AP Environmental Science Topic Outline

I. Earth Systems and Resources (10-15%)

II. The Living World (10-15%)

III.Population (10-15%)

IV.Land and Water Use (10-15%)

V. Energy Resources and Consumption (10-15%)

VI. Pollution (25-30%)

VII. Global Change (10-15%)

I. Earth Systems and Resources (10-15%)

A. Earth Science Concepts

1.Geologic time scale

2. Plate tectonics

Summarize the processes that shape the earth and its resources. C12 (Cunningham 12th Ed)

Define plate tectonics and explain its relationship to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. (Raven, 8th)

3. Earthquakes

Describe geological hazards. C12

Describe how earthquakes affect natural selection

4. Volcanism

Describe how volcanic eruptions are involved in primary succession

Describe how volcanic eruptions affect natural selection

Describe how the sulfur oxides are important for suppression of Global Climate Change

Describe how the particulate material from severe volcanic eruption suppresses GCC

5. Seasons

Explain how the tilt of the Earth relates to seasons and identify the Earth’s position for each season in the Northern hemisphere (FR)

6. Solar intensity and latitude

Describe how insolation causes differences in the Earth’s temperature

Summarize the effects of solar energy on the Earth’s temperature, including the influence of albedo (reflectivity) and latitude. (Raven, 8th)

B. The Atmosphere

1. Composition

Describe the general composition and structure of the atmosphere. C12

2. Structure

Describe the four layers of Earth’s atmosphere: troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, and thermosphere.(Raven, 8th)

List the layers of the atmosphere starting at the Earth’s surface and moving up (FR)

Identify the temperature differences between each layer and the science behind these differences (FR)

List the important traits of each layer as it pertains to the environment and humans (FR)

3. Weather and climate

Explain the difference between weather and climate (FR)

Explain why weather events follow general patterns. C12

Give causes of regional precipitation and temperature.

Describe how ocean currents, altitude, latitude, and topography cause differences in climate (personal Me)

Contrast tornadoes and tropical cyclones. (Raven, 8th)

Outline some factors in natural climate variability. C12

Describe how differences in climate can be visualized using a climatograph (personal Me)

4. Atmospheric circulation and the Coriolis Effect

Describe the CoriolisEffect and use it to determine global wind patterns (FR)

Discuss the roles of solar energy and Coriolis effect in the production of global air and water flow patterns. (Raven, 8th)

Define adiabatic heat and adiabatic cooling and connect each to convection currents (FR)

Identify the location of Hadley and polar cells on a globe (FR)

Explain the effect Hadley cells and polar cells have on global climate (FR)

Explain what the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) is and its connection to weather (FR)

5. Atmosphere-ocean interactions; ENSO

Define El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and La Niña and describe some of their effects. (Raven, 8th)

Identify the differences in ocean temperatures and weather based on El Nino (FR)

C. Global Water Resources and Use

1. Freshwater/saltwater

Identify the percentage of water that is saltwater versus freshwater (FR)

Identify the percentage of freshwater that is found in ice and glaciers, belowground water, water bodies, & atmospheric water

Describe surface water and groundwater using the following terms in your description: wetland, runoff, drainage basin, unconfined and confined, aquifer, watertable. (Raven, 8th).

Define groundwater recharge and how it differs with confined and unconfined aquifers (FR)

Compare and contrast the recharge rate and the consequences of this fact of different aquifers (FR)

Compare and contrast confined and unconfined aquifers (FR)

2. Ocean circulation

Describe the causes of surface versus deep ocean circulation

Define gyres and identify their role in global climates (FR)

Connect upwellings to ocean productivity (FR)

Explain the science behind thermohaline circulation (FR)

3. Agricultural

Describe the role of irrigation in world water consumption. (Raven, 8th)

Compare the amount of water needed to produce the same mass of beef and wheat (FR)

Define hydroponic agriculture and the benefits and drawbacks (FR)

4. Industrial, and domestic use

Identify the percentage of water used for irrigation, industrial, and household use (FR)

Compare per capita use of household water in developed countries and developing countries and identify the reasons for this disparity (FR)

Detail drinking water problems.(Raven, 8th)

Relate population growth and water problems.(Raven, 8th)

List the steps involved in the two types of desalination and the pros and cons of each (FR)

5. Surface and groundwater issues

Describe the biotic and abiotic components of different parts of a river.

Define floodplain and explain how humans exacerbate property damage caused by flood.(Raven, 8th)

Identify the productivity, nutrient levels, and oxygen levels of the following lake types (FR)




Explain why different lakes have different oxygen levels and what effect this has on the community of organisms (FR)

Describe the connection between drought and topsoil and the economic and environmental consequences (FR)

Explain what a cone of depression is and why if forms (FR)

Explain saltwater intrusion and what causes it to form (FR)

Define impermeable surfaces and their effect on urban and suburban water levels (FR)

6. Global problems

Identify the number of people worldwide who lack access to clean water and the number who die annually due to diseases related to contaminated water (FR)

Understand case studies: Mono Lake, the Colorado River basin, the Ogallala Aquifer, the Rhine River basin, the Aral Sea, the Columbia River, the Missouri River. (Raven, 8th)

7. Conservation

Summarize why water is a precious resource and why shortages occur. C12

Summarize water availability and use. C12

Investigate freshwater shortages. C12

Understand how we might increase water supplies. C12

Describe water conservation methods that can be employed by agriculture, industry, and individuals. (Raven, 8th)

Make an argument for or against allowing market forces to determine the price of water and allowing individuals and corporations to buy and sell water rights. (FR)

Summarize the measures taken with appliances recently to reduce household water use (FR)

Summarize actions performed by Las Vegas, industry and municipalities to conserve water use (FR)

Compare major water compartments. C12

D. Soil and Soil Dynamics

1. Rock cycle

2. Formation

Identify the factors involved in soil formation. (Raven, 8th)

3. Composition

List the components of soil and give the ecological significance of each. (Raven, 8th)

Describe the content of the various soil horizons. (Raven, 8th).

4. Physical and chemical properties

List two ecosystem services performed by soil organisms, and discuss nutrient cycling. (Raven, 8th)

Briefly describe soil texture and acidity. (Raven, 8th)

5. Main soil types

Distinguish among spodosols, alfisols, mollisols, aridosols, and oxisols. (Raven, 8th)

6. Erosion and other soil problems

Explain the impacts of soil erosion and mineral depletion on plant growth. (Raven, 8th)

Explain how a combination of natural and human-induced factors caused the American Dust Bowl. (Raven, 8th)

7. Soil conservation

Define sustainable soil use. (Raven, 8th)

Describe the techniques used to help minimize erosion and mineral depletion of the soil. (Raven, 8th)

Detail the process of soil reclamation. (Raven, 8th)

Describe the Conservation Reserve Program and the Grasslands Reserve Program. (Raven, 8th)

Explain how rocks and minerals are formed. C12

Think critically about economic geology and mineralogy. C12

Describe the components of soils. C12

Explain the ways we use and abuse soils. C12

II. The Living World (10-15%)

A. Ecosystem Structure

1. Biological populations and communities

Describe the difference between the terms population and community (personal Me)

2. Ecological niches

List the factors that contribute to an ecological niche. (Raven, 8th)

Compare and contrast fundamental and realized niches.(Raven, 8th)

List factors that are limiting and describe how they affect a niche.(Raven, 8th)

Distinguish between competitive exclusion and resource partitioning.(Raven, 8th)

3. Interactions among species

Explain the various types of symbiosis.(Raven, 8th)

Describe predator-prey relationships.(Raven, 8th)

Distinguish between intraspecific and interspecific competition.(Raven, 8th)

4. Keystone species

Describe the role of a keystone species.(Raven, 8th)

5. Species diversity

Summarize the main determinants of species richness.(Raven, 8th)

Identify the current rate of species extinction (FR)

Identify the characteristics that make the current 6th mass extinction different than previous extinctions (FR)

Define inbreeding depression and be able to explain the genetics behind why it is harmful (FR)

Identify examples of inbreeding depression (FR)

Explain why and how humans have altered the biodiversity of livestock and crops (FR)

Describe the changes that have crops have experienced over the past century and the possible dangers of these dangers (FR)

Explain what scientists have done in response to the decline in seed diversity (FR)

Differentiate between the categories of species as defined by IUCN (FR)





Least concern

Compare and contrast the percentage of least concern, near threatened, and threatened species of mammals, birds, and amphibians (FR)

6. Edge effects

Why are edge habitats considered in size and shape of protected areas? (FR)

Connect edge habitat to Single Large or Several Small (SLOSS) and the effects of edge habitat (FR)

7. Major terrestrial and aquatic biomes

Define species, populations, communities, and ecosystems, and summarize the ecological significance of trophic levels. C12

Discuss how species interactions shape biological communities. C12

Summarize how community properties affect species and populations. C12

Explain why communities are dynamic and change over time. C12

Correctly identify biomes on the Whittaker diagram based on their average temperature and annual precipitation (FR)

Label biomes on a map of the world (FR)

Identify the growing season on a climate diagram and explain why the growing season occurs during that time period (FR)

List the major characteristics and unique terms that apply to the following biomes and the reasons behind the characteristics (FR)


Boreal Forest

Temperate Rainforest

Temperate Seasonal Forest


Temperate Grassland/Cold Desert

Tropical Rainforest

Tropical Seasonal Forest/Savanna

Subtropical Desert

Explain the properties of a lake and stream that make it different than a lake (FR)

Label the parts of a lake and the properties of each part (FR)

Identify the different types of wetlands and the vital roles wetlands play in the environment (FR)

Identify the unique properties of salt marshes and their importance to the greater environment (FR)

Explain the importance of mangroves to coastlines (FR)

Identify the types of organisms that live in an intertidal zone and explain why those organisms must have unique adaptations (FR)

Explain the importance of coral reefs to humans (FR)

Describe the organisms that makeup coral and also the diversity of other organisms in the reef (FR)

Explain what coral bleaching is, what causes it, and what its effects would be if it occurs (FR)

Label the zones of the open ocean and list the properties of each zone (FR)

Describe types of plankton, nekton and benthos present.(personal Me)

Describe some of the ecological and economic services performed by a marine ecosystems.(personal Me)

Describe the way humans have degraded the aquatic ecosystem(s).(personal Me)

B. Energy Flow

Define energy and explain how it is related to work and to heat. (Raven, 8th)

Relate the first and second laws of thermodynamics to living organisms. (Raven, 8th)

1. Photosynthesis

2. Cellular respiration

Compare and contrast photosynthesis and respiration.(Raven, 8th)

Describe hydrothermal vent communities.(Raven, 8th)

Identify organisms that are autotrophs and be able to identify reactants and products of photosynthesis (FR)

Identify organisms that do cellular respiration and the reactants and products of respiration (FR)

3. Food webs

Differentiate between primary, secondary, and tertiary consumers and be able to label on a food chain and food web (FR)

Define and identify consumers, producers, scavengers, detritivores, and decomposers in a food web (FR)

4. Trophic levels

Summarize the flow of energy through a food web, using appropriate trophic terminology, and pyramids of numbers and biomass as well as energy.(Raven, 8th)

Distinguish between gross primary productivity and net primary productivity.(Raven, 8th)

Discuss human impact on net primary productivity.(Raven, 8th)

Explain the connection between Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) and Net Primary Productivity and be able to calculate given each given numerical values (FR)

Compare and contrast ecosystems based on their productivity and identify the factors that impact their ability to be productive (FR)

Define ecological efficiency and identify the value for efficiency that most ecosystems operate at in nature (FR)

5. Ecological pyramids

Define energy and explain how thermodynamics regulates ecosystems. C12

Understand how living organisms capture energy and create organic compounds. C12

C. Ecosystem Diversity

1. Biodiversity

Define biological diversity and distinguish among genetic diversity, species richness, and ecosystem diversity. (Raven, 8th)

Explain what is meant by biodiversity and discuss the importance of preserving and managing it. (Biozone, 3rd)

2. Natural selection

Explain the process of natural selection and cite evidence for this process WB2

Explain the four premises of evolution by natural selection as proposed by Charles Darwin. (Raven, 8th)

Differentiate between the survival of the fittest and death of the unfit and how this governs what genes continue. (personal Me)

Describe how species interactions such as predator/prey or parasitism drive natural selection. (personal Me)

3. Evolution

Discuss reasons for species extinction and mass extinction events WB2

Describe how climate conditions influence the natural selection in major biomes. (personal Me)

4. Ecosystem services

Discuss five important ecosystem services provided by biological diversity. (Raven, 8th)

Describe how evolution produces species diversity. C12

Discuss biodiversity and the species concept. C12

Summarize some of the ways we benefit from biodiversity. C12

Characterize the threats to biodiversity. C12

Differentiate between instrumental and intrinsic values of an ecosystems (FR)

Explain how the following instrumental services provide value to humans (FR)


Regulating Services

Support Systems


Cultural Services

Explain the factors that impact the intrinsic value of an ecosystem (FR)

D. Natural Ecosystem Change

1. Climate shifts

2. Species movement

3. Ecological succession

Describe ecological succession. (Raven, 8th)

Distinguish between primary and secondary succession. (Raven, 8th)

E. Natural Biogeochemical Cycles

1. Carbon

2. Nitrogen

3. Phosphorus

4. Sulfur

5. Water

6. Conservation of matter

Compare the ways that water, carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, and phosphorus cycle within ecosystems. C12

Diagram the carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, and phosphorus cycles. (Raven, 8th)

Describe how humans have influenced natural biogeochemical cycles.(Raven, 8th)

Define biogeochemical (FR)

Explain the roles of flows and pools in biogeochemical cycles (FR)

Identify the flows & pools within the hydrological cycle & explain how the processes work together (FR)

Identify the flows & pools within the carbon cycle & explain how the processes work together (FR)

Identify the flows & pools within the nitrogen cycle & explain how the processes work together (FR)

Identify the flows & pools within the phosphorus cycle & explain how the processes work together (FR)

Explain how humans are altering each of the cycles mentioned in the previous objectives (FR)

Define limiting factor. Give an example of a resource that would be limiting in an ecosystem. (me Personal)

III. Population (10-15%)

A. Population Biology Concepts

1. Population ecology

Compare and contrast the following measures of populations: size, density, dispersion, sex ratio, and age structure.

Explain the four factors that produce changes in population size and solve simple problems involving these changes.

2. Carrying capacity

Define biotic potential (intrinsic rate of growth) and carrying capacity and explain the differences between J-shaped and S-shaped growth curves.

Distinguish between density-dependent and density-independent factors that affect population size and give examples of each

3. Reproductive strategies

Distinguish between r-strategists and k-strategists. (Raven, 8th)

Describe some of the density-dependent factors that affect boom-or-bust population cycles. (Raven, 8th)

4. Survivorship (curves)

Describe Type I, Type II, and Type III survivorship curves. (Raven, 8th)

Describe the dynamics of population growth. C12

Compare and contrast the factors that regulate population growth. C12

Identify some applications of population dynamics in conservation biology. C12

B. Human Population

1. Human population dynamics

a. Historical population sizes

Summarize the history of human population growth.(Raven, 8th)

Relate the ideas of Thomas Malthus on human population growth, and explain why he may or may not be wrong.(Raven, 8th)

Explain why it is impossible to precisely predict the Earth’s carrying capacity for humans.(Raven, 8th)

Using the graph of human population growth over time, identify major events in the timeline that had an impact on the growth rate (FR)

Explain Thomas Malthus’ ideas about human population growth and resources to support the growth. Compare his ideas to those of other scientists and what evidence there is to support each theory (FR).

Identify the current size of the human population and the projected range of the future size and stabilization range. (FR)

b. Distribution

Explain how highly developed and developing countries differ in population characteristics such as infant mortality rate, total fertility rate, replacement-level fertility, and age structure.(Raven, 8th)

Briefly relate the history and controversies of US immigration.(Raven, 8th)

c. Fertility rates

Define infant and maternal mortality rate. Explain how it is considered a good indicator of quality of life.

Relate total fertility rates to each of the following: cultural values, social and economic status of women, and the availability of family planning services.(Raven, 8th)