Milk Income Loss Contract (MILC) Program

Navigation Map Narrative

Milk Income Loss Contract (MILC) Program

ADPO Example

Prepared for

USDA Farm Service Agency

6501 Beacon Drive

Kansas City, MO64133-4676

File Name: Navigation Map Narrative.doc
Table of Contents


2.General Application Pages......

2.1HM 1: MILC Home Page......

2.1.1Use Cases Supported......

2.1.2Assumptions & Risks......


2.1.4Test Conditions......

3.MILC Signup Section......

3.1MS 1: MILC Selection......

3.1.1Use Cases Supported......

3.1.2Assumptions & Risks......


3.1.4Test Conditions......

3.2MS 1_1: MILC List......

3.2.1Use Cases Supported......

3.2.2Assumptions & Risks......


3.2.4Test Conditions......

3.3MS 1_2: View MILC......

3.3.1Use Cases Supported......

3.3.2Assumptions & Risks......


3.3.4Test Conditions......

3.4MS 2: Record MILC......

3.4.1Use Cases Supported......

3.4.2Assumptions & Risks......


3.4.4Test Conditions......

3.5MS 2_1: Add Participant......

3.5.1Use Cases Supported......

3.5.2Assumptions & Risks......


3.5.4Test Conditions......

Milk Income Loss Contract (MILC) Program

Navigation Map Narrative

  1. Introduction

The purpose of the Narrative Map Narrative is to express the structure of the user-interface elements in the system, along with their potential navigation pathways. This document is used to address informational needs at both the Analysis and Design phases of the FSA SDLC and as such, should be completed incrementally.

  1. General Application Pages

2.1[d1]HM 1: MILC Home Page

This page is displayed after a user has successfully logged into the MILC application through eAuthentication and EAS. eAuthentication will provide user authentication and EAS will provide user roles . When this page is displayed, a valid user of type MILC Viewer or MILC Data Steward exists.

The content displayed on this page is dynamic. The MILC Viewer and MILC Data Steward will see different sections. The first iteration of this page includes the MILC signup section; future iterations will expand this page to include all functionality within the MILC application.

The MILC Selection link will be displayed for a MILC Viewer and will provide the ability to select and view existing MILC agreements. The Record MILC link will be displayed for a MILC Data Steward and will provide the ability to record new MILC agreements in the system.

2.1.1Use Cases Supported

  • OML: Obtain MILC List (initiate)
  • RMI: Record MILC Information (initiate)

2.1.2Assumptions & Risks



Message Type / Message / Trigger / Event
Error / The current user does not have any MILC Privileges. / The user attempted to access the MILC application but does not have an appropriate role (MILC Viewer or MILC Data Steward) defined in EAS.
Info / Business Rule: MILC 1 / A new MILC agreement was added to the system via MS 2 Record MILC

2.1.4Test Conditions

  • Verify that each page navigation link transfers the user to the appropriate page.
  • Verify that the page is Section 508 compliant.
  • Test with conditions to generate each message.
  • Verify that the appropriate section is displayed for the user type.

3.MILC Signup Section

3.1MS 1: MILC Selection

This page is displayed when the MILC Selection link is selected from the HM 1 MILC Home Page or from the MILC Links. It displays the selection criteria available for selecting a MILC agreement. The user can enter information on the page to select the appropriate MILC agreement for which they wish to inquire on.

The Select One Recordoption allows the user to enter either a farm number or a contract number to select a MILC agreement. This will be the default section type. The Select Multiple Recordsoption allows the user to enter one or more options to select a group of MILC agreements. The user can enter information on the page to select the appropriate MILC agreement for which they wish to inquire on.

Pressing the Select button will validate the information entered and display the results on either the MS 1_1 MILC List or MS1_2 View MILC page, depending on the number of MILC agreements found.

Pressing the Resetbutton will reset the information on the page as it appeared when the page was first displayed, before any user changes were made.

Regardless of the option selected to find MILC agreements, the result set will only include records which the user has authority to view. In order to view a MILC agreement:

  • If the user is a Producer, then the Producer must be listed as a Dairy Operation Producer on the MILC agreement.
  • If the user is not a Producer, then the county location for the Dairy Operation on the MILC agreement must be a county that the user has authority to access MILC Information.

3.1.1Use Cases Supported

  • OML: Obtain MILC List (partially)

3.1.2Assumptions & Risks

According to selection rules, it is possible for a user to provide selection criteria which results in no records found, but records could exist within the system that meet the criteria; the current user just doesn’t have authority to view them.


Message Type / Message / Trigger / Event
Error / Business Rule: MILC 7 / The ‘Select One Record’ option is selected, no value is entered in the ‘Farm Operation Number’ or ‘Contract Number’ fields and ‘Select’ is pressed.
Error / Business Rule: MILC 7 / The ‘Select One Record’ option is selected, values are provided for both the ‘Farm Number’ and ‘Contract Number’ fields and ‘Select’ is pressed.
Error / Business Rule: MILC 7 / The ‘Select Multiple Records’ option is selected, no valuesare entered in the selection fields and ‘Select’ is pressed.
Info / Business Rule: MILC 22 / Valid selection criteria is provided. / There are no MILC agreements found which satisfy the selection criteria provided and the user has authority to view.

3.1.4Test Conditions

  • Verify that each page navigation link transfers the user to the appropriate page.
  • Verify that the page is Section 508 compliant.
  • Verify that the drop down lists for the following fields contain the appropriate values per business rules: FSA County Office, Dairy Operation Location, Contract Status, Dairy Operation match options, Contract Producer Name match options.
  • Test with conditions to generate each message.
  • Verify that the Select and Reset buttons function properly.

3.2MS 1_1: MILC List

This page displays the MILC list for the selection requested on page MS 1 MILC Selectionorfrom the MILC List navigation link. The page will display the following sections: Selection Criteria and Search Results. If more than 10MILCAgreements were found for display in the Search Results section, list navigation buttons will be displayed to aid the user in scrolling through the list.

The Selection Criteria section displays the options entered on the selection page.

The Search Results section displays MILC agreements found within the system meeting the selection criteria entered. A list size function is provided that will allow the user to set the number agreements to be displayed on one page, with the default being ten records. A sort function is also provided, that will allow the user to sort the list on any of the columns displayed, with the default being ascending by contract number. Pressing the Update List button will update the list with changes the user has made to the default display size and sort fields.

Each agreement in the list will have a View option provided, that when selected, will transfer the user to the MS 1_2 View MILCpage.

3.2.1Use Cases Supported

  • OML: Obtain MILC List (partially)
  • VMI: View MILC Information (initiate)

3.2.2Assumptions & Risks



Message Type / Message / Trigger / Event
Error / Business Rule: MILC 9 / The ‘View’ option is selected for a specific MILC agreement. / The system is unable to locate the MILC agreement using the key information provided.

3.2.4Test Conditions

  • Verify that each page navigation link transfers the user to the appropriate page.
  • Verify that the page is Section 508 compliant.
  • Test with conditions to generate each message.
  • Verify that the appropriate selection criteria is displayed based on prior entry.
  • Verify that the drop down lists for the following fields contain the appropriate values: Show (list size), Sort (sort column and order).
  • Verify that the sort features function properly.
  • Verify that the list size features function properly.
  • Verify that the list navigation features function properly.
  • Verify that the View option functions properly.

3.3MS 1_2: View MILC

This page is displayed when aView link is selected from the MS 1_1 MILC List.The page displays detailed information about a MILC agreement. Information displayed will include the general information, participants, CCC acceptance and approval, and system details.

No page specific user actions are available on this page.

3.3.1Use Cases Supported

  • VMI: View MILC Information (partially)

3.3.2Assumptions & Risks



Message Type / Message / Trigger / Event
None anticipated

3.3.4Test Conditions

  • Verify that each page navigation link transfers the user to the appropriate page.
  • Verify that the page is Section 508 compliant.
  • Verify that the appropriate sectionsare displayed.

3.4MS 2: Record MILC

This page is displayed when the Record MILC link is selected from the HM 1 MILC Home Page or from the MILC Links. Input fields are displayed so the user can enter the appropriate information to add a new MILC agreement. The contract number will be assigned after the agreement has been successfully added to the system.

When the Add button is pressed, the agreement will be validated and added to the system.

When the Cancel button is pressed, the request to add the agreement will not be processed and the HM 1MILC Home Page will be displayed.

The Populate Dairy Operation Namebutton will use the Farm Numberprovided and find the name of the Dairy Operation associated with it and display that name on the page. This is optional and provided so the user can verify that the correct farm number has been entered.

The Add Participant button will display a popup page where the user can enter the details for a participant and associate them with the MILC agreement being entered. The participant share percentages must total to 100% for the agreement. The Remove option provides the ability to remove a participant that was added in error.

The Lookup COC Designee button will display a popup page where the user can find and select the COC Designee that signed the paper MILC agreement.

3.4.1Use Cases Supported

  • RMI: Record MILC Information (partially)
  • RDOP: Record Dairy Operation Producer (initiate)

3.4.2Assumptions & Risks



Message Type / Message / Trigger / Event
Error / Business Rule: MILC 1 / All required fields have not been provided and ‘Add’ button is pressed.
Error / Please provide a Farm Number before requesting the Populate Dairy Operation Name option. / The farm operation number field is blank or empty and the ‘Populate Dairy Operation Name’ button is pressed.
Error / Business Rule: MILC 27 / The farm operation number field contained a value and the ‘Populate Dairy Operation Name’ button is pressed. / There is no matching active farm operation record in the system for the specified farm operation number provided.
Error / Business Rule: MILC 27 / All required fields have been provided and ‘Add’ button is pressed / There is no matching active farm operation record in the system for the specified farm operation number provided.
Error / Business Rule: MILC 2 / All required fields have been provided and ‘Add’ buttonis pressed. / A MILC agreement already exists in the system for the farm number contained on the new MILC agreement.
Error / Business Rule: MILC 4 / All required fields have been provided and ‘Add’ buttonis pressed. / The contract beginning date is before the contract signed date.
Error / Business Rule: MILC 18 / All required fields have been provided and ‘Add’ buttonis pressed. / The producer shares do not total to 100%.
Error / Business Rule: MILC 20 / All required fields have been provided and ‘Add’ buttonis pressed. / The FSA County Office selected doesn’t service the Dairy Operation Location selected.
Error / The Contract Start Date provided is not a valid date. / All required fields have been provided and ‘Add’ button in pressed. / The Contract Start Date provided is not a valid date or is in the wrong format.
Error / The Date Signed provided is not a valid date. / All required fields have been provided and ‘Add’ button in pressed. / The Date Signed provided is not a valid date or is in the wrong format.

3.4.4Test Conditions

  • Verify that each page navigation link transfers the user to the appropriate page.
  • Verify that the page is Section 508 compliant.
  • Verify that the drop down lists for the following fields contain the appropriate values per business rules: FSA County Office, Dairy Operation Location, Payment Start Month.
  • Test with conditions to generate each message.
  • Verify that the Populate Dairy Operation Name, Add Participant, Lookup COC Designee buttons function properly.
  • Verify that the Remove option functions properly.
  • Verify that the Add and Cancel buttons function properly.

3.5MS 2_1: Add Participant

This page is displayed when the Add Participantbutton is selected from the MS 2Record MILC or from the MILC Links. Input fields are displayed so the user can enter the appropriate information to identify a new Dairy Operation Producer for the MILC agreement.

When the Add button is pressed, the producer will be validated, associated to the current MILC agreement and displayed on the MS 2 Record MILC page.

When the Cancel button is pressed, the request to identify the new producer will not be processed and the MS 2 Record MILC page will be displayed.

The Populate Producer Namebutton will use the Producer Id Number provided and find the name of the producer associated with it and display that name on the page. This is optional and provided so the user can verify that the correct producer id number has been entered.

3.5.1Use Cases Supported

  • RDOP: Record Dairy Operation Producer (partially)

3.5.2Assumptions & Risks



Message Type / Message / Trigger / Event
Error / Business Rule: MILC 5 / All required fields have not been provided and ‘Add’ button is pressed.
Error / Please provide a Producer Id Number before requesting the Populate Producer Name option. / The producer field is blank or empty and the ‘Populate Producer Name’ button is pressed.
Error / Business Rule: MILC 17 / The Producer Id Number field contained a value and the ‘Populate Producer Name’ button is pressed. / There is no matching producer record in the system for the specified producer id provided.
Error / Business Rule: MILC 17 / All required fields have been provided and ‘Add’ button is pressed. / There is no matching active producer record in the system for the specified producer id provided.
Error / The Date Signed provided is not a valid date. / All required fields have been provided and ‘Add’ button in pressed. / The Date Signed provided is not a valid date or is in the wrong format.

3.5.4Test Conditions

  • Verify that no page navigation links are provided.
  • Verify that the page is Section 508 compliant.
  • Test with conditions to generate each message.
  • Verify that the Populate Producer Name button functions properly.
  • Verify that the Add and Cancel buttons function properly.

Revision History

Version / Date / Summary of Changes / Author
0.1 / 01/27/2006 / Initial Version. / Cheryl Vukas

Navigation Map NarrativePage 1 of12February 15, 2006

[d1]Provide a brief narrative summarizing what is in scope for this project by identifying the problem and what the solution will be.

A product position statement communicates the intent of the application and the importance of the project to all concerned personnel.