
IX International Theatre Festival "Baltic House"
27 September - 7 October 1999

Main Program

Date / "Baltic House" Theatre / Other venues

Big Stage

Small Stage
/ Room 91
Mon / «MЕNOFORTAS» theatre (Lithuania, Vilnus)
"Makbeth" by W.Shakespeare, dir. E.Nekrosius 18.00
Thue / En Annan Teater (Sweeden, Goteborg)
«The Play of Dreams» by Strindberg
dir.Rolf Sossna 19.00
Wed / National Drama Theatre (Lithuania, Vilnus)
«King Edip » by Sofocle, dir.Rimas Tuminas
19.00 / MTUZ(Russia, Moscow )
«Pushkin.Battle.Death.»,text and direction of Kama Ginkas 19.30
Thurs / Pontedera Theatre (Italy, Piza)
"Oblomov" by A.Goncharov
dir. R.Bazzi
18.00 / MTUZ(Russia, Moscow )
«Pushkin.Battle.Death.»,text and direction of Kama Ginkas 20.00
Frid / Saratov State Academical drama Theatre (Saratov, Russia)
«Berendej»by modern Russian dramatists, dir. by A.Kuznetzov
19.00 / State National Theatre of Carelia (Russia, Petrozavodsk)
"Autumn and Winter" by L.Nuren, dir.A.Krasavin
15.00 / MTUZ(Russia, Moscow )
«Gold Rooster» by A. Pushkin, dir.Kama Ginkas
12.00 & 14.30
Sat / Omsk Academical Drama Theatre (Russia, Omsk)
«Аcademy of Laughter» by K.Mitani, dir.V.Petrov
14.00 & 19.00 / «New Theatre»
(Helsinki, Finland)
«CherryGarden» by A. Chechov, dir.I.Larin
Sun / State National Theatre named after I.Franko (Ukraine, Kiev)
"Shveik" by Y.Gashek
"Three Sisters" by A.Chechov, dir. A.Zholdak
19.00 / Theatre"Shade of Opera" (Russia, Moscow)
"P.I.Chaikovskij. Swans' Lake", dir. M.Krasnopolskaja, I.Epelbaum
Russian State Academical Drama Theatre named after A.Puchkin
(Russia, Saint – Petersburg)
«P.S.» text and direction of G.Kozlov 19.00
Mon / Theatre "Baltic House"
"Natural Economy in Shambala" by A.Shipenko, dir.A.Moguchy 19.00 / "Modern" Theatre (Russia, Moscow)
«Happy Days» by S. Bekket, dir.V.Gulchenko
15.00 / Theatre"Shade of Opera" (Russia, Moscow)
"P.I.Chaikovskij. Swans' lake", dir. M.Krasnopolskaja, I.Epelbaum
Thue / Camera Theatre (Hungary, Budapest)
"Venis Murchant" by W..Shakespeare, dir. A.Robert
17.00 / NurbaState Moving Drama Theatre(Russia, Yakoutija)
"The Land Forgotten by God" by S.Ermolaev,
15.00 / Theatre Nanterre Amandiers (Nanterre, France)
«The Play of Love and Chance» by P.Marivo, dir.J.-P.Vincent

G.A.Tovstonogov Academic Big Drama Theatre (St.Petersburg,Russia)

«Boris Godunov» by A.Pushkin, dir.T.Cheidze 19.00
Wed / Theatre on Taganka (Moscow,Russia)
"Marat-Sad" dir.U.Lubimov 19.00 / Kaunas Youth Camera Theatre (Kaunas, Lithuania)
«Antigona in New-York» by Y.Glovatzkiy, dir. S.Rubinovas

Full program

September 27, Monday

12.00 – Press-conference in the

Cultural Committee of the St. Petersburg Administration,

(40, Nevskii pr.)

17.30 – Ceremonial opening of the Festival

18.00 – Performance “Makbeth”

of the “MENOFORTAS” Theatre

(directed by E.Niakroshius)

Big Stage of the “Baltic House” Theatre

22.30 – Reception for participants in honor of opening of the Festival

Foyer of the “Baltic House” Theatre

September 28, Tuesday

12.00 – Press-club

Foyer of the “Baltic House” Theatre

14.00 – Performance “The Forest”

of the State Drama Theatre “Na Liteinom”

(directed by G.Kozlov)

State Drama Theatre “Na Liteinom” (51, Liteinyi pr.)

19.00 – Performance “A Dreamplay”

of the “En Annan Theater”

directed by R. Sossna)

Big Stage of the “Baltic House” Theatre

22.00 – Festival “Baltic House” as a guest of David Goloschekin

Jazz Philharmonic-Hall (27, Zagorodny pr.)

September 29, Wednesday

12.00 – Press-club

Foyer of the “Baltic House” Theatre

15.00 – Performance “Liperiada”

of the St.PetersburgTheatreArtsAcademy

Small Stage of the “Baltic House” Theatre

19.00 – Performance “Oedipus Rex”

of the National Drama Theatre of Lithuania

directed by R. Tuminas

Big Stage of the “Baltic House” Theatre

19.30 – Performance “Pushkin. Duel. Death.”

of the Moscow Theatre of Young Audiences

directed by K. Ginkas

Room 91 of the “Baltic House” Theatre

September 30, Thursday

12.00 – Press-club

Foyer of the “Baltic House” Theatre

18.00 – Performance “Oblomov”

of the PontederoTheatre- International Laboratory

directed by R.Bacci

Big Stage of the “Baltic House” Theatre

20.00 - Performance “Pushkin. Duel. Death.”

of the Moscow Theatre of Young Audiences

directed by K. Ginkas

Room 91 of the “Baltic House” Theater

October 1, Friday

12.00 – Press- club

Foyer of the “Baltic House” Theatre

15.00 – Performance “Autumn and Winter”

of the State National Theatre of the Republic Karelia

directed A.Krasavin

Small Stage of the “Baltic House” Theatre

19.00 – Performance “Berendei”

of the Saratov State Academic Drama Theatre

directed A.Kuznetsov

Big Stage of the “Baltic House” Theatre

October 2, Saturday

11. 00, 14.00 - Performance “Golden Cockerel”

of the Moscow Theatre of Young Audiences

directed K. Ginkas

Foyer of the “Baltic House” Theatre

12.00 – Press-club

Foyer of the “Baltic House” Theatre

16.00, 20.00 - Performance “Academy of Laughter”

of the Omsk Academic Drama Theatre

directed by V.Petrov

Big Stage of the “Baltic House” Theatre

October 3, Sunday

12.00 – Performance “Svejk”

of the Ivan Franko National Academic Drama Theatre

directed by A.Zholdak

Big Stage of the “Baltic House” Theatre

12.00 – Performance “P.S. of Conductor Johannes Kreisler, His Author and Their Beloved Julia”

of the A.S.Pushkin Russian State Academic Drama Theatre

directed by G.Kozlov,

A.S.Pushkin Russian State Academic Drama Theatre (Sq.Ostrovskogo)

16.00 – Performance “Carnival”

of the Theatre of Marionette “The Puppet House”

directed by A.Maksimychev

Small Stage of the “Baltic House” Theatre

19.00 – Performance “ Three Sisters ”

of the Ivan Franko National Academic Drama Theatre

directed by A.Zholdak

Big Stage of the “Baltic House” Theatre

October 4, Monday

12.00 – Press-club

Foyer of the “Baltic House”

15.00 – Performance “Wonderful Days”

of the “Modern” Theatre

directed by V.Gul’chenko

Small Stage of the “Baltic House” Theatre

17.00, 20.00 – Performance “P.I.Tchaikovsky. SwanLake. Opera.”

of the “Opera Shadow” Theatre

directed by M.Krasnopol’skaia, I.Epel’baum

Big Stage of the “Baltic House” Theatre

October 5, Tuesday

12.00 – Press-club

Foyer of the “Baltic House” Theatre

15.00 – Performance “The Forgotten Land”

of the Niurba State Drama Theatre

directed by I.Makarov

Small Stage of the “Baltic House” Theatre

19.00 – Performance “ Natural Economy in Shambala ”

of the “Baltic House” Theatre

directed by A.Moguchii

Big Stage of the “Baltic House” Theatre

19.00 – Performance “A Game of Love and Chance”

of the Nanterre-Amandiers Theatre

directed by J.-P.Vincent

A.S. Pushkin Russian State Academic Drama Theatre (Ostrovskogo sq.)

19.00 – Performance “Boris Godunov”

of the G.A.Tovstonogov Academic Big Drama Theatre

directed by T.Chkheidze

G.A.Tovstonogov Academic Big Drama Theatre (65, Fontanka)

October 6, Wednesday

12.00 – Press-conference devoted to the Theatre on Taganka

Foyer of the “Baltic House” Theatre

15.00 – Performance “Antigone in New York”

of the Kaunas Youth Chamber Theatre

directed by S.Rubinovas

Small Stage of the “Baltic House” Theatre

19.00 – Performance “Marat-Sade”

of the Moscow Drama and Comedy Theatre on Taganka

directed by I.Liubimov

Big Stage of the “BalticHouse“Theatre

21.30 – "Taganka…"

Party with theatre improvisation devoted to Theatre on Taganka

October 7, Thursday

12.00 - Final scientific conference "Theatre on the border of Millenium"

Small Stage of the "Baltic House" Theatre

19.00 - Closing ceremony.

Big Stage of the "Baltic House" Theatre

19.30 - Performance "Princess Olga"

of the Russian Academic Youth Theatre

directed by O.Garibov

Big Stage of the "Baltic House" Theatre

In the framework of the Festival:

September 29-30

11.00 – Video-seminar

“Theatre-Laboratory of Erzi Grotowski in Pontedera (Italy)”

Conducted by Carla Pollastrelli

“Baltic House” Theatre, 11.00

September 30 – October 3

10.00 – IETM Satellite Meeting

(Informal European Theatre Meeting)

“Russia on the theatre map of Europe: Who knows it and whom it knows”

K.S.Stanislavskii House of Actors (86, Nevskii ave.)

October 2-6

10.00 - “Philosophy and Practice of Performing Art Festivals – lll”

Seminar for Performing Arts Festivals’ Managers and Producers.

Theatre “Baltic House”

October 3

Workshop of director Jean-Pierre Vincent (Nanterre-Amandie Theatre, France)

In the St.PetersburgTheatreArtsAcademy (34, Mokhovaja)

Everyday in Art-club – informal meetings, music …