The Public Service Announcement
The Media Assignment
/50 marks
Part 1: The ProposalDue:Learning Goals:
I understand…
the audience and techniques used to target certain demographic(s) through media
public service announcement film techniques and their rhetorical use
tone and mood and the significance in creating meaning through message
Letter Structure
You will write a proposal letter to a production/broadcasting company pitching your idea for a public service announcement that is no longer than 30 seconds. Your letter must be one page (single spaced) or two pages (double spaced).
- Address the company responsible for production or broadcasting (To: Canadian Broadcast Television)
- Explain your proposal and how your public service announcement relates to you as a consumer of that media. (How do you feel it will reach the demographic you are aiming for? Suggest an appropriate air time in relationship to your message.)
- Discuss the repercussions of such a campaign. What is the purpose? Who is the audience? What is the message? What rhetorical strategies are used to convince the audience? (Ethos, Pathos and Logos) What is the tone and mood of the ad?
- Refer to one specific company that would endorse your message. For example, if you chose to propose an anti-drug public service announcement, you could use a non-profit organization, such as MADD.
- Include a short paragraph about this endorsement organization and how their work is beneficial to the idea or service you are selling. Use direct quotation from that company’s website to legitimize and support your proposal. (Children’s AID states, “2000 youth will use or abuse substances this year,” which demonstrates a strong need for an advertisement against drugs)
- Cite your direct quotations by including a works cited. (Follow the in class example for structure)
Success Criteria and Evaluation / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Your demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the power of the media by identifying the purpose, audience, and success of your advertisement.
You clearly and insightfully outlined your position using proof from the ad to support how it impacts and influences its audience by targeting your demographic.
You provide substantial evidence that the advertisement will be effective by pitching the mood, and tone of the ad.
Your source is a legitimate non-profit organization that supports your position and is correctly cited using MLA format.
You have included the website’s URL and date.
Your communication is clear, structured and demonstrates a well thought-out position outlining your ideas for your public service announcement.
/25 marks
Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4You demonstrate a limited understanding of the ideas, techniques and skills and have difficulty communicating them in your written and creative work. / You demonstrate some understanding of the ideas, techniques and skills and can communicate them in your written and creative work. / You demonstrate a good understanding of the ideas, techniques and skills and can articulately communicate them in your written and creative work. / You fully understand the ideas, techniques and skills and can articulately and thoroughly communicate them in your written and creative work.
Evaluation Legend
You must follow your instructions exactly, read and include your success criteria, and submit organized work to achieve a level 3-4. A Level 4 will exceed the expectations with higher level thinking, elevated and cohesive writing, and a thorough demonstration of key concepts, techniques and skills.
Part 2: The Storyboard Due:A Visual Pitch: You will create a visual storyboard for your public service announcement.
Your goal is to capture the main spots of the short film and the main ideas presented. From reading your storyboard, I should be able to envision your public service announcement. Each change in the camera shot or action should be represented on a different frame of the storyboard. Include an image to represent the scene, paired with a detailed description of the action. Use the space below to draft your ideas, your final storyboard should appear on the separate hand-out.
Your storyboard will have a minimum of 12 different slides to effectively portray the PSA.
Success Criteria and Evaluation / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4You thoroughly explain your vision for the advertisement with a clearly communicated description of each frame.
Your visual representation is thorough and consistent and provides as much detail as possible for each frame.
Your advertisement directly relates to a message and maturely and effectively explores the theme of that message with insight.
Your storyboard is visually effective, (colour, consistency, aesthetics) and depicts the proposal outlined in your letter.
You have successfully considered your audience and created an effective PSA for your purposes.
/25 marks