Session A.1213
Instructor:Jennifer Britton
Office Hours:M-R:8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.
M-R:1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
F:8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
*NOTE: If I am not able to be in my office during these hours, I will post notices on my office door and/or in Atlas, My Courses Announcements.
Textbooks:Grassroots with Readings by Susan Fawcett
Materials: Notebook/Folder
#2 pencils
a good eraser
8 ½ x 11” notebook paper
Small stapler
Description:This is a 3-hour course in advanced writing for non-native speakers of English. The purpose of this course is to prepare students for entry into Freshman Composition I, ENC 1101 and to develop two College Level Academic Skills: essay development skills and essay- and sentence-level editing skills.
To pass this course, the student must have a C- or higher average in all course work and pass the departmental final examination with a grade of C- or higher.
Classroom Policies:
Attendance:Attendance will be taken by a sign-in sheet. Make sure that you sign the attendance sheet every class meeting. Your signature on the attendance sheet will document your attendance on that date. You may be withdrawn from class after you have missed five (5) class meetings.
This class has daily quizzes, so attendance will be taken by a completed quiz. This quizzes may NOT be made up, so if you are absent you will earn a zero for that quiz.
Late Arrivals and Early Departures: Come to class on time and leave when class is dismissed. Being habitually late and/or leaving early is disruptive to the class. If you make a habit of being tardy and/or leaving early, you may be withdrawn from class. See the sections entitled Classroom Conduct and Three-time Rulefor information about the consequences of disruptive behavior.
NOTE: You are 100% responsible for obtaining materials, assignments, information that you miss if you are absent from or late to class.
Course Communication: I will be using Atlas tools to communicate with you outside of class time. These tools are available under the “My Courses” tab in Atlas. The tools include
Atlas e-mail: I will use this to communicate to individual students and to communicate to the class as a whole.
Atlas Announcements: I will use this tool to inform and/or remind students of important information, such as changes in dates/times of assessments,assignments,office hours.
Atlas Course Files: I will use this tool to create a record of all that we do in the course. The syllabus, handouts, homework assignments, etc. will be posted there and will remain there until the end of the term. Therefore, if you are absent, you can go to the course files for this course and find out what you missed and/or what the homework is.
Classroom Conduct:This is a college classroom, and you and your classmates are here to develop college-level reading proficiency and vocabulary. Therefore, workplace behavior, including dress, is required: behaviors that hinder (block, interrupt) instruction and/or create a negative classroom atmosphere will not be tolerated. If you are doing anything “to impair, interfere with, or obstruct the orderly conduct, processes, and functions of the college,” you may be referred to the Dean of Communications and/or the West Campus Provost. Refer to the “Student Code of Conduct” for more information:
Three-time Rule: In this course, I am going to follow what I call the “three-time rule”: if you do something to interfere with the progress of the class, at the first instance, I will tell you to stop that behavior. If you continue to act disruptively, then I will ask you to leave and not return until you have met with the Dean of Communications (Dr. Elizabeth Renn) or the Dean of Counseling. Subsequent disruptive behavior will lead to your being withdrawn from the course.
Plagiarism: Plagiarismis cheating by copying another person’s work in whole or in part and putting your name on the copied work and/or allowing another student to copy your work. Plagiarism is not tolerated in this class. I expect all the writing you turn in for a grade to be your own work. If you turn in someone else’s work (including essays/paragraphs, homework, and/or tests/quizzes)and put your name on that work, here are the consequences if I find evidence that you have indeed plagiarized:
- The first instance of proven plagiarism will result in your receiving an F for the assessment.
- The second instance of plagiarism will result in an F in the course.
- Proven cheating on the final exam/state competency exam (whether it is the first or second instance) will result in an automatic F in the course.
- It is the student’s responsibility to keep his/her answer sheet covered during objective tests. Failure to keep an answer sheet covered will be considered as aiding cheating. Such behavior will lead to the consequences stated earlier in this note. To discourage cheating, multiple test forms are used for each objective test. Thus, if you copy from another’s answer sheet, you will likely be copying a wrong answer.
Lab: Lab work is required in all EAP courses. Your lab work in this course consists of a variety of work, including but not limited to timed writing assignments, attending skill workshops, using on-line grammar/editing websites, writing journal entries, and consulting with Writing Center consultants.
Late Work, Make-up Work: Nolate work will be accepted. All homework assignments are due at the time stated on the course calendar. If you are absent on the date an assignment is due, you may send that assignment to me via e-mail prior to the beginning of the class during which it is due. If you miss an assessment (Practice Final Exam Writing Assessment or Editing Assessment, excluding the mid-term and final exams), I will count the next assessment twice. If you miss the mid-term and/or final exams, you will earn a zero(s) for the missed exam(s).
Final Exam: The final exam is a writing exam that requires you to read a short passage and then respond to one of two questions. Your response must be in a paragraph or essay of at least 250 to 300 words. Your response will be graded on its organization, support, grammatical correctness, and ability to communicate. If you fail the essay portion of the exam and you have a C or higher average in the course, you will be eligible to retest. If you do not pass the written retest and this semester is your first attempt at this course, then you must repeat the course. If you are repeating this course, you may be eligible to take the Intensive Writing Tutorial (IWT) instead of repeating the course. Let me know if you are repeating EAP 1640.
Course Grades:
Timed Writings= 25%
Journals and Editing Quizzes= 25%
Mid-term and Final Exams= 50%
Letter Grade Conversions of Points:
A = 90 to 100
B = 80 to 89
C = 70 to 79
D = 60 to 69
F = 0 to 59
Grades of D and F are NOT passing.
Writing Standards: Writing assessments will be evaluated according to four indicators indicated in Valencia’s “Rubric for the Assessment of Written Communication” (Meaning and Development, Organization, Language, and Conventions) and the four levels of achievement. The aim of this course is to help students approachand/or reachthe “Competent” level of achievement in all four indicators.
Rewriting: Assignments may be rewritten. You may rewrite each assignment ONCE. Rewrites may earn a maximum of 5 additional points added to the original grade.
Important Note: Valencia College is interested in making sure all our students have a rewarding and successful college experience. To that purpose, Valencia students can get immediate help with issues dealing with stress, anxiety, depression, adjustment difficulties, substance abuse, time management as well as relationship problems dealing with school, home or work. BayCare Behavioral Health Student Assistance Program (SAP) services are free to all Valencia students and available 24 hours a day by calling (800) 878-5470. Free face-to-face counseling is also available.
Disclaimer: The instructor reserves the right to change specific dates and/or times stated in this syllabus and issue a revised syllabus if necessary.
Important Dates:
05/22/2013Mid-term Examination