Ghent/Belgium, 23 / 01 / 2014

InterSOLUTION 2014:

6th edition of the trade fair for solar energy

On Wednesday 15, Thursday 16 and Friday 17 January 2014, Delfico held the 6th edition of InterSOLUTION – the trade fair for solar energy in the Benelux - at Flanders Expo in Ghent, Belgium.
In spite of the difficult market conditions in the Benelux, InterSOLUTION remained true to its mission of providing a positive forum for companies in this young sector. Thermal solar energy systems, solar boilers and heat pumps were particularly well represented among the products showcased by the exhibitors.

Positive signal

Delphine Martens, Exhibition Manager van InterSOLUTION: Challenging market conditions in the Benelux prompted us as fair organisers to use the InterSOLUTION trade fair to send out a deliberate positive signal to the solar energy sector. This young sector is in the middle of a transitional phase, and the years ahead look set for renewed healthy growth now that there is finally clarity about returns on investment without subsidies. In actual fact, solar energy deserves to have its own positive platform. 65 exhibitors put a lot of enthusiastic effort into supporting the 6th edition of the trade fair.”

InterSOLUTION opened its doors to 2,648 high-quality visitors with a strong delegation yet again from the Netherlands (28%) who joined visitors from 19 other countries (Luxembourg, Germany, Italy, Israel, Spain, France, Cameroon, UK, Switzerland, Malaysia, Bulgaria, Poland, Latvia, Tunisia, Lebanon, Taiwan, Turkey, Morocco and Romania) (21 in total). We can safely say that those who visited the fair believe in the future of the sector and came with the purpose of seeking out information fromexhibitors. Installers, electricians, contractors, roofers and other professionals visited the fair in search of information and to keep abreast with the latest innovations in the market.

New legislation in Flanders

Prospects look good for the solar energy sector in Flanders thanks to the new legislation that went into force on 1 January 2014. Each new home in Flanders must now include a minimum amount of renewable energy in their electricity supply. This could be for example solar panels, solar boilers or heat pumps. The solar energy market is on course for a sunny and healthy future.

A selection of the new products and innovations on show

You can find a selection of the products and innovations with accompanying photos of the stands on the InterSOLUTION website:

A few highlights:

• SMA: Webconnect & Sunny Home Manager

• Building Energy: 100% home-generated electricity with heat from photovoltaic thermal panels (PV/T)

• Unger: solar panel cleaning

• Van Marcke: Kaliko De Dietrich, heat pump boiler distributed exclusively by Van Marcke

• Mersen: Greeneye + Greenbrain system, total safety for photovoltaic installations

• Elsingor: E-PAC, Belgian innovations

• Krannich Solar: IRFTS Easy Roof system, in-roof mounting system for solar panels

• Stafco: environmentally-friendly nickel-iron battery has made a comeback

• Multi-Contact: new PV connector MC4-EVO-AC

• Cleantec trade: poly from Taiwan

• Vlejy: Blu Sky solar boiler systems and components

• Carbomat: Smartflower

• De Hoeve Multipower & Belux Multipower: Studer VarioString
• Solar-Future: CTC heat pumps
• Power-One: Trio, new transformers
• Project Zero: solar heat pump
• Solar1: CIGS panels by Stion and TSMC

Info sessions

Well-attended information sessions were held in the conference room of the trade fair during InterSOLUTION 2014. The topics covered included the future of the solar energy sector.


•  The PV market in Belgium (Flanders, Wallonia, Brussels)

•  The new green energy certificates… and what about the net compensation?

•  Compulsory renewable energy in new buildings: easy with solar panels

•  Making the most of your PV installation

•  Compulsory take back of solar panels: PV

•  SMA Smart Home: How to make the most of the energy generated by a domestic solar energy installation.

•  Building Energy: 100 % home-generated electricity and heat with photovoltaic thermal panels (PV/T)

•  The photovoltaic market in Wallonia

•  Power your independence. Working together for 100% local and sustainable energy.

Summary of the sector

InterSOLUTION provides a summary of the sector: a current overview of solar cells, PV modules, thermal, solar boilers, solar collectors, solar panels, transformers, wiring, production equipment, mounting systems and system parts.
Visitors are active in the following sectors: architecture, construction and building, installation, electricity, roofing, plumbing, heating, lighting, sanitary facilities, pools, banks, public services, engineering firms, etc.

The 2015 edition

The next edition of InterSOLUTION will take place between Wednesday 28 and Friday 30.01.15, once again at Flanders Expo in Ghent.

You will find more information at:



You will be able to consult the statistics for this edition on the fair’s website in a few weeks’ time. We are currently going through all the visitor information personally and by hand, which guarantees the quality of the database but means that processing takes a little longer.

Visual material (high resolution photos of the 2014 edition):

Downloadable from under press > visual material

More press info:

Bart Spiessens, Press Relations

Tel.: 0032 473 894 220,

Fair organisers:

DELFICO bvba, Maaltebruggestraat 300, B-9000 Gent

Tel.: + 32 (0) 9 385 77 19 - Fax: + 32 (0) 9 385 77 18