VBS 2014 Conference Plan for Directors & Pastors File No. 2

Administrative Leadership (Directors & Pastors)

Purpose Statement

This two-hour plan is designed to train and equip directors and pastors to conduct LifeWay’s Agency D3 VBS.

Resources to Collect

Resources to Collect

·  VBS 2014 Administrative Guide for Directors

·  VBS 2014 Jump Start Kit

·  VBS 2014 Preschool Starter Kit

·  VBS 2014 Kids Starter Kit

·  VBS 2014 Worship Rally Pack

·  VBS 2014 Supersized Backdrop

·  VBS 2014 Visual Pack Posters

Intro: Welcome Conferees to Agency Training

·  Name tags

·  Code Name Grid (Item 1)

·  Empty briefcase from VBS 2014 Jump Start Kit

1. Mission #1 - Know Your Purpose, Theme, and Bible Content

·  VBS 2014 Administrative Guide

·  Bible Verse:

o  Manila Envelope

o  Mission #1 Label and Instructions (Item 2)

o  Tape

o  5 VBS 2014 Agency D3 Magnifiers

o  5 VBS 2014 Shoe Prints

o  5 pages from VBS 2014 Notepad

o  Shoe Print Words (Item 3)

o  VBS 2014 Visual Pack

·  Bible Content:

o  Symbols, Instructions, and Codes (Item 4)

o  5 business sized white envelopes

o  Tape

o  VBS 2014 Daily Mission Insignia

2. Mission #2 – Start Planning

·  Manila Envelope

·  Mission #2 Label and Instructions (Item 2)

·  Tape

·  New Items

o  VBS 2014 Kids Evidence Kit

o  VBS 2014 Jump Start Kit

o  VBS 2014 Preschool Starter Kit

o  VBS 2014 Kids Starter Kit

o  VBS 2014 Worship Rally Pack

·  Operation Format Disguise

o  VBS 2014 Special Agent Watch

o  3 sets from the VBS 2014 Magnetic Disguise Craft Pack

o  3 magnetic cookie sheets

3. Mission #3 - Enlist and Train Your Workers

·  Manila Envelope

·  Mission #3 Label and Instructions (Item 2)

·  Tape

·  VBS 2014 Undercover Watch Craft Pack

·  Paper

·  Scissors

·  Tape

·  VBS 2014 ABC Memory Card

·  The Gospel: God’s Plan for Me booklet

4. Mission #4 - Promote and Publicize

·  Manila Envelope

·  Mission #4 Label and Instructions (Item 2)

·  Tape

5. Mission #5 - Register Participants

·  Manila Envelope

·  Mission #5 Label and Instructions (Item 2)

·  Tape

·  Q&As (Item 5)

6. Mission #6 - Continue the Connection

·  Manila Envelope

·  Mission #6 Label and Instructions (Item 2)

·  Tape

·  VBS 2014 Takin’ It Home CD

·  VBS 2014 Music for Kids CD

·  VBS 2014 Music for Preschoolers CD

·  VBS 2014 Agency D3 Family Headquarters

·  VBS 2014 Backyard Kids Club

7. Agency Director Training Test

·  2 kitchen timers

·  Secret Word (Item 6)

·  VBS 2014 Agency D3 Badge (one per conferee)

8. Debrief and Dismiss

·  No resources needed

Resources to Prepare

Intro: Welcome Conferee to Agency Training

·  Place a name tag in each chair.

·  Make copies of Code Name Grid (Item 1).

·  Place the open briefcase from VBS 2014 Jump Start Kit on table.

1. Mission #1 - Know Your Purpose, Theme, and Bible Content

·  Bible Verse:

o  Tape “Mission #1” on the outside of the manila envelope.

o  Place the Mission #1 instruction inside the envelope.

o  Stick 5 VBS 2014 Shoe Prints to the wall.

o  Cut apart the Shoe Print Words (Item 3) and tape each one to a shoe.

·  Bible Content:

o  Cut apart the Symbols, Instructions and Codes. (Item 4)

o  Tape one symbol onto the outside of each envelope.

o  Place each code into the matching business sized white envelope.

o  Scatter the envelopes around the room.

o  Gather 5 of the VBS 2014 Daily Mission Insignias:

§  Water

§  Bread

§  Cross

§  Tomb

§  Question mark

2. Mission #2 – Start Planning

·  Tape “Mission #2” on the outside of the manila envelope.

·  Place the Mission #2 instructions inside the envelope.

·  Open up 4 Kids Evidence Kits

o  Unwrap each Invisible Ink Pen.

o  Gather the 4 Evidence Logs from the Evidence Kits.

o  Use the Invisible Ink Pen to write the following on the first page of each Evidence Log:

§  Jump Start Kit

§  Preschool Starter Kit

§  Kids Starter Kit

§  Worship Rally Pack

o  Place the Pens and Evidence Logs back inside each Kids Evidence Kits.

·  Operation Format Disguise

o  Prepare 3 sets from the VBS 2014 Magnetic Disguise Craft Pack.

o  Stick one white face magnetic sheets on each of the three cookie sheets.

o  Punch out three sets of magnets from the craft pack.

3. Mission #3 - Enlist and Train Your Workers

·  Tape “Mission #3” on the outside of the manila envelope.

·  Place the Mission #3 instructions inside the envelope.

·  VBS 2014 Undercover Watch Craft Pack

·  Cut out 6 circles to fit inside the hidden compartment of the Undercover Watch Craft.

·  Print the following on each circle:

o  Prepare Your Heart

o  Get the Basic Facts from Your VBS Director

o  Plan

o  Gather and Prepare

o  Teach

o  Continue the Connection

·  Tape one circle into each hidden compartment of 6 Undercover Watch Crafts.

4. Mission #4 - Promote and Publicize

·  Tape “Mission #4” on the outside of the manila envelope.

·  Place the Mission #4 instructions inside the envelope.

5. Mission #5 - Register Participants

·  Tape “Mission #5” on the outside of the manila envelope.

·  Place the Mission #5 instructions inside the envelope.

·  Cut apart the Q&As (Items 5)

6. Mission #6 - Continue the Connection

·  Tape “Mission #6” on the outside of the manila envelope.

·  Place the Mission #6 instructions inside the envelope.

7. Agency Director Training Test

·  2 kitchen timers

·  Make 2 copies of the Secret Word (Item 6)

8. Debrief and Dismiss

·  No preparation needed.

Resources to Copy

·  Code Name Grid (Item 1) (one per conferee)

·  Handout #1 (one per conferee)

·  Handout #2 (one per conferee)

Focal Wall Description

·  Place a VBS 2014 Supersized Backdrop on the focal wall.

·  Hang the VBS 2014 Visual Pack posters around the room.

Room Setup Description

·  Arrange the chairs in a semi-circle.

·  Place copies of the handouts in each chair.

·  Cover display tables with VBS 2014 Tablecloths. Set out elements from the VBS Agency D3 Jump Start Kit, Preschool Starter Kit, and Kids Starter Kit.

Decoration Suggestions

·  The conference room should resemble a spy agency.

·  Decorate the room using a variety of resources available including Quick Scene Decoration Punch-outs, Wall Art, and Shoe Prints.

Audio Visual Needs

CD Player

DVD Player and Monitor/Projector

Teaching Steps

Intro: Welcome Conferees to Agency Director Training (10 minutes)

·  Play footage and music from Worship Rally DVD.

·  Greet conferees at the door and welcome them to Agency D3. Ask each conferee to find a seat and fill out a nametag.

·  Introduce yourself and summarize the purpose of the conference.

·  Lead the conferees in prayer, asking God to help you learn how to teach kids to discover, decide, and defend Him through this year’s VBS.

·  Say: “Thank you Recruits for your interest in becoming one of the most elite groups of people on the earth--VBS Agency Directors. Welcome to today’s intense and in-depth training session. Today, you will need to hone your investigative skills and heighten your listening, memory, and observation skills throughout the training to successfully gain the title of an Agency Director.”

·  Continue: “To proceed with today’s training, each of you must be assigned a Confidential Director Code Name.”

·  Explain the Director Code Name:

o  Tell conferees your full name again, followed by your Director Code Name.

o  Guide conferees to look at the Code Name Grid (Item 1) and try to conclude how the name was determined.

o  Ask conferees to establish their own Code Name. Instruct them to introduce themselves to 3 other Directors in the room, using only their Confidential Code Name.

o  Code:

§  Use the first letter of your first name in the first column.

§  Use the last letter of your last name in the second column.

§  For example: John Smith = Red Eagle

o  Invite each conferee to write their Code Name on their handout. Guide them to also write it on a piece of paper. Gather the papers and place them in the open briefcase.

·  Thank participants and say: “Now that we’ve met some of the other Directors, let’s begin our mission: to discover, decide, and defend the truth about Jesus.”

·  Say: “Today your Agency Director training will be divided into six missions. Your job is to analyze, understand, and complete each mission. Upon completion, you will be awarded an Agency D3 Director Badge.”

·  Refer conferees to Handout #1. Guide them to fill in the handout as they proceed with the training.

1. Mission #1 - Know Your Purpose, Theme, and Bible Content (20 minutes)

·  Purpose

o  Comment: “The first mission is to know your purpose, theme, and Bible content.” (Answer for Handout)

o  Share how it is difficult for Special Agents to accomplish a mission if they do not know the purpose and specific details of it. Likewise, it is difficult for churches to accomplish VBS if they do not know the purpose and details. Directors have the unique responsibility of helping everyone understand the purpose and the specifics of VBS.

o  Say: “The purpose of Vacation Bible School is to reach people of all ages, leading them to know and respond to Jesus Christ as led by the Holy Spirit.”

o  Emphasize that it is essential that everyone in a church understands the purpose.

·  Theme

o  Explain: “As many of you know, the theme is a fun and often inviting part of VBS.”

o  Use the following points to explain Agency D3:

§  Kids will put their investigative skills to work as they collect and log evidence about the life of Jesus.

§  As special agents, kids will examine eyewitness reports, physical proof, and biblical accounts to uncover and defend the truth about who Jesus really is.

§  Kids will discover, decide, and defend the truth about Jesus.

§  Explain how the theme incorporates both evangelism and apologetics.

·  Bible Verse

o  Comment: “Rather than a Bible verse each day, supporting Scripture will be introduced each day. The daily focus is for kids to memorize one verse.”

o  Choose one Secret Code Name from the briefcase. Ask the person to raise his hand. Hand the envelope labeled Mission #1 to the chosen conferee. Ask the conferee to read the clue aloud:

In our first mission today

You need to find clues along the way

Search the walls and find the feet

Use the magnifier so you can see

o  Explain the Mission:

§  Ask the volunteer to choose 4 other names for a total of 5 volunteers. Give each volunteer a VBS 2014 Agency D3 Magnifier (005611612), and one piece of paper from the VBS 2014 Notepad.

§  Guide the volunteers to search around the room for the VBS 2014 Shoe Prints (005545871). Ask the volunteers to use the magnifier to find the small words on the footprints. Direct them to write down the words on the paper.

§  Ask volunteers to report back to the front and determine in which order they should stand to report their findings.

§  Say: “These Directors are ready to share the Scripture for Agency D3.” Ask the volunteers to read aloud the words to the Bible verse for the week.

§  Point to the verse from the VBS 2014 Visual Pack and invite conferees to say the verse together with you: “But honor the Messiah as Lord in your hearts. Always be ready to give a defense to anyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you. 1 Peter 3:15” (HCSB)

§  Instruct conferees to fill in the missing words on the Handout. Emphasize how we are instructed to honor God by always being ready to explain why we have hope. Share that being ready is honoring God.

·  Bible Content

o  Comment that each day special agents will receive vital information at Headquarters or the Worship Rally. The first stop will be Bible Study in the Evidence Vault. In this secure setting share how kids will discover the answers to some common questions about Jesus and learn how to use the evidence to defend their faith.

o  Place the conferees into 5 groups.

o  Give one VBS 204 Daily Mission Insignia to each group. Guide them to find the envelope with the matching symbol on it in the room. Allow the group to return to their seat and decipher the code inside it.

o  Ask conferees to write each answer on the Handout.

§  Water - Day 1 - Is Jesus Really God’s Son?

§  Bread - Day 2 - Was Jesus More Than Just a Good Man?

§  Cross - Day 3 - Was Jesus’ Death Real?

§  Tomb - Day 4 - Is Jesus Alive?

§  Thumbprint - Day 5 - What Do I Do with the Evidence About Jesus?

o  Emphasize to Directors that all five days have significant meaning. Share that if their church decides to use VBS for only three or four days, they should always include the day 5 story. Explain how we would not want to introduce such important information to kids and not tell them what to do with it.

o  Conclude that kids will reinforce the evidence examined during Bible study in the vault by visiting the:

§  Lab for Crafts

§  Communication Hub for Music

§  Training Grounds for Recreation

§  Break Room for Snacks

§  Map Room for Missions

·  Kids will learn about the McGibbon Family in Canada and the Connexxions Ministry in Germany.

·  Say: “This year, the North American Mission Board is promoting “Mobilize Me,” with a goal of starting churches in major “Send Cities” in North America. The cities are located in five North American regions: Canada and the West, Midwest, South, and Northeast United States. Your church can participate by partnering in prayer or with donations to a region, city, or church. For more information about how your church can pray, give, and go through “Moblize Me,” go to http://www.namb.net/cities.”