rep. Sondy Pope-Roberts, potential action

12. Motion to go into Closed Sessionper Wis. Stats. §19.85(1) (c) considering employment, promotion, compensations or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. More specifically to discuss wages and compensation for 2012 budget year; payout of comp time for Public Works Department employees, potential action

13. Reconvene to Open Session. Take action(s) as may be appropriate as a result of the Closed Session, potential action

14.Future Agenda Items


Dated: Friday,August 05, 2011

Amended Posting: Monday, August 08. 2011

2nd amended posting: Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Posted: Blue Mounds Village Hall

Blue Mounds Post Office – Bulletin Board______

Hooterville Inn – Bulletin Board Nancy Parsley, Village Clerk/Treasurer

Any person who has a qualifying disability, as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act, that requires the meeting or material at the meeting to be in an accessible location or format, must contact the Village Clerk at the address listed above or call 437-5197, prior to the meeting so that any necessary arrangements can be made to accommodate each request.