February 22, 2010
Present: Jeffery Alexander, President
Marion Shipman, Vice President
Derrick Smith, Treasurer
Loretta Shipman, Director
Linette Cruz, Homeowner
Mike Chmiola, Quiza Management
Diana Trankle, Recording Secretary
Call to Order:
The meeting was held at the Covington Community Center in Bowie, MD and was called to order at 7:15 p.m.
Upon the motion of Mr. Shipman and second of Ms. Shipman, the minutes of the January 25, 2010 meeting were approved as submitted.
Homeowner Comments:
Ms. Cruz was introduced to the Board and welcomed to the community. She stated that the snow plowing contractors did a good job.
Mr. Alexander and Ms. Shipman signed the paperwork authorizing a transfer of funds from the Association's reserves to the operating expenses account. The Board will review interest rates prior to the May 10, 2010 expiration of the CD at Sun Trust Bank.
Mr. Chmiola will revise the report for homeowner accounts to show credits and past due amounts and will research options of providing a more detailed report to the Board in the future. He will also obtain additional information regarding the Association's net income figure and retained earnings and relay to the Board.
The Board reviewed Michael Neall's delinquency collection status report for the period. Upon the motion of Mr. Shipman and second of Mr. Smith, the Board carried a motion to follow all of the attorney's recommendations contained in the report.
Committee Reports:
Mr. Shipman drove around the community after the blizzard and looked at all of the townhouse roads. He stated that after contacting John Roberts about the narrowness of the snow plowing, the contractor widened the area. Homeowner feedback about the snow plowing was very positive. One resident issued a complaint, but the concerns were resolved. Mr. Shipman would like notices posted on the website reminding homeowners that they should not park their vehicles on townhouse streets during snow events and that the Association is not responsible for plowing the county-owned single family area roads.
The current management report was reviewed. Mr. Chmiola reported that a hole in a door on Edenwood was repaired.
Mr. Alexander raised a question regarding a new password requirement for Board members accessing the website and also why there is a management staff picture under the Covington Manor and Townes' link. Mr. Chmiola will remedy the concerns as soon as possible and seek Board direction for future website input or changes.
With regard to each of the director's length of terms, Mr. Chmiola discovered that there are four terms up for election in 2010: Mr. Shipman's, Ms. Shipman's, Mr. Smith's, and the vacant seat previously held by Ms. Carter.
Attempts have been made to obtain community plats from Comanco, Inc. and if they are unavailable, Mr. Chmiola will contact the county or Ms. Shipman may be able to send him a copy.
The Board received additional information from Mr. Chmiola regarding an architectural request to install a storm door at 16132 Edenwood Drive and carried a vote via email to approve the application.
The Board received additional information from Mr. Chmiola regarding an architectural request to erect a wood fence at 2812 Elliston and carried a vote via email to deny the application.
No new applications were received since the January meeting.
Unfinished Business:
Mr. Simon was sent a letter regarding the ongoing issue with his satellite dish and Mr. Chmiola stated that he would place a door hanger at his residence the following day.
New Business:
The Board acknowledged that a homeowner at 2812 Elliston erected a fence on the property without obtaining an approval and that the fence is an architectural violation. The Board carried a motion made by Mr. Shipman and seconded by Ms. Shipman to send the homeowner a letter stating that the Board has been made aware of the fence violation and that it must be removed or brought into compliance within 30 days. A copy will be sent to attorney Michael Neall.
With no further business to discuss, the Board carried a motion made by Mr. Smith and seconded by Mr. Shipman to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for March 15, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted: Approved: