Pen Pal Lesson Plan

Objectives: SWBAT use proper letter writing skills and be able to address a letter. SWBAT write multiple paragraphs using a topic sentence, supporting sentences, and a conclusion. SWBAT locate a given city on a map of Oregon. While working on all of these skills, students will be learning how to get to know someone through letters and will possible meet a life long friend.


Pen Pals from another school

Maps of Oregon

Writing paper



Mailbox (optional)


1. Introduce Pen Pals by having students locate Hillsboro and Gresham on an Oregon map. Pass one map out to each group for them to share. Have overheads of map and have students come up to overhead and mark on map where the cities are located.

2. Brainstorm with students information that they would like to share about themselves to their Pen Pal. Write ideas on overhead and have students copy ideas into writing workshop spiral.

3. Brainstorm with students questions that they could ask their Pen Pal to learn a little about them as well.

4. Discuss with students that there are many different formats for writing letters, but that we will be using the “friendly letter” format. Also discuss today’s new form of writing letters through e-mail.

5. On a poster board size piece of notebook paper, begin writing a letter to show students the format. Have the students walk you through the steps such as heading, date, proper paragraph formatting, and salutation.

6. Have students begin their letter in their writing workshop spiral using the information gathered through the brainstorming activity.

7. Proof read rough drafts and then have students either type or hand write final draft.

Addressing Envelopes

1. On the overhead draw an envelope. Explain to students the difference between “mailing address” and “return address” and show them where they are to be written. Then show students where you place the stamp.

2. Pass out an envelope to each student. Show them how to fold the envelope so there are sections that they can use as guides.

3. When students have finished their letters, have them put their letters into the class mailbox to be sent off in the mail.

Extended Activities

1. Make a scavenger hunt using the Pen Pals school web page and have the students look for specified things on their web site.

2. Before Winter Break have students make gifts for their Pen Pals.

3. Have students make their own envelope and stationary to use.

4. Take a field trip to the local Post Office.