Course: Arabic
Year Group: Kindergarten / Length of Unit: 1-10 weeks
Unit Topic: Farm animals
Unit Aim / Principal Focus: this unit focuses on developing student' skills, knowledge and understanding within the context of planning a farms animals. Students acquire vocabulary, expressions and language structures within the context. Students activities relate to the learn about and learn to statements and form the basis of the unit of work. Students listen, read and respond to texts and learn to experiment with linguistic structures in order to express their own ideas.
A student :
1. UL .1: recognises and respond to words, phrases and simple sentences in spoken Arabic.
1. UL .2: identifies and responds to features of written Arabic.
1. UL .3: uses known words in Arabic to interact in everyday activities.
1. UL .4: demonstrates developing writing skills by recognising and copying Arabic.
1. MLC.1: recognises the diversity of language system.
1. MLC.2: explores ways in which meaning is conveyed in Arabic.
1. ML.C3: identifies cultural practices in Arabic-speaking communities.
·  Briefly introducing vocabulary and pictures related to farm animals.
·  Drawing students’ favourite farm animals.
·  Names of babies animals.(الصوص للدجاجة والبطة ، العجل للبقرة ، الجدي للماعز، الحمل للخروف)
·  Animals food ( الدجاجة تأنل الحبوب ، الأرنب يأكل الجزر أو العشب ،الخروف يأكل العشب )
·  Animals production.( الدجاجة تعطي البيض ولحم الدجاج والريش، الخروف يعطي اللحم والصوف ، البقرة تعطي اللحم ، الحليب )
·  Animals bodies covers. ( الريش يغطي الدجاجة ، الديك والبطة ، الصوف يغطي الخروف )
·  Likes and dislike farm animals.
Assessment :
·  Oral assessment: the students will try to read letters and farm animal’s names from the board.
·  Portfolio work samples: Draw or create a collage of farm animals, label, and orally describe them
·  Teacher observation through the unit.
Outcomes / Knowledge & Understanding
Student learn about: / Skills
Students learn to: / Teaching / Learning Strategies / Resources / Annotation /
1.UL.3 / ·  the importance of correct pronunciation, intonation and stress for effective communication
·  the importance of correct pronunciation, intonation and stress for effective communication
·  symbol formation when writing words and phrases
·  ways of organising and presenting information in context
·  elements of the spoken language
·  features of the written language
·  the importance of listening and observing
·  the variety of contexts in which familiar words can be identified
·  working in teams to communicate effectively with others
·  the relationship between printed text and corresponding sound and meanings
·  ways of organising and presenting information in context
·  different ways of showing comprehension
·  working in teams to communicate effectively with others
·  the variety of contexts in which familiar words can be identified
·  working in teams to communicate effectively with others / ·  develop pronunciation and intonation skills by singing and reciting, and repeating words and phrases in context
·  develop pronunciation and intonation skills by singing and reciting, and repeating words and phrases in context
·  reproduce symbols, words and phrases by tracing, copying and colouring in
·  develop writing skills in context,
eg matching words with pictures, labelling objects
·  recognise and reproduce sounds in Arabic,
·  ك/ ق، ت/ط، د/ض،س/ص
·  recognise features of the written language as representations of sound, eg print written from right to left, script, accents, changing shape of a letter in the word
·  listen activity to aid comprehension
·  identify and respond to key words and phrases in context, eg songs, actions and games
·  use Arabic in classroom activities,
eg songs, games, role-plays
·  recognise symbols words and phrases of the language in print
·  develop writing skills in context,
eg matching words with pictures, labelling objects, completing speech bubbles, writing key words in a greeting card
·  demonstrate comprehension, eg by sorting different animals
·  use Arabic in classroom activities,
eg songs, games, role-plays
·  gathers information about natural and built environments and communicates some of the way which they interact with, and care for, these environments
·  identify and respond to key words and phrases in context, eg songs, rhymes, dance, actions and games
·  use Arabic in classroom activities,
eg songs, games, role-plays / ·  * Class discussion- are animals important in our lives?
·  discuss different types of animals and classify which animals live in the farm and their importance in our life
·  students describe animals by size and colour
·  students express likes and dislikes about the shape of farm animals in Arabic
·  * Group activity: students draw their favourite animal as a group and copy the name of some farm animals.
·  copy and colour some of the Arabic letters e.g. ف – ق – ك – ل – م – ن – ه – و - ي
·  students using the smart board will match names of different farm animals to the correct pictures
·  Students will trace and copy some of the Arabic alphabets and simple words focusing on the Arabic print from write to left and how the shape of the letter will change in the beginning, middle and end.
·  Hand out farm themed "Connect the Dots" sheets
·  The teacher discusses with children the sounds that different farm animals make, inviting volunteers to make the sounds. Review the sounds by singing Old MacDonald (the Arabic version), including the following animals: cow, dog, duck, hen, horse, pig, rooster, and sheep.
·  ICT: using the smart board, playing listening game using the animal sounds discussed and they need to name the animal according to its sound
·  Students learn related songs and poems to farm animals
·  ألف أرنب يجري يلعب يأكل جزرة لالا يتعب
·  students read, pronounce and drill simple sentences in Arabic
·  * Portfolio work samples: Draw or create a collage of farm animals, label, and orally describe them
·  Setup two trays, one decorated with a barn scene and the other which is decorated like a zoo. Use toy animals that come from a farm and a zoo and the children sort them.
·  Field trip to a farm: the farm animal (HSIE) unit integrates well with the Arabic language, as students will learn and be able to identify the names of the animals in Arabic and match their corresponding pictures. The vocabulary that students learn in class will also be applied during the excursion to an animal farm. Students will be able to recall information about their experiences in the farm and complete a booklet
·  read The Wolf and the seven sheep story. Divide the class into 5 groups and assign each group to be an animal. / Farm animals poster
The farm animals’ booklet, flash cards, photographs, colouring pencils and crayons.
Pictures of farm animals and beanie babies.
Smart board
Work book

This document was produced by the staff at Al Faisal College with funds from the Commonwealth Government through the School Languages Program.