Course Syllabus

Project Lead the Way: Gateway to technology “B” (Automation and Robotics)—Grade 8th

Teacher:Shane Helmich

School:Olive Peirce Middle School


This syllabus includes the following information:

Project Lead the Way Performance Objectives

Methods of Assessment

Class Procedures and Rules

Course Rationale

Project Lead the Way is an inquiry-based program that enhances technological literacy and prepares students for life in the 21st century.

Course Prerequisites and Academic Essential Functions

Students must have successfully completed Gateway to Technology A during 7th grade.


Project Lead the Way (PLTW)Curriculum and Resources---Unit: Automation and Robotics

PLTW: Automation and Robotics (AR) Course Outline

Students trace the history, development, and influence of automation and robotics. They learn about mechanical systems, energy transfer, machine automation and computer control systems. Students use a robust robotics platform to design, build, and program a solution to solve an existing problem.

Lesson 2.1 What Is Automation and Robotics?

Laboratory Safety

Performance Objectives

  • Describe the purpose of automation and robotics and its effect on society.
  • Summarize ways that robots are used in today’s world and the impact of their use on society.
  • Describe positive and negative effects of automation and robotics on humans in terms of safety and economics.
  • Investigate a career related to automation and robotics and determine the requirements for entering the field.

Lesson 2.2 Mechanical Systems

Performance Objectives

  • Investigate and understand various mechanisms to determine their purpose and applications.
  • Be able to apply their knowledge of mechanisms to solve a unique problem.

Lesson 2.3 Automated Systems

Performance Objectives

  • Design, build, wire, and program both open and closed loop systems.
  • Use motors and sensors appropriately to solve robotic problems.
  • Troubleshoot a malfunctioning system using a methodical approach.
  • Experience the responsibility of a mechanical, electrical and computer engineer through completion of robotic problems.

Assessment Methods

Grading: The point system is used for grading purposes. Ex: 35/50 = C, 85/100 = B


Daily Class Assignments— 40 %

Major Summative Assessments (Tests, Reports, Projects) — 60 %

Procedures for Make-up Assignments

  • Students will have one week to complete make-up work.
  • It is recommended students complete make-up work during ace.

Class Procedures

Students will:Enter class logging into their Edmodo account to see their daily assignments. Students will get out of the class what effort they put into it.

Procedures for contacting Mr. Helmich

Please call me anytime if you have concerns or questions.

Phone Number: 760-787-2433


Check teacher page from for videos and important links.


PLTW Automation and Robotics Syllabus Signature Form

I have reviewed and understand the 2015-2016PLTW Automation and Robotics Syllabus:

Student (print)______(sign)______Date:______

I have reviewed the 2015-2016PLTW Automation and Robotics Syllabus with my child.

Parent/guardian (print)______(sign) ______Date:______