September 23, 2013

A meeting of the Council of the College was held at 4:00 p.m. in the Park Center Hall of Fame Room. Council members present were Linda May Armstrong, Katherine Compagni, Renee James, Margaret Perfetti, Joan Robinson, Marie Rumsey, and LeighMarie Weber.

Excused: Thomas Gallagher, Bruce Tytler

Also attending were President Erik J. Bitterbaum, Ms. Kimberly Pietro, Dr. Mark Prus,

Mr. C. Gregory Sharer, Dr. Jeffrey Walkuski, and Mr. Fred Pierce.


Ralph Carrasquillo, Director, Residence Life, provided a tour of Dragon Hall.


Vice Chair Linda Armstrong called the meeting to order at 4:15 p.m. She noted T. Gallagher is in Houston with his son.

Vice Chair Armstrong asked if there were additions or corrections to the minutes of April 22, 2013. L. Weber moved to accept the minutes as submitted, J. Robinson seconded; all in favor.


President Bitterbaum reported that Dragon Hall is projected to have 224 beds. A tour of the renovated Dowd Fine Arts Building and Bowers will be scheduled for Council once open. The Student Life Center is slated to open December 2014 or early 2015. All construction projects are currently on schedule.

Enrollment remains strong. Dr. Bitterbaum reported on the successful transfer student enrollment (100 more students than expected) and noted Admissions will need to re-evaluate how many students to accept because Cortland is becoming more and more popular.

Jets Camp was very successful but numbers were down from last year. Final numbers are not yet available regarding the economic impact of Jets Camp.

Dr. Bitterbaum spoke about the Governor’s Start Up New York program—designed to encourage business to come to New York; Open SUNY—designed to offer adult learners more opportunity to return to college; and SUNY Works—designed to connect what we do on campus with workforce development.

He also shared that SUNY Cortland is participating in the NYS Master Teacher Program which seeks to “identify, reward, and support master teachers throughout New York State.” Selected master teachers will serve as professional mentors and will receive a $15,000 stipend per year over four years for participation in the program mentoring the next generation of STEM teachers.


Provost Prus spoke briefly about graduate enrollment numbers and how those increased numbers help support the total enrollment figure and the College’s budget. The Master’s programs in Communication Disorders and Sciences and Sustainable Energy have larger than anticipated enrollments as new programs.


Chair Walkuski reported that the Faculty Senate has met twice this semester. Discussion has focused on the policy for foreign language credit and seamless transfer. The Senate will also be focusing on policies and procedures related to faculty (open meeting October 1); shared governance; and limited discussion in response to the IG’s report that was published June 2013. The Review of Governance Committee is also looking at the structure of the Senate.


Ms. Weber reported that a Club Fair was held last week; upcoming events include Fall Fest, the Second Annual Halloween Party, the Winter Formal, a Going Away Celebration for Khalia Brown, and a Holiday Party. SGA is contemplating changing the name for Cortland Nites to recognize Michael Holland. Ms. Weber also spoke about her study abroad experience in Ghana and reported that she is currently interning as the Study Abroad Coordinator for the International Studies Office.


President Bitterbaum asked Council members if there are particular topics they would be interested in having presented as a future program this academic year. He suggested that topics might include an update from each of the three Deans regarding their respective School or a program on social media. Council members were asked to contact L. Barton if there are topics of interest. In the meantime, Barton will compile a list of programs conducted in the most recent past for Council’s review. [Attached.]


Vice Chair Armstrong reported that this year’s ACT Conference is scheduled October 18-20, 2013 and will be held at the Gideon Putnam in Saratoga Springs. President Bitterbaum will attend as will Council members T. Gallagher, K. Compagni, M. Perfetti, and J. Robinson.

K. Compagni agreed to serve as the Council’s ACT designee. Gallagher to follow-up as appropriate.


Victor Siegle is this year’s honoree and will be recognized at the College Community Appreciation Award dinner this Friday, September 27, 2013. Margaret Perfetti agreed to MC the event in Gallagher’s absence. Armstrong requested Perfetti convey regrets for those Council members unable to attend this year’s dinner.


L. Armstrong opened the floor for nominations. Nominations were received for Linda Armstrong as Vice Chair; Katherine Compagni as Secretary. Both accepted nomination.

M. Perfetti moved that Linda Armstrong serve as 2013-14 Vice Chair and Katherine Compagni serve as 2013-14 Secretary. All in favor, motion carried.

Election results:

Vice Chair: Linda Armstrong

Secretary: Katherine Compagni


Council members were asked to share their preference for committee assignments. Preferences were noted and assignments made per the attached listing.


Bitterbaum indicated there are currently two openings on the College Council which should be filled sometime this year.

K. Compagni asked about the IG’s report that was recently highlighted in the Dragon Chronicle. Bitterbaum indicated this is a personnel issue and campus officials are not at liberty to share anything more.

J. Robinson asked if there were still plans to conduct a College Council orientation for new members; Barton to set up. Orientation will include an overview from the President and detailed information from each of the Vice Presidents. [Now scheduled Monday, November 4, 2013.]

R. James made a motion to adjourn; second by L. Weber; all in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 4:50 p.m.

NEXT MEETING: Monday, January 27, 2014.

Laurie Barton

Recording Secretary