Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 8 April 2013 at Shustoke Parish Hall commenced at 7.15pm.

  1. Present: CllrsMrs C Fox, Mr B Coton, Mrs P Coton,Mrs B Chandler, Mr G Etheridge,Mr R Hill, Mr L Wragg, Mr P Fowler, Ms A Perkins as incoming clerk and Mr J Poole as outgoing clerk to the council.

From the Public: Residents of Shustoke Parish

Speakers:Dorothy Barrett, NWBC Planning Department.

  1. Apologies:None
  1. Declaration of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests: None

Public Session relating to Agenda Item 8. Planning

North Warwickshire Borough Council Site Allocation Plan: Mrs Dorothy Barrett

A public session was held between 7.15pm and 7.50pm and the following minutes were recorded:

Cllr Fox began by reading to those present an email received from Mr Philip Blackman, Estate Manager of Merevale Estate stating that Croft Farm has been included in the Borough’s Site Allocation Plan since 2006 and that Merevale have not applied for planning permission to build on this site. They would however suggest if this site were developed in the future,that it is likely that fewer unitsbe built than the number proposed by NWBC Planning.

Dorothy Barrett took the floor and introduced the Core Strategy February 2013 confirming that the number of properties proposed has remained the same as the number proposed in the Consultation document, being 15 units, and displayed the area allocated.

Dorothy explained that each resident has until 23rd May to provide written views either on the website or by postal letter and which will be submitted to the Borough Council in September 2013 when a decision will be made. She stressed that a collective view would count as one item of correspondence and therefore items of individual correspondence would carry greater weight.

Dorothy then explained that whilst the 15 number units cannot be reduced, they do not have to be built in one place and therefore the views of residents will be considered when positioning. She also explained that the Site Allocation Plan will last until 2028 and that the 15 units could be built over the next 15 years.

Public session questions

Q: What type of house will be built?

A: The type of housing can be determined through consultation with local residents.

Q: Is this the only preferred site in the village?

A: Yes, since 2006 when the local plan was drawn up.

Q: If Dugdale doesn’t want to sell then where else?

A: There is no other preferred site in Shustoke.

Q: Will access to the development be across green belt land that will then be at risk in future?

A: Only part of this site is open for development and access may be through green belt land however planning permission is very hard to achieve and it is not automatic that land either side of any access road will then become a development site. A site WILL NOT be allocated in the Green Belt.

Q: So access must be going to be through Back Lane or Croft Farm?

A: Access has not been discussed yet and if the consultation raises issues of access then the development might be stopped.

Q: If 15 units are deemed to be too many for that plot, is it possible that flats could be built to make best use of the land available?

A: Yes it is possible.

Q: Will the cottage be pulled down?

A: Listed buildings would not be removed.

Q: Why has this site lain dormant for so long and then have such a short deadline (by 23rd May) for comments?

A: Because there has to be a cut-off point, it can’t be consulted on indefinitely.

Q: There are conditions at Nether Whitacre re flooding but there is less detail for Shustoke, why?

A: The development boundary for North Warwickshire will change.

Q: Flooding of sewerage due to a high water table is a problem experienced not fixed for many years, what will be done?

A: Infrastructure issues will be addressed as part of the planning consultation process.

Cllr Fox spoke to those present stating that parishioners can help by creating a Neighbourhood Plan which will be a legal document and will set out the plan for the village. 51% of voters must be in favour of the final Neighbourhood Plan for it to be passed. This document then has to be taken into account in any future planning consultations. Neighbourhood Plans must conform to the overall Core Strategy but will influence where development can take place, what it will look like and cost etc.

Cllr Fox closed the public session of the meeting at 7.50pm, requesting that further questions be placed in the box at the shop which can be answered at a special meeting to be held on Monday 29th April, 7.30pm at Shustoke Village Hall. Members of the public then left the building.

  1. Shustoke School:None
  1. Co-Option of Mrs B Chandler: Mrs Chandler was welcomed by those present. Signed Declaration of Office and Declaration of Non-Pecuniary Interest were received by the clerk.
  1. Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 11th March 2013:

Having been circulated itwas proposed by Cllr Mr R Hilland seconded by CllrG Etheridge and unanimously resolved that the minutes of the meeting are a truerecord of the meeting.

  1. Matters arising from the previous minutes: None
  1. Planning: There was one new planning application for Wks 10 – 12 being:

PAP/2013/0141, 8 Croxall Drive, Shustoke: 2 storey extension.

Cllr Fox asked for comments as the neighbour of this property has raised concerns about the angles of the extension. Cllr B Coton commented that there could be daylight issues as the houses are staggered. It was resolved that the clerk pass comment to NWBC that whilst there is no formal objection we wish to raise concerns and would look for conditions that no light is lost from the neighbouring property.

No planning applications were determined during this period.

Play area assessments: it was agreed that the clerk should monitor and check.

WCC Road Safety initiative: Cllr P Fowler was unable to give further updates as thePolice had notyet been approached re hidden speed check equipment. Cllr Fowler to send an update for the next meeting. Cllr Fox asked Cllr Fowler that confirmation be sent as a record.

9. Correspondence: Issued on a separate sheet and discussed as follows –

  1. Fields in Trust: Plaque ordered
  2. WCAVA Neighbourhood Plan Funding: Forwarded to Mr G Noble
  3. WALC notice re Local Council Precept Capping – it was agreed that a comment be sent stating a preference not to cap – Clerk to action.
  4. Western Power Distribution Workshop – Cllr B Chandler expressed an interest in attending the workshop taking place in Birmingham – Clerk to book and inform.
  5. North Warwickshire Area Committee of Parish Councils – Agenda and minutes shared.
  6. WALC Subscription paperwork signed – clerk to post.
  7. WALC New Councillor and Clerk Training Event – Cllrs Chandler and Wragg to confirm to clerk whether they can attend on the date to be emailed by the clerk.

10. Parish Hall: Flies are becoming a problem. Rachel Goff to notify Cllr Fox of fly killing

equipment available to loan/purchase.

11. Sports Field: Cllr Wragg confirmed that the grass had been cut by Fountains. Discussions took place regarding the new plans received and the proposed layout of the 2 small and 1 full size football pitch. Concerns were raised about the potential number of player’s cars that could be accommodated and the nuisance caused to local residents. Concern was also raised re the direction of the pitches and the potential for inconvenience from stray footballs into resident’s gardens. It was agreed that the number of pitches be reduced to 1 full size and 1 small size and the layout be rotated away from neighbouring properties. Adjustments were also requested to proposed tree planting locations and it was agreed that the BMX trak be removed. John Poole to complete amendments and then hand over to Cllr R Hill.

A fencing repair is required on the Play Area. Cllrs G Etheridge and B Coton to attend. Cllr Fox asked whether an information sheet should be sent to all parents informing them of the vandalism problems however it could be non-residents and older youths. If the area were used more then there would be less vandalism. Cllr B Coton requested materials from Cllr Chandler to repair the bench.

12. Website: The website is developing very well. Alison asked those present to bring any ideas and views re further development of the website to the next meeting.

13. Members Reports: Cllr Etheridge asked for the Clerks findings regarding the purchase of an iPad versus a laptop. The Clerk advised that an iPad would not have the functionality required to perform the necessary tasks and this was confirmed by Cllr Wragg. It was resolved that the clerk purchase a new laptop at her earliest convenience.

14. Patient Participation Group: Cllr P Coton reported that areas of discontent are:

a)Reception Staff

b)Ring back system

c)Dirty toilets and overflowing bins in surgery

d)Music in the waiting room is awful

The surgery is closed on some Thursday afternoons – see website Clerk to add to Parish Council website.

Cllr P Coton asked whether the Healthwatch facility operated by the Citizens Advice Bureau and accessible via The Hub is working yet?

15. The Neighbourhood Plan: It was suggested that a representative from Fillongley Parish Council be invited to come and talk about their experiences in putting together their Neighbourhood Plan – pitfalls and positives.

Members of the public were excluded from the following agenda items and asked to leave the meeting.

16.Financial Reports:

The following cheque was raised and duly signed:

Cheque No. 101071 to NWBC for emptying bins and inspections £348.00

Balance at Bank on 4th April £2757.38

The clerk presented the Receipt and Payments book and the Annual Return showing the Statement of Accounts and the Annual Governance Statement for the year ending the 31st March 2012. The council studied the documents and Cllr Mrs C Fox approved the accounts and Cllr Mr B Coton seconded the proposal and the council all agreed, the documents were then signed.

A new bank mandate was signed by Cllr B Chandler, Cllr P Coton.

Date of next meeting 13thMay 2013 following the AGM.

Approved on ……………………………..…………………… 2013Minute Ref: 1/08042013

Certified: Chairman Cllr. ……………………………………………………….Page - 1 –