Recommendation for NSPE Board of Directors Action
January 6, 2007 Meeting

Sawgrass, FL

NSPE Operating Boards

Recommendation #3: NICET Representative on NSPE Board of Directors

Background on Recommendation — At the October 5, 2002 meeting of the NSPE Board of Directors, a NICET/NSPE Task Force recommendation was approved to allow a P.E. member of the NICET Board of Governors to participate in future NSPE Board of Directors meetings as a non-voting observer. This action provided the first “official” opportunity for NICET to be represented within the governance structure of the corporation; and has served to strengthen the relationship between NSPE and NICET over these past four years.

At the July 10, 2006 meeting of the NSPE Board of Directors, NSPE OP-84 was amended to uphold this earlier decision to include a P.E. member of the NICET Board as an ex-officio member of the NSPE Board of Directors. However, a second recommendation to give this NICET Representative voting privileges on all matters pertaining to NICET was rejected.

The NICET Board of Governors is composed of three Licensed Engineer members of NSPE, four NICET-certified Engineering Technicians and/or Engineering Technologists, and one Public Member. It is the current practice of the NICET Board to rotate its Chairmanship annually between the Licensed Engineer members and the NICET-certified members. Therefore, the stipulation in NSPE OP-84 that only a P.E. member of the NICET Board may serve as the NICET Representative to the NSPE Board unfairly demotes the NICET-certified Engineering Technicians and Engineering Technologists who are elected to serve as the NICET Chair, and does not support the “Engineering Team” concept that has long been promoted by NSPE.

Actual Recommendation for Board Action — In view of the NSPE positions in support of the “Engineering Team” concept, and in recognition of the fact that the NICET Representative serves as an ex-officio (non-voting) member of the NSPE Board of Directors, the NICET Board of Governors recommends that NSPE OP-84 be amended (as shown) to allow the NICET Chair to serve as the designated ex-officio member of the NSPE Board of Directors to officially represent NICET.

Estimated Impact on Budget for FY 2004-05 — There is no impacton the NSPE or NICET Budgets for FY 2006-07 with approval of this action.

NSPE Operating Board Members:

Wayne D. Moore, PE, Chair

Leonel Saenz, Jr., SET, Vice Chair

James H. Wathen, PE, PLS, Recording Secretary

Danada McMurtry, Public Member

Lori A. Allison, SET

E. Terence Foster, PE

Philip L. Gaughan, SET

William M. Rivers, CT