
Your input file is the same as program #5. Positions 18-32 on each record

represent five grades received in tests by the owner of the record. You are to

use all records in the file.

Using the input file, you are to build a simple two dimensional table. Each"row" in the table is to correspond to an input record and is to contain a 17-positionname field followed by the five grades found in that person's record. Thus, the numberof rows of the table will be the number of records in the input file.

Once you have created the table, you are to print it out such that each rowof the table corresponds to a single print line of output. The output product will be a multi-page report, as usual. The report header is to read Jacksonville State College,appropriately centered. The date is to be in the form DD MMM YY and you are to use a table to create this date from the input DATE. This date is to be rightjustified on the header line. There is no column header.

The second header line will consist of the words: Grade Report. These wordsare to be centered and double spaced down from the report header. The third header (columnheader) is to be three lines down from the second header and consist of the followingitems: Name Grades Average Letter Grade (same criteria as previous programs).

The name, five grades, numeric average, and letter grades for each record are to be centered under the column header, Grades. All headers (three) are to appear on each page ofprinted output. All detail lines below are to be double spaced.

At the conclusion, your report statistics should be printed. As usual, ensure that the statistics lines are not split across page boundaries. Report statisticsare to include: Number of Records Processed, Number of As, Number of Bs, Numberof Cs, Number of Ds, and Number of Fs.

Page No: ZZ9 should be your page number format in your page trailer line andon the last page, the word "End" should precede the Page No: ZZ9 entry.

But, Jacksonville State College is a tough school. We want to recognize anyone who received a 100 on any of our tests. So, you are required to create a second reportcalled the Brain Trust Report.

The first report header line is the same as the first report. The second

header is to have the words, "Brain Trust Report" centered on this line. The

column header is to be the same as the original report. Spacing is to be the same.

In processing any records for the first report, you are to look for any grades of100. If any record you process has one or more 100s, you are to also print thisrecord on the Brain Trust Report. The format is the same as the first report: allfields are to be the same as well as the letter grade. No difference here.

Spacing, line control, page control, etc. are identical to the first

report. Report Statistics are to include: Number of Records Processed only.

No changes for the trailer line. But be certain to recognize that this is a

separate report, and page numbering must start at one.


1. System Flowchart 5 points

1. Structure Chart(s)10 points

2. Pseudocode20 points

3. Compiled Source Listings30 points

4. Output Reports35 points

Total:100 points.

Program is due on Thursday, June 15th. There can be no extension of this one.

Bonus: for each class day earlier you turn this in, you will receive a five pointbonus. Cutoff time per day is 3pm. (Don't sacrifice quality for time!)

(Up to 20 points bonus)