Structure and organisationManagement structure and construction project team responsibilities, on and off site
Health and safety goals for the project and arrangements for monitoring and review of legal requirements and health and safety performance
Arrangements for training, provisionof health and safety information and site induction
Updating the Health and Safety Plan
Permits and authorisation requirements
Permits to work and commissioning arrangements
Accident and Emergency procedures
Fire Prevention and Fire Safety Plan
Arrangements for reporting and investigation of accidents and incidents including near misses under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995.
Site Rules and other restrictions on contractors, suppliers and others
Contract Requirements
Method for displaying HSE Notification, Site Rules, etc.
Client’s Rules
Client’s requirements regarding maintaining services in use
Client’s requirements regarding fire alarms and security devices
Client’s rules regarding noise generation and vibration
Client’s rules regarding working constraints
Client’s rules regarding working hours
Working hours
Access for Client’s personnel, etc.
Areas of occupation
Access for remedial works
Services isolation
Personal protection
Smoking on site
Mobile phones
Radios on site
Tidy Site
Rubbish removal
Burning on site
Breaching Compartment Walls, Floors or Fire Barriers
Hot work
Steel cutting
Use of Lasers
Working on or adjacent to a railway or public highway
Working over water
Foot and Mouth Disease
Activities on or adjacent to the site during the works
Adjacent property
Arrangements and Welfare
Arrangements for liaison between parties
Access arrangements where contracts overlap
Access arrangements where contracts overlap
Arrangementsfor provision and use of commonaccess to work places
Arrangements for provision and maintenance of temporary support structures
Contractors and Self-employed people
Arrangements for pre-commencement liaison regarding services work
Arrangements for regular liaison between parties onsite
Arrangements for the exchange of design information between the client, designers, planning supervisor and contractors on site
Arrangements for co-ordination of on-going design work and design changes (substantial, unforeseen or otherwise) during the project
Arrangements for the exchange of health and safety information between contractors
Arrangements for instructing contractors, consulting the workforce and co-ordinating the views of others
Welfare facilities in the building
Welfare facilities on site
Shared welfare facilities
Arrangements for welfare facilities provided under the Construction (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1996 and provision of first aid
HSE Information Sheets
Statutory instruments
Arrangements for the selection and control of contractors including assessing competence, resources.
Contractor design competence (Planning Supervisor assessment)
Contractor’s designer’s competence
Contractor competence
Security arrangements
Security of premises occupied or partly occupied by Client
Arrangements for security and exclusion of unauthorised people
Precautions against theft and vandalism
Precautions against “Social Hazards”
Site signage
Who or whom? / Safety risks and hazardsArrangements for the production and approval of risk assessments and method statements
Site Conditions
Site Conditions
Boundaries and access, including temporary access
Adjacent and local land uses and related restrictions
Civil aviation safeguarding clearance
Arrangements foraccommodating adjacent land use
Existing traffic systems and restrictions
Parking restrictions to be observed
Access restrictions along supply routes
Maintenance of access for emergency services
Common access
Protection of children
Arrangements for safe traffic routes and segregation of vehicles and pedestrians
Co-ordination with statutory authorities
Protection of theworks
Positioning of site access and egress points
Safe working routes
Lighting of routes accessible to the public
Site lighting
Vehicles to be safely loaded, etc.
Location of existing services
Arrangements for controlling risks from services, including temporary electrical installations
Diverting services
Conflict of services
Locating services
Exposed site services
Ground conditions
Nature of ground
Previous land uses
Contaminated land, including results of surveys
Arrangements for dealing with health risks from contaminated land
Arrangements for dealing with risks from poor ground conditions
Existing, previous and new structures
Adjacent and local buildings
Buildings since demolished
Arrangements for dealing with existing unstable structures
Existing structures – stability, or fragile materials
Roof lightsand roof work
Arrangements for work with or near fragile materials
Forming holes through masonry
Arrangements for preventing trips and falls
Working at heights
Objects and peoplefalling
Protection of people below work area
Arrangements for controlling lifting operations
Arrangements for providing and maintaining plant and equipment
Arrangements for reducing noise and vibration
Health and safety risks andhazards
Aspergillus Fungus infection
Health hazards to other occupants of the premises
Health risks arising from client’s activities
Dangerous domestic or other animals
Existing storage of hazardous materials
Existing structure’s hazardous materials
Private sewers and underground ductwork – entry into confined spaces
Fuel installations
Arrangements for storage of hazardous materials
Arrangements for dealing with health risks when using hazardous substances
Asbestos, includingresults of surveys
Asbestos notknown to exist in building
Health risks arising from removal of asbestos
Health risks arising from removal of asbestos
Dust and fumes
Dust in the ceiling void
Shaping holesthrough suspended fire curtains
Health risks arisingfrom manual handling
Heavy materials orplant
Materials storage
Arrangements for storageand distribution of materials
Stressing the structure
Controlled waste
Arrangements for controlling other significant health and safety risks
The health and safety risks and hazards require further clarification and input from the on-site safety advisor – Nigel Reeves